token scheme updated irregularly at mobile end

Posted by xterra on Fri, 04 Oct 2019 13:56:30 +0200

Clients need to update token from time to time, while ensuring that other network requests hang while sending update token, otherwise token will fail. When the new token returns, the pending request is re-initiated.

Update the token request at the request of the server, and the old token expires immediately


Analog Network Request Encapsulation (Analog)

let token = 1 The current request uses token
let refreshToken = false // Is it in the update token
let subscribers = []; // Suspended request array

 * Network request entry
function callApi (data, time = 1000) {
  console.log('0000callApi=== type:' + data.type + '  token:' + token)
  if (refreshToken) {
    const retryOriginalRequest = new Promise((resolve) => {
                addSubscriber(()=> {
                    resolve(request(time, data.type))
            return retryOriginalRequest;
  // Determine whether the update token is executed
  if (data && (data.type == 'refreshToken')) {
     const newData = request(time, data.type)
     refreshToken = true
     return newData
  return request(time, data.type)

 * Perform network requests
function request(ms, type) {
  console.log('1111request=== type:' + type + '  token:' + token)
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(resolve, ms, type);

 * token Update, restart pending requests
function onAccessTokenFetched() {
        console.log('Re request')
    refreshToken = false
    subscribers = [];

 * push Suspended requests
 * @param callback Suspended requests
function addSubscriber(callback) {

Use demonstrations:

// before
callApi({type: 'first', token}, 1000).then(consoleResponse)

// Todo
callApi({type: 'refreshToken', token}, 2000).then((v) => {
  token = 2

// doing
callApi({type: 'second', token}, 2000).then(consoleResponse)
callApi({type: 'third', token}, 2000).then(consoleResponse)
callApi({type: 'four', token}, 2000).then(consoleResponse)
callApi({type: 'five', token}, 2000).then(consoleResponse)

// after
setTimeout(() => callApi({type: 'six', token}, 2000).then(consoleResponse), 5000)

function consoleResponse (v) {
  console.log('2222response===type:' + v + ' token:' + token)

Result printing

"0000callApi=== type:first  token:1"
"1111request=== type:first  token:1"
"0000callApi=== type:refreshToken  token:1"
"1111request=== type:refreshToken  token:1"
"0000callApi=== type:second  token:1"
"0000callApi=== type:third  token:1"
"0000callApi=== type:four  token:1"
"0000callApi=== type:five  token:1"
"2222response===type:first token:1"
"Re request"
"1111request=== type:second  token:2"
"Re request"
"1111request=== type:third  token:2"
"Re request"
"1111request=== type:four  token:2"
"Re request"
"1111request=== type:five  token:2"
"2222response===type:refreshToken token:2"
"2222response===type:second token:2"
"2222response===type:third token:2"
"2222response===type:four token:2"
"2222response===type:five token:2"
"0000callApi=== type:six  token:2"
"1111request=== type:six  token:2"
"2222response===type:six token:2"


  • This case is mainly a simulation process, which is the idea of encapsulating the network request for this transformation. It does not give much advice to the local gods.
  • In the real process of network request, <font color=red> needs to deal with request timeout and request error </font>. Both timeout and error need to reset the update token identifier and restart the pending network request.

Topics: Javascript network