Transplantation and use of libpcap

Posted by FrOzeN on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 06:06:37 +0100

Reference article:

  1. Porting libpcap packet capture library to arm platform under Linux
  2. Linux Network Programming -- detailed explanation of libpcap
  3. libpcap usage
  4. Libpcap library programming guide – packet capture
  5. Methods of network monitoring and sending data packets under linux (i.e. the use of libpcap and libnet class libraries)

1, libpcap Library Download


2, Cross compilation and installation of libpcap Library

  1. Configure cross compilation environment

  2. Download the latest version libpcap-1.10.1 tar. GZ, extract to the current directory:

     tar -xzvf ./libpcap-1.10.1.tar.gz -C ./ 
  3. Configure installation directory and cross compilation environment

    ./configure --prefix=/xxx/xxx/install/ --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf
  4. compile

  5. install

    make install

    Generate the following files in the install/lib / Directory:

  6. cd enter the install directory and package the dynamic library files under the lib directory

    tar -zcvf libpcap-1.10.1-install.tar.gz lib/*.so*
  7. Add libpcap-1.10.1-install.exe tar. Copy the GZ compressed package to the development board and unzip it
    Create a new folder: / usr/local/lib/libpcap, and then extract it into the folder

    sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/libpcap
    sudo tar -zxf ./libpcap-1.10.1-install.tar.gz --strip-components 1 -C /usr/local/lib/libpcap
  8. Add library file search path on development board
    Open LD so. Conf file

    sudo vi /etc/

    In / etc / LD so. Add the search path of the library in the conf file

    /usr/local/lib/libpcap //Add according to your library path

    Then ldconfig generates / etc / LD so. Cache, ldconfig -v view

    sudo ldconfig

3, Application cross compilation

Cross compile applications: you need to add the - lpcap option and specify the header file and dynamic library path

arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc ./libpcap_test.c -o ./libpcap_test -lpcap -I/xxx/include/ -L/xxx/lib/
  1. View header file and dynamic library path
    Libpcap is installed as a library and a set of include files. The main include files used in your program are:

    #include <pcap.h>

    To get the correct search path for header and library files, use the standard PKG config tool:

    pkg-config --libs --static --cflags libpcap


    -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lpcap

    /usr/local / the path shown here is the default. When configuring, you can use the -- prefix option to specify different paths.

  2. The - lpcap option needs to be added for compilation

    gcc test.c -o test -lpcap
  3. For projects based on GNU autotools, please use configure in the following contents ac:

    # Check for required libraries
    PKG_CHECK_MODULES([libpcap], [libpcap>= 1.2])

    And in your makefile am:

    proggy_CFLAGS = $(libpcap_CFLAGS)
    proggy_LDADD  = $(libpcap_LIBS)

4, Install libpcap on Ubuntu system (non cross compilation)

  1. Installation of libpcap

    sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
  2. Application compilation

    gcc libpcap_test.c -o libpcap_test -lpcap

5, libpcap usage

reference resources:

  1. libpcap usage
  2. Linux Network Programming -- detailed explanation of libpcap
  3. Libpcap library programming guide – packet capture

6, Test on development board

Receive multiple data packets using Libpcap (libpcap_test.c);

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pcap.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BUFSIZE 1514
struct ether_header
	unsigned char ether_dhost[6];	//Destination mac
	unsigned char ether_shost[6];	//Source mac
	unsigned short ether_type;		//Ethernet type
/*******************************Callback function************************************/
void ethernet_protocol_callback(unsigned char *argument,const struct pcap_pkthdr *packet_heaher,const unsigned char *packet_content)
	unsigned char *mac_string;				//
	struct ether_header *ethernet_protocol;
	unsigned short ethernet_type;			//Ethernet type
	printf("%s\n", ctime((time_t *)&(packet_heaher->ts.tv_sec))); //Conversion time
	ethernet_protocol = (struct ether_header *)packet_content;
	mac_string = (unsigned char *)ethernet_protocol->ether_shost;//Get source mac address
	printf("Mac Source Address is %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",*(mac_string+0),*(mac_string+1),*(mac_string+2),*(mac_string+3),*(mac_string+4),*(mac_string+5));
	mac_string = (unsigned char *)ethernet_protocol->ether_dhost;//Get destination mac
	printf("Mac Destination Address is %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",*(mac_string+0),*(mac_string+1),*(mac_string+2),*(mac_string+3),*(mac_string+4),*(mac_string+5));
	ethernet_type = ntohs(ethernet_protocol->ether_type);//Get the type of Ethernet
	printf("Ethernet type is :%04x\n",ethernet_type);
		case 0x0800:printf("The network layer is IP protocol\n");break;//ip
		case 0x0806:printf("The network layer is ARP protocol\n");break;//arp
		case 0x0835:printf("The network layer is RARP protocol\n");break;//rarp
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char error_content[100];	//Error message
	pcap_t * pcap_handle;
	unsigned char *mac_string;				
	unsigned short ethernet_type;			//Ethernet type
	char *net_interface = NULL;					//Interface name
	struct pcap_pkthdr protocol_header;
	struct ether_header *ethernet_protocol;
	//Get network interface
	net_interface = pcap_lookupdev(error_content);
	if(NULL == net_interface)
	pcap_handle = pcap_open_live(net_interface,BUFSIZE,1,0,error_content);//Open network interface
	if(pcap_loop(pcap_handle,-1,ethernet_protocol_callback,NULL) < 0)
	return 0;

Cross compilation:

arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc ./libpcap_test.c -o ./libpcap_test -lpcap -I/home/osrc/Projects/tools/libpcap/install/include/ -L/home/osrc/Projects/tools/libpcap/install/lib

Running on the development board requires root account permission:

sudo ./libpcap_test

The results are as follows:

Topics: socket Network Communications