Thoroughly understand Events in Kubernetes

Posted by new_to_php2004 on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 12:01:33 +0100

Hello, I'm Zhang Jintao.

I wrote an article before More elegant Kubernetes cluster event measurement scheme , Jaeger uses tracing to collect and display events in Kubernetes cluster. The final effect is as follows:

When I wrote that article, I set up a flag to introduce the principle in detail. It's been a long time. Now it's the end of the year, and it's time to send it out.

Eents overview

Let's take a simple example to see what events are in the Kubernetes cluster.

Create a new namespace called moelove, and then create a deployment called redis in it. Next, look at all the events in this namespace.

(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl create ns moelove
namespace/moelove created
(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove create deployment redis 
deployment.apps/redis created
(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove get deploy
redis   1/1     1            1           11s
(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove get events
LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON              OBJECT                        MESSAGE
21s         Normal   Scheduled           pod/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr    Successfully assigned moelove/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr to kind-worker3
21s         Normal   Pulling             pod/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr    Pulling image ""
15s         Normal   Pulled              pod/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr    Successfully pulled image "" in 6.814310968s
14s         Normal   Created             pod/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr    Created container redis
14s         Normal   Started             pod/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr    Started container redis
22s         Normal   SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/redis-687967dbc5   Created pod: redis-687967dbc5-27vmr
22s         Normal   ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/redis              Scaled up replica set redis-687967dbc5 to 1

However, we will find that kubectl get events are not arranged in the order of events by default, so we often need to add the -- sort by = '{. Metadata. Creationtimestamp}' parameter to make its output arranged by time.

That's why kubernetes v1 The reason why the kubectl alpha events command will be added in version 23. I was in the previous Article "K8S ecological weekly | Kubernetes v1.23.0 officially released, list of new features" It has been described in detail in, so it will not be expanded here.

After sorting by time, you can see the following results:

(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove get events --sort-by='{.metadata.creationTimestamp}'
LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON              OBJECT                        MESSAGE
2m12s       Normal   Scheduled           pod/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr    Successfully assigned moelove/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr to kind-worker3
2m13s       Normal   SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/redis-687967dbc5   Created pod: redis-687967dbc5-27vmr
2m13s       Normal   ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/redis              Scaled up replica set redis-687967dbc5 to 1
2m12s       Normal   Pulling             pod/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr    Pulling image ""
2m6s        Normal   Pulled              pod/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr    Successfully pulled image "" in 6.814310968s
2m5s        Normal   Created             pod/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr    Created container redis
2m5s        Normal   Started             pod/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr    Started container redis

Through the above operations, we can find that events is actually a resource in the Kubernetes cluster. When the resource state in the Kubernetes cluster changes, new events can be generated.

Drill down to Events

Single Event object

Since events is a resource in the Kubernetes cluster, its metadata Name should contain its name for individual operations. So we can output its name with the following command:

(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove get events --sort-by='{.metadata.creationTimestamp}' -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n"}{end}'

Select any event record and output it to YAML format for viewing:

(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove get events redis-687967dbc5-27vmr.16c4fb7bde8c69d2 -o yaml
action: Binding
apiVersion: v1
eventTime: "2021-12-28T19:31:13.702987Z"
firstTimestamp: null
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod
  name: redis-687967dbc5-27vmr
  namespace: moelove
  resourceVersion: "330230"
  uid: 71b97182-5593-47b2-88cc-b3f59618c7aa
kind: Event
lastTimestamp: null
message: Successfully assigned moelove/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr to kind-worker3
  creationTimestamp: "2021-12-28T19:31:13Z"
  name: redis-687967dbc5-27vmr.16c4fb7bde8c69d2
  namespace: moelove
  resourceVersion: "330235"
  uid: e5c03126-33b9-4559-9585-5e82adcd96b0
reason: Scheduled
reportingComponent: default-scheduler
reportingInstance: default-scheduler-kind-control-plane
source: {}
type: Normal

You can see that it contains a lot of information. We won't expand it here first. Let's look at another example.

Events in kubectl describe

We can perform the describe operation on the Deployment object and Pod object respectively, and the following results can be obtained (the intermediate output is omitted):

  • Operation on Deployment
(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove describe deploy/redis                
Name:                   redis
Namespace:              moelove
  Type    Reason             Age   From                   Message
  ----    ------             ----  ----                   -------
  Normal  ScalingReplicaSet  15m   deployment-controller  Scaled up replica set redis-687967dbc5 to 1
  • Operation on Pod
(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove describe pods redis-687967dbc5-27vmr
Name:         redis-687967dbc5-27vmr                                                                 
Namespace:    moelove
Priority:     0
  Type    Reason     Age   From               Message
  ----    ------     ----  ----               -------
  Normal  Scheduled  18m   default-scheduler  Successfully assigned moelove/redis-687967dbc5-27vmr to kind-worker3
  Normal  Pulling    18m   kubelet            Pulling image ""
  Normal  Pulled     17m   kubelet            Successfully pulled image "" in 6.814310968s
  Normal  Created    17m   kubelet            Created container redis
  Normal  Started    17m   kubelet            Started container redis

We can find that when we describe different resource objects, the events we can see are directly related to ourselves. When describing deployment, no events related to Pod can be seen.

This shows that the Event object contains the information of the resource object it describes, and they are directly related.

Combined with the single Event object we saw earlier, we found that the content in the involvedObject field is the information of the resource object associated with the Event.

Learn more about Events

Let's take a look at the following example to create a Deployment, but use a nonexistent image:

(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove create deployment non-exist
deployment.apps/non-exist created
(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove get pods
NAME                        READY   STATUS         RESTARTS   AGE
non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd   0/1     ErrImagePull   0          11s
redis-687967dbc5-27vmr      1/1     Running        0          26m

We can see that the current Pod is in an erimagepull state. View the events in the current namespace (I omitted the previous deploy/redis record)

(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove get events --sort-by='{.metadata.creationTimestamp}'                                                           
LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON              OBJECT                           MESSAGE
35s         Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/non-exist-d9ddbdd84   Created pod: non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd
35s         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/non-exist             Scaled up replica set non-exist-d9ddbdd84 to 1
35s         Normal    Scheduled           pod/non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd    Successfully assigned moelove/non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd to kind-worker3
17s         Warning   Failed              pod/non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd    Error: ErrImagePull
17s         Warning   Failed              pod/non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd    Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to resolve reference "": failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status: 403 Forbidden
18s         Normal    Pulling             pod/non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd    Pulling image ""
4s          Warning   Failed              pod/non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd    Error: ImagePullBackOff
4s          Normal    BackOff             pod/non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd    Back-off pulling image ""

Perform the describe operation on this Pod:

(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove describe pods non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd
  Type     Reason     Age                    From               Message
  ----     ------     ----                   ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  4m                     default-scheduler  Successfully assigned moelove/non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd to kind-worker3
  Normal   Pulling    2m22s (x4 over 3m59s)  kubelet            Pulling image ""
  Warning  Failed     2m21s (x4 over 3m59s)  kubelet            Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to resolve reference "": failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status: 403 Forbidden
  Warning  Failed     2m21s (x4 over 3m59s)  kubelet            Error: ErrImagePull
  Warning  Failed     2m9s (x6 over 3m58s)   kubelet            Error: ImagePullBackOff
  Normal   BackOff    115s (x7 over 3m58s)   kubelet            Back-off pulling image ""

We can find that the output here is different from that of running Pod correctly before. The main difference is the Age column. Here we see an output like 115s (x7 over 3m58s).

Its meaning indicates that this type of event has occurred 7 times in 3m58s, and the latest one occurred before 115s

But when we went to kubectl get events directly, we didn't see events repeated seven times. This means that Kubernetes will automatically merge duplicate events.

Select the last Events method (as mentioned earlier) and output its contents in YAML format:

(MoeLove) ➜ kubectl -n moelove get events non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd.16c4fce570cfba46 -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
count: 43
eventTime: null
firstTimestamp: "2021-12-28T19:57:06Z"
  apiVersion: v1
  fieldPath: spec.containers{non-exist}
  kind: Pod
  name: non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd
  namespace: moelove
  resourceVersion: "333366"
  uid: 33045163-146e-4282-b559-fec19a189a10
kind: Event
lastTimestamp: "2021-12-28T18:07:14Z"
message: Back-off pulling image ""
  creationTimestamp: "2021-12-28T19:57:06Z"
  name: non-exist-d9ddbdd84-tnrhd.16c4fce570cfba46
  namespace: moelove
  resourceVersion: "334638"
  uid: 60708be0-23b9-481b-a290-dd208fed6d47
reason: BackOff
reportingComponent: ""
reportingInstance: ""
  component: kubelet
  host: kind-worker3
type: Normal

Here, we can see that its field includes a count field, indicating how many times similar events have occurred. And first timestamp and last timestamp respectively indicate the time when the event first appeared and last appeared. This explains the duration of events in the previous output.

Thoroughly understand Events

The following is a random selection from Events. We can see some field information contained in it:

apiVersion: v1
count: 1
eventTime: null
firstTimestamp: "2021-12-28T19:31:13Z"
  apiVersion: apps/v1
  kind: ReplicaSet
  name: redis-687967dbc5
  namespace: moelove
  resourceVersion: "330227"
  uid: 11e98a9d-9062-4ccb-92cb-f51cc74d4c1d
kind: Event
lastTimestamp: "2021-12-28T19:31:13Z"
message: 'Created pod: redis-687967dbc5-27vmr'
  creationTimestamp: "2021-12-28T19:31:13Z"
  name: redis-687967dbc5.16c4fb7bde6b54c4
  namespace: moelove
  resourceVersion: "330231"
  uid: 8e37ec1e-b3a1-420c-96d4-3b3b2995c300
reason: SuccessfulCreate
reportingComponent: ""
reportingInstance: ""
  component: replicaset-controller
type: Normal

The meanings of the main fields are as follows:

  • count: indicates how many times similar events have occurred (described earlier)
  • involvedObject: the resource object directly associated with this event (described earlier). The structure is as follows:
type ObjectReference struct {
 Kind string
 Namespace string
 Name string
 UID types.UID
 APIVersion string
 ResourceVersion string
 FieldPath string
  • source: directly related components, with the following structure:
type EventSource struct {
 Component string
 Host string
  • reason: a simple summary (or a fixed code) is more suitable for screening conditions, mainly for machine-readable. At present, there are more than 50 such codes;
  • message: give a more readable and detailed description
  • type: Currently, there are only two types: Normal and Warning, and their meanings are also written in the source code:
// staging/src/
const (
 // Information only and will not cause any problems
 EventTypeNormal string = "Normal"
 // These events are to warn that something might go wrong
 EventTypeWarning string = "Warning"

Therefore, when we collect these Events as a tracking span, we can classify them according to their source, associate them by involvedObject, and sort them by time.


In this article, I mainly introduce the actual role of Events object and the meaning of its fields through two examples, a correctly deployed Deploy and a Deploy without image deployment.

For Kubernetes, Events contains a lot of useful information, but these information will not have any impact on Kubernetes, and they are not the actual log of Kubernetes. By default, the logs in Kubernetes will be cleaned up after 1 hour to free up the resource occupation of etcd.

Therefore, in order to better let the Cluster Administrator know what happened, we usually collect the events of Kubernetes cluster in the production environment. The tools I personally recommend are:

Of course, you can also use Jaeger's tracing method to collect and display events in Kubernetes cluster according to my previous article "more elegant Kubernetes cluster event measurement scheme".