Retrieving grid controls is one of the most common functions of the front-end interface.
ExtJS5 provides the official grid universal retrieval implementation:
The implementation uses several subclasses to support different types of retrieval:
The effects of each type are as follows:
Text contains retrieval:
Enumerated Retrieval:
Date-based retrieval:
Boolean Retrieval:
Most commendable is that the above-mentioned retrieval can be applied simply by declaring that the plugin is referenced in the grid's config and defining the retrieval type in the grid's column config.
When presenting this form of retrieval to the customer, the customer considers it more concealed and fragmented, and scrolls to the right to retrieve the columns that need to be retrieved.
Since it makes sense to steal the words from customers, Chinese people's usage habits do run counter to those of foreigners, they decide to implement a form of retrieval that merges all searches into a drop-down menu item on the toolbar.
Given that the above categorized retrieval provided by ExtJS is reasonable and powerful, and I don't want to start from scratch, my solution is to rewrite a plugin encapsulation and a specific retrieval implementation that references ExtJS:
The code is as follows:
Ext.define('DCApp.view.GridFilters', { extend: 'Ext.plugin.Abstract', requires: [ 'Ext.grid.filters.filter.*' ], mixins: [ 'Ext.util.StoreHolder' ], alias: 'plugin.gfilters', pluginId: 'gfilters', /** * @property {Object} defaultFilterTypes * This property maps {@link field type} to the appropriate * grid filter type. * @private */ defaultFilterTypes: { 'boolean': 'boolean', 'int': 'number', date: 'date', number: 'number' }, /** * @property {String} [filterCls="x-grid-filters-filtered-column"] * The CSS applied to column headers with active filters. */ filterCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-filters-filtered-column', /** * @cfg {String} [menuFilterText="Filters"] * The text for the filters menu. */ menuFilterText: 'Filters', /** * @cfg {Boolean} showMenu * Defaults to true, including a filter submenu in the default header menu. */ showMenu: true, /** * @cfg {String} stateId * Name of the value to be used to store state information. */ stateId: undefined, init: function (grid) { var me = this, store, headerCt; //<debug> Ext.Assert.falsey(me.grid); //</debug> me.grid = grid; grid.filters = me; if (me.grid.normalGrid) { me.isLocked = true; } grid.clearFilters = me.clearFilters.bind(me); store =; headerCt = grid.headerCt; //c4w changes menu from column header position to toolbar, no longer generates filter menu item for column header menu /* headerCt.on({ scope: me, add: me.onAdd, menucreate: me.onMenuCreate }); */ grid.on({ scope: me, destroy: me.onGridDestroy, beforereconfigure: me.onBeforeReconfigure, reconfigure: me.onReconfigure }); me.bindStore(store); if (grid.stateful) { store.statefulFilters = true; } me.initColumns(); }, /** * Creates the Filter objects for the current configuration. * Reconfigure and on add handlers. * @private */ initColumns: function () { var grid = this.grid, store = grid.getStore(), columns = grid.columnManager.getColumns(), len = columns.length, i, column, filter, filterCollection, block; // We start with filters defined on any columns. //c4w create menu on toolbar var me = this; var its=[]; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { column = columns[i]; filter = column.filter; if (filter && !filter.isGridFilter) { if (!filterCollection) { filterCollection = store.getFilters(); filterCollection.beginUpdate(); } this.createColumnFilter(column); column.filter.createMenu(); its.push({text:column.text, checked:false,, filter:column.filter, listeners: { scope: me, checkchange: me.onCheckChange, activate:me.onBeforeActivate } }); } } // var tbar = grid.down('toolbar'); tbar.insert(0,{ xtype:'splitbutton', text:'retrieval', iconCls: null, menu:its, handler: 'onClearFilters', scope: me }); if (filterCollection) { filterCollection.endUpdate(); } }, onClearFilters: function () { // The "filters" property is added to the grid (this) by gridfilters this.clearFilters(); }, createColumnFilter: function (column) { var me = this, columnFilter = column.filter, filter = { column: column, grid: me.grid, owner: me }, field, model, type; if (Ext.isString(columnFilter)) { filter.type = columnFilter; } else { Ext.apply(filter, columnFilter); } if (!filter.type) { model =; // If no filter type given, first try to get it from the data field. field = model && model.getField(column.dataIndex); type = field && field.type; filter.type = (type && me.defaultFilterTypes[type]) || column.defaultFilterType || 'string'; } column.filter = Ext.Factory.gridFilter(filter); }, onAdd: function (headerCt, column, index) { var filter = column.filter; if (filter && !filter.isGridFilter) { this.createColumnFilter(column); } }, /** * @private Handle creation of the grid's header menu. */ onMenuCreate: function (headerCt, menu) { menu.on({ beforeshow: this.onMenuBeforeShow, scope: this }); }, /** * @private Handle showing of the grid's header menu. Sets up the filter item and menu * appropriate for the target column. */ onMenuBeforeShow: function (menu) { var me = this, menuItem, filter, ownerGrid, ownerGridId; if (me.showMenu) { // In the case of a locked grid, we need to cache the 'Filters' menuItem for each grid since // there's only one Filters instance. Both grids/menus can't share the same menuItem! if (!me.menuItems) { me.menuItems = {}; } // Don't get the owner grid if in a locking grid since we need to get the unique menuItems key. ownerGrid = menu.up('grid'); ownerGridId =; menuItem = me.menuItems[ownerGridId]; if (!menuItem || menuItem.isDestroyed) { menuItem = me.createMenuItem(menu, ownerGridId); } me.activeFilterMenuItem = menuItem; filter = me.getMenuFilter(ownerGrid.headerCt); if (filter) { filter.showMenu(menuItem); } menuItem.setVisible(!!filter); me.sep.setVisible(!!filter); } }, createMenuItem: function (menu, ownerGridId) { var me = this, item; me.sep = menu.add('-'); item = menu.add({ checked: false, itemId: 'filters', text: me.menuFilterText, listeners: { scope: me, checkchange: me.onCheckChange } }); return (me.menuItems[ownerGridId] = item); }, /** * Handler called by the grid 'beforedestroy' event */ onGridDestroy: function () { var me = this, menuItems = me.menuItems, item; me.bindStore(null); me.sep = Ext.destroy(me.sep); for (item in menuItems) { menuItems[item].destroy(); } me.grid = null; }, onUnbindStore: function(store) { store.getFilters().un('remove', this.onFilterRemove, this); }, onBindStore: function(store, initial, propName) { this.local = !store.getRemoteFilter(); store.getFilters().on('remove', this.onFilterRemove, this); }, onFilterRemove: function (filterCollection, list) { // We need to know when a store filter has been removed by an operation of the gridfilters UI, i.e., // store.clearFilter(). The preventFilterRemoval flag lets us know whether or not this listener has been // reached by a filter operation (preventFilterRemoval === true) or by something outside of the UI // (preventFilterRemoval === undefined). var len = list.items.length, columnManager = this.grid.columnManager, i, item, header, filter; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { item = list.items[i]; header = columnManager.getHeaderByDataIndex(item.getProperty()); if (header) { // First, we need to make sure there is indeed a filter and that its menu has been created. If not, // there's no point in continuing. // // Also, even though the store may be filtered by this dataIndex, it doesn't necessarily mean that // it was created via the gridfilters API. To be sure, we need to check the prefix, as this is the // only way we can be sure of its provenance (note that we can't check `operator`). // // Note that we need to do an indexOf check on the string because TriFilters will contain extra // characters specifiying its type. // // TODO: Should we support updating the gridfilters if one or more of its filters have been removed // directly by the bound store? filter = header.filter; if (!filter || ! || item.getId().indexOf(filter.getBaseIdPrefix()) === -1) { continue; } if (!filter.preventFilterRemoval) { // This is only called on the filter if called from outside of the gridfilters UI. filter.onFilterRemove(item.getOperator()); } } } }, /** * @private * Get the filter menu from the filters MixedCollection based on the clicked header. */ getMenuFilter: function (headerCt) { return headerCt.getMenu().activeHeader.filter; }, onBeforeActivate:function(item,value){ this.activeFilterMenuItem=item; this.activeFilterMenuItem.activeFilter=item.filter; }, /** @private */ onCheckChange: function (item, value) { // Locking grids must lookup the correct grid. var grid = this.isLocked ? item.up('grid') : this.grid, //filter = this.getMenuFilter(grid.headerCt); filter = item.filter; filter.setActive(value); }, getHeaders: function () { return this.grid.view.headerCt.columnManager.getColumns(); }, /** * Checks the plugin's grid for statefulness. * @return {Boolean} */ isStateful: function () { return this.grid.stateful; }, /** * Adds a filter to the collection and creates a store filter if has a `value` property. * @param {Object/Ext.grid.filter.Filter} filters A filter configuration or a filter object. */ addFilter: function (filters) { var me = this, grid = me.grid, store =, hasNewColumns = false, suppressNextFilter = true, dataIndex, column, i, len, filter, columnFilter; if (!Ext.isArray(filters)) { filters = [filters]; } for (i = 0, len = filters.length; i < len; i++) { filter = filters[i]; dataIndex = filter.dataIndex; column = grid.columnManager.getHeaderByDataIndex(dataIndex); // We only create filters that map to an existing column. if (column) { hasNewColumns = true; // Don't suppress active filters. if (filter.value) { suppressNextFilter = false; } columnFilter = column.filter; // If already a gridfilter, let's destroy it and recreate another from the new config. if (columnFilter && columnFilter.isGridFilter) { columnFilter.deactivate(); columnFilter.destroy(); if (me.activeFilterMenuItem) { = null; } } column.filter = filter; } } // Batch initialize all column filters. if (hasNewColumns) { store.suppressNextFilter = suppressNextFilter; me.initColumns(); store.suppressNextFilter = false; } }, /** * Adds filters to the collection. * @param {Array} filters An Array of filter configuration objects. */ addFilters: function (filters) { if (filters) { this.addFilter(filters); } }, /** * Turns all filters off. This does not clear the configuration information. * @param {Boolean} autoFilter If true, don't fire the deactivate event in * {@link Ext.grid.filters.filter.Base#setActive setActive}. */ clearFilters: function (autoFilter) { var grid = this.grid, columns = grid.columnManager.getColumns(), store =, oldAutoFilter = store.getAutoFilter(), column, filter, i, len, filterCollection; if (autoFilter !== undefined) { store.setAutoFilter(autoFilter); } // We start with filters defined on any columns. for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; i++) { column = columns[i]; filter = column.filter; if (filter && filter.isGridFilter) { if (!filterCollection) { filterCollection = store.getFilters(); filterCollection.beginUpdate(); } filter.setActive(false); } } if (filterCollection) { filterCollection.endUpdate(); } if (autoFilter !== undefined) { store.setAutoFilter(oldAutoFilter); } }, onBeforeReconfigure: function(grid, store, columns) { if (store) { store.getFilters().beginUpdate(); } this.reconfiguring = true; }, onReconfigure: function(grid, store, columns, oldStore) { var me = this; if (store && oldStore !== store) { me.bindStore(store); } if (columns) { me.initColumns(); } if (store) { store.getFilters().endUpdate(); } me.reconfiguring = false; } });
Examples of online calls:
Reprinted at: