The logic of the algorithm program of lucky wheel lottery
Recently encountered a demand, to achieve a function similar to a large rotary table lottery, you need to customize the awards, the winning probability of each award, the maximum number of sweepstakes on that day, the cost of sweepstakes, etc. Share a simple java code implementation ideas, there are shortcomings thank you for your correction.
Preliminary method
First define several prizes, such as:
- iphone 10%
- 30% chance of winning in 100 yuan shopping volume
- 50% chance of winning the prize in 10 yuan shopping volume
The total winning rate is 10% + 30% + 50% = 90%
The remaining 10% are thank you for your patronage
Design ideas
This is to allocate all commodities to the array according to the probability
- A[0] = iphone
- A[1] = iphone
- A[2] = iphone
- ...
A[10] = iphone
- A[11] = 100 yuan shopping volume
- A[12] = 100 yuan shopping volume
Then random a number from 0 to 99, for example, now the random number is 2
Then A[2] is the winning product A[2] = iphone
//Define winning rate denominator% int probabilityCount = 100; String[] prizesId = new String[probabilityCount]; //Get product list List<AdPrizeInfo> prizeInfoList = prizeInfoService.getPrizeInfo(); int num = 0; //Cycle all items for (AdPrizeInfo prize : prizeInfoList) { Integer probability = prize.getOdds(); //Cycle commodity probability for (int i = 0; i < probability; i++) { prizesId[num] = prize.getId(); num ++; } } //A random number int index = (int) (Math.random() * probabilityCount); //Get random item ID String prizeId = prizesId[index];
optimization method
Design ideas
If the above methods are of high probability, they are memory hungry. The sorting and optimization methods are as follows:
Use range algorithm
//Define winning rate denominator% int probabilityCount = 100; //Minimum probability String min = "min"; //Maximum probability String max = "max"; Integer tempInt = 0; //Items to be won Map<String,Map<String,Integer>> prizesMap = new HashMap<>(); //Get product list List<AdPrizeInfo> prizeInfoList = prizeInfoService.getPrizeInfo(); for (AdPrizeInfo prize : prizeInfoList) { Map<String,Integer> oddsMap = new HashMap<>(); //Minimum probability oddsMap.put(min,tempInt); tempInt = tempInt + prize.getOdds(); //Maximum probability oddsMap.put(max,tempInt); prizesMap.put(prize.getId(),oddsMap); } //Random number int index = (int) (Math.random() * probabilityCount); AdPrizeInfo prizeInfo = null; Set<String> prizesIds = prizesMap.keySet(); for(String prizesId : prizesIds){ Map<String,Integer> oddsMap = prizesMap.get(prizesId); Integer minNum = oddsMap.get(min); Integer maxNum = oddsMap.get(max); //Check whether index is in the middle of commodity probability if(minNum <= index && maxNum > index){ prizeInfo = prizeInfoService.selectByPrimaryKey(prizesId); break; } } //If it's empty, it won't win if(prizeInfo == null){ prizeInfo = null; }