The integration of Tomcat 8.0 and Solr 8.0 linux

Posted by webtech123 on Mon, 11 Nov 2019 19:27:17 +0100

Reprint: / article / details / 89407754

First, create an empty folder to facilitate the management of tomcat, solr and solr data source management;

2. Install tomcat and solr, and wear an empty folder solrHome


3. Copy the files under server → solr webApp → webApp in the solr installation package to the solr folder created under tomcat → webApp.


#Enter webapp of tomcat
cd /home/apache-tomcat-8.5.39/webapps
#Create solr folder
mkdir solr
#Enter solr
cd /home/apache-tomcat-8.5.39/webapps/solr
#Copy all files and folders in / home/solr-8.0.0/server/solr-webapp/webapp to the current folder
cp -r /home/solr-8.0.0/server/solr-webapp/webapp .

4. Copy the corresponding jar under the server to the tomcat → webApp → solr → WEB_INF → lib folder (there are many jars, so I will not use the figure above)

cd /home/apache-tomcat-8.5.39/webapps/solr/WEB-INF/lib
# Copy all jar packages in / home/solr-8.0.0/server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib / *
cp -r /home/solr-8.0.0/server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar .


V. configure web.xml under tomcat → webApp → solr → WEB_INF

1. Add configuration (specify the location of Solr data source < the directory where Solr starts solr.xml):



2. Comment the configuration (to prevent tomcat 403 problem)


        <web-resource-name>Disable TRACE</web-resource-name>
        <web-resource-name>Enable everything but TRACE</web-resource-name>


6. Copy the configuration file under server resources file in solr installation package to tomcat webApp solr web inf classes folder (if there is no classes folder, please create

cd /home/apache-tomcat-8.5.39/webapps/solr/WEB-INF

#Class creation does not exist
mkdir classes

cd classes
#Copy everything in the / home/solr-8.0.0/server/resources / folder to the current directory
cp -r /home/solr-8.0.0/server/resources/* .

#You need to modify the two configuration files starting with log4j2 respectively. You need to change all ${sys:solr.log.dir} to your own specified real path

#It is to specify a folder to store log s


7. Copy all files under solr → server to solrHome folder


cd /home/solrHome

cp -r /home/solr-8.0.0/server/* .

8. Start tomcat and visit http://hostname:8080/solr/index.html to verify whether the configuration is successful.


Topics: solr Tomcat Apache xml