Type conversion and type assertion

Posted by telefiend on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 21:03:47 +0100

Golang type assertion and type conversion

1. Type assertion

  • Type assertions are used to check whether the value held by the interface type variable implements the desired interface or specific type.

  • The syntax of type assertions is as follows:

    • PrimaryExpression must be a variable of interface type, which can be empty or non empty.
    • Type represents the type to be judged (interface, specific type)

1.1 judgment type

  • Judge whether the object implementing the interface is a type.

  • Format:

    value, ok := pri.(T)   
    // pri represents the variable to be judged
    // T represents the judged type
    // Value represents the returned value
    // ok means whether it is the same type
  • Example (example of empty interface)

  • Judge whether the empty interface b variable stores the value of string type

    var B interface{}
    b := B
    b = "Eswin"
    str, ok := b.(string)
    if ok {

1.2 interface assertion

  • Like type assertions, interface assertions in go language are all methods used to determine whether an object has an interface

  • Knowledge related to method set:

    • When the receiver of a method is defined as a value type, the Go language compiler will automatically convert it. Therefore, the receiver of a value type and the receiver of a pointer type are equivalent. No error will be reported during compilation, and the corresponding method can be called during operation.

    • When the receiver type is a pointer and any one of the defined or asserted types is a value, an error will be reported during compilation, prompting that the echo method should be a pointer type receiver.

    • When the receiver type is a value, it is also a value when defining the structure. When the assertion type is a pointer, there will be no problem with compilation, but exceptions will be thrown during operation.

    • When implementing the interface, the receiver definition, structure definition and assertion type shall be consistent.

  • Format:

    value ,ok := Obj.(Ti)
    // Obj represents the specific object (interface variable) to be judged
    // Ti indicates the specific interface
    // When the object has the interface method we want to judge, the value of ok is true, and the specific method can be called by returning the value value
  • example

    package main
    import (
    type Flyer interface {
    type Walker interface {
    type Bird struct {
    type Dog struct {
    func (b Bird) Fly() {
    	fmt.Println("the bird can fly!")
    func (b Bird) Walk() {
    	fmt.Println("the bird can walk!")
    func (d *Dog) Walk() { //Because the pointer is used here, when calling the interface method, the address must be passed, not the value.
    	fmt.Println("the dog can walk!")
    func main() {
    	var i interface{} //Declare an interface object
    	i = new(Bird)     //Create a Bird structure variable, return a structure pointer, and assign it to the interface
    	v, b := i.(Flyer) //Determine whether there is a flight interface,
    	if b {            //If the judgment is successful, v is the flight interface type
    	v1, b := i.(Walker) //Determine whether there is a traveling interface
    	if b {
    	//Create a Dog structure variable and assign the structure address to the interface. If it is written as i=Dog {}, the Walk method cannot be called because there is a structure pointer received.
    	//Therefore, when assigning a specific type variable to the interface, try to use pointer transfer, that is, new (structure type) or & structure type {},
    	//In this way, no matter whether the interface method implementation of type variables is passed by value or pointer, it can be called.
    	i = &Dog{}
    	v, b = i.(Flyer)
    	if b {
    	v1, b = i.(Walker)
    	if b {
    // the bird can fly!
    // the bird can walk!
    // the dog can walk!
    • Note: the above Dog type Walk method is passed by pointer, so when assigning value to the interface, it should be passed by address, that is, the sentence I = & Dog {}. If it is written as i=Dog {}, "the dog can walk" will not be printed.

2. Type conversion

  • Type conversion is used to convert a variable of one type to a variable of another type.

  • Methods: cast types or use interface conversions (assertions, Section 1).

  • Cast basic format

    • type_name is type
    • Expression is an expression.
  • example

    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
        var sum int = 17
        var count int = 5
        mean := float32(sum) / float32(count)
        fmt.Printf("mean The value of is: %f\n", mean)

Reference connection: Go language type conversion

Topics: Go