The pit encountered by android integration sharesdk cannot return to app, etc

Posted by Thikho on Tue, 10 Dec 2019 18:14:37 +0100

After sharesdk integration, I encountered a problem sharing to wechat and friends circle. When I clicked back, I found that I couldn't go back to the app

    private void sharedToThirdPlatform() {
        OnekeyShare oks = new OnekeyShare();
        //Close sso authorization
        // Title title, wechat, QQ, QQ space and other platforms
        oks.setTitle("My title");
        // titleUrl QQ and QQ space jump links
        // Text is shared text, which is required by all platforms
        oks.setText("shock,sharesdk It turns out...");
        // imagePath is the network path of the picture. No thumbnail is set
        // imagePath is the local path of the picture, which is supported by platforms other than linked in
//            oks.setImagePath("");
        // url use jump address in wechat, Weibo, Facebook and other platforms
        // Comment is my comment on this sharing, which is only used on
        oks.setComment("I'm the test comment text");

        oks.setShareContentCustomizeCallback(new ShareContentCustomizeCallback() {
            public void onShare(Platform platform, Platform.ShareParams shareParams) {
                if (Wechat.NAME.equals(platform.getName())) {
        // Launch sharing GUI;

Later, set the startup mode of WXEntryActivity to Android: launchmode = "single task" according to the online method

        <!--Wechat share callback -->
            android:screenOrientation="portrait" />

But although it can return to the app, there is another problem. The app can't be operated. It covers a layer of interface and needs to click the physical return key once to operate

None of the callback methods with sharesdk executed. I guess this layer of interface is WXEntryActivity, because it is executed in the wechat development document, and I think I will finally follow this type of method. Then I tried to print it in the callback method of WXEntryActivity. Finally, I found that this was true. After sharing successfully, click to return to app baseResp.getType=2

And then there's the problem

    public void onResp(BaseResp baseResp) {
       switch (baseResp.getType()){
           case 2:          //Wechat share successfully returns the callback of app


Judge type. If = = 2, the sharing is successful. At this time, finish the transparent WXEntryActivity interface. Then the app can operate


In addition, attach the configuration in the build.gradle file under the app

apply plugin: 'com.mob.sdk'

MobSDK {
    appKey "xxxxxxx"          //Self registration generated
    appSecret "xxxxxxxxxx"    //Self registration generated

    ShareSDK {
        devInfo {     
            WechatMoments {                  //Wechat Moments
                appKey "Apply to wechat open platform"
                appSecret "Apply to wechat open platform"
                callbackUri ""
                shareByAppClient true

            Wechat {                        //WeChat
                appId "Apply to wechat open platform"
                appSecret "Apply to wechat open platform"
                userName "gh_afb25ac019c9"
                path "pages/index/index.html?id=1"
                withShareTicket true
                shareByAppClient true    
                miniprogramType 2
                bypassApproval false   



Topics: Mobile Android network Gradle SDK