Three features of Java

Posted by mysqlnewjack on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 08:32:38 +0100

Three features of Java (encapsulation / Inheritance / polymorphism)

1. Encapsulation

Benefits of encapsulation:

  1. Hide information (permissions) and provide specific method access
  2. Easy to add control statements
  3. Convenient modification and Implementation

Specific performance of packaging:

  • Attributes are decorated with private

  • The method is modified with public

package JavaSE.JavaOOP.fz;
public class Book {
    	Privatization attribute
    private String name;//title
    private String author;//author
    private double price;//price
    private char ch ;//
    private Book(){}//Privatization construction method
    	public Method to access private properties
    //Gets the object of the Book class
    public static Book getBookObject(){
            book=new Book();
        return book;
    //Modify pricing
    public void setPrice(double p){
    //Get pricing
    public double getPrice(){
        return price;
    //Revise the title of the book
    public void setName(String n){

    //Get book title
    public String getName(){
        return name;
    //Modify author
    public void setAuthor(String author){
    //Get author
    public String getAuthor(){
     return author;
    public void publish(){
    //Display various information of books
    public void display(){
        System.out.println("title:"+name+"\r\n author:"+author+"\r\n price:"+price);
package JavaSE.JavaOOP.fz;
//Test case
public class test1 {
    //Singleton mode: in the process of running in the program, only one object is created
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Book b = Book.getBookObject();//Instantiate objects through methods
        b.setAuthor("strategist of the Warring States period");//Set author
        b.setName("Sun Tzu's art of war");//Set book title
        b.setPrice(36.8);//Set pricing
        b.display();//display information

Operation results:

this keyword

  1. this keyword represents an object of its own class
  • Use the this keyword to reference a member variable

  • Use this keyword to reference member methods

  1. When the parameter and member variable in the method have the same name

    Use this to distinguish

  2. Reference construction method

Note: this keyword must be placed in non static methods

super() calls the construction method of the parent class from the subclass, and this() calls other methods in the same class.

package JavaSE.JavaOOP.Packaging;
public class China {
    /*  private Modifier attribute  */
    private String province;//province
    private String national;//nation
        public Modification method
    public China(){//Nonparametric construction method
        System.out.println("China-->Nonparametric construction method");
    public China(int i){//Parametric construction method
        System.out.println("China-->Parametric construction method");
	//Set Province
    public void setProvince(String province){
        //When the formal parameter and variable have the same name, use this to distinguish, this Variable names represent member variables
    //set information
    public void setInfo(String national){
        this.setProvince(province);//Call other methods with this
	//pick up information
    public void getInfo(){
package JavaSE.JavaOOP.Packaging;

public class ChinaTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        China c=new China();//create object
        c.setProvince("Shaanxi");//Set identity
        c.setInfo("Chinese");//Set nationality
        c.getInfo();//pick up information

Operation results:

2. Succession

Inheritance: derive a new class from an existing class. The new class has all non private member variables and member methods of the parent class

All classes in Java inherit the Object class directly or indirectly

When to use inheritance?


Cat, dog, pig, sheep


Paper book


Relationship embodied by inheritance: "is a"

Inheritance is to improve the reusability of code and save cost

Not for inheritance

When class A and class B conform, a is one of B or B is one of a, inheritance can be used at this time

Java only supports single inheritance, not multiple inheritance, as shown in the figure

package Test.extendsdemo;

//public class People extends Object
//The Object class is the base class (superclass) of all classes in Java
//Parent class
public class People {
    //Private property (subclass inaccessible)
    private String name;
    private int age;

    //Both public methods and construction methods can be inherited
    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;

    void sleep(){

    //Nonparametric structure
    public People() {
        System.out.println("Parent class parameterless construction");
    //Zone parameter structure
    public People(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;
class Student extends People{
    Override / override
    When the parent method does not meet the needs of the subclass, the subclass can override the parent method

    Note: 1 static method / constructor / member variable cannot be overridden
        2 When overriding the parent class method, the structure must be consistent (parameter list, method name, return value)
        3 For subclass override methods, access modifier: subclass > = parent
    private String xuehao;

    //No reference
    public Student(){
        When creating a subclass object, it calls the parent class construction method in the subclass construction method (initializing the parent class first).
        By default, the first sentence of the subclass construction method calls super() to initialize the assignment of the parent class variable
        System.out.println("Subclass nonparametric construction");
    //Have reference
    public Student(String name, int age, String xuehao) {
        super(name, age);
        When explicitly calling super(), the first sentence of the method must be constructed in the subclass
        Use super() to pass parameters and call the specified constructor
        this.xuehao = xuehao;
    //Subclass overrides parent method  
    //Annotation tags in java: overwrite, rewrite
    // If @ Override is written, an error will be reported if it does not meet the specification during compilation
    public void sleep() {
        System.out.println("Students sleep");

    //Subclass specific methods
    public void learn(){
        System.out.println("Student learning");


In calling subclass object constructor

The default super() calls the parameterless construction method of the parent class first. super() must be in the first sentence

It can also be called explicitly

package Test.extendsdemo;
//Test case
public class PeopleTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        People p=new People("Tom",21);
        Student s = new Student("Danny",21,"s1001");

        p.setName("Tony");//Change name
        System.out.println(p.getName());//Output name

        //Parent method
        s.setAge(31);//Modify age
        System.out.println(s.getAge());//Get age

        s.setXuehao("s1010");//Modify student number
        System.out.println(s.getXuehao());//Get student number

Operation results:

3. Polymorphism

The same thing shows different states at different times

The same interface uses different instances to perform different operations (e.g

The necessary conditions for the existence of polymorphism: 1 Succession 2 Method override (abstract class) 3 The parent class reference points to the child class object, and all three are indispensable

When calling a method in a polymorphic way, first check whether the method exists in the parent class. If not, there will be a compilation error; If so, call the method with the same name of the subclass.

We have slightly modified the original example. The previous example has inheritance and rewriting. Now we can point the parent class reference to the child class object in the test example

package Test.extendsdemo;

//public class People extends Object
//The Object class is the base class (superclass) of all classes in Java
//Parent class
public class People {
    //Private property (subclass inaccessible)
    private String name;
    private int age;

	String s="People";//Non private property

    //Both public methods and construction methods can be inherited
    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;

    void sleep(){
    //Parent class static method
    public static void staticTest(){
        System.out.println("People Static method");

    //Nonparametric structure
    public People() {
        System.out.println("Parent class parameterless construction");
    //Zone parameter structure
    public People(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;
class Student extends People{
    Override / override
    Methods of overridable parent and child classes

    Note: 1 static method / constructor / member variable cannot be overridden
        2 When overriding the parent class method, the structure must be consistent (parameter list, method name, return value)
        3 For subclass override methods, access modifier: subclass > = parent
    private String xuehao;

    String s="Student";
    //No reference
    public Student(){
        When creating a subclass object, it calls the parent class construction method in the subclass construction method (initializing the parent class first).
        By default, the first sentence of the subclass construction method calls super() to initialize the assignment of the parent class variable
        System.out.println("Subclass nonparametric construction");
    //Have reference
    public Student(String name, int age, String xuehao) {
        super(name, age);
        When explicitly calling super(), the first sentence of the method must be constructed in the subclass
        Use super() to pass parameters and call the specified constructor
        this.xuehao = xuehao;
    //Subclass overrides parent method  
    //Annotation tags in java: overwrite, rewrite
    // If @ Override is written, an error will be reported if it does not meet the specification during compilation
    public void sleep() {
        System.out.println("Students sleep");
    //Subclass overrides static method of parent class
    public static void staticTest(){
        System.out.println("Student Static method");

    //Subclass specific methods
    public void learn(){
        System.out.println("Student learning");
package Test.extendsdemo;
//Test case
public class PeopleTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       People p = new Student();//The parent class references the child class object
        p.sleep();//Public method
        Members of polymorphic access classes,
        The parent class method is called during compilation, and the child class is executed during operation: the compilation is on the left, and the operation is on the right  
        For static methods and properties, both compilation and operation are shown on the left 
        p.staticTest();//Static method

We point the reference p of the People class to the Student object. When using p to call the method, you can see that only the method of the parent class People can be called

Run to see the results:

You can see that both the construction method and sleep method execute the of subclasses, and the subclass construction method calls the parent class construction method by default

Static methods and properties access the parent class

For example, People p = new Student(); Called upward transformation

The parent class reference of upward transformation can only call the parent class method and execute the child class method

In order for a parent class to call subclass methods, it must be transformed downward

Implementation method of polymorphism

  • rewrite

  • Abstract methods and abstract classes

  • Interface

We only use general rewriting to realize polymorphism here. The next article introduces abstract classes and interfaces in detail and uses them to realize polymorphism

Topics: Java Polymorphism encapsulation