Because the data type in JS is loose type, and it does not detect the data type first like C + + and Java when performing operator operation, but implicitly performs data type conversion. Sometimes the return value is not as we think, so we need to understand the display and implicit type conversion in JS, so as to make better use of it in engineering
1. Display type conversion
Number() to convert things into numeric types
Number('123'); //123 Number('-123'); //-123 Number('a'); //NaN Number(true); //1 Number(null); //0 Number(undefined); //NaN Number(NaN); //NaN
ParseInt (string, radius), which converts a string to an integer in the corresponding base
parseInt('10', 16); //16 parseInt('b', 16); //11 parseInt('b'); //NaN parseInt('3', 2); //NaN, because 3 is not binary parseInt(true); //NaN parseInt('123abc'); //123 parseInt('abc123'); //NaN
Parsefloat (string, radius), which converts a string to a floating-point number in the corresponding base
Convert things to string type, undefined and null can be converted to string form
String(null); //"null" String(undefined); //"undefined"
Convert things to string type, undefined and null cannot be used, and radix is converted to target base based on decimal system
var num = 100; num.toString(); // "100" //Note that 123.toString() cannot be directly reported as an error
2. Implicit type conversion
To determine whether it is NaN, Number() will be called first and then compared with NaN after conversion
isNaN(123); //false isNaN("123"); //false, string //Number('123') ==> isNaN(123) ==> false isNaN("null"); //true, string //Number("null") ==> isNaN(NaN) ==> true isNaN(null); //false, null object //Number(null) ==> isNaN(0) ==> false isNaN(undefined); //true //Number(undefined) ==> isNaN(NaN) ==> true isNaN("123bcd"); //true //Number("123bcd") ==> isNaN(NaN) ==> true
++/--+ / - (self increasing and self decreasing symbols, one yuan plus and minus)
var a = '123'; a ++; //a 124 var b = 'abc'; a ++; //b NaN; typeof(b) ==> number var c = + 'abc'; //c NaN; typeof(c) ==> number
+Plus sign, when there is a string on both sides of the plus sign, String() will be called to turn both into strings
var a = 1 + "123"; //"1123" var b = "abc" + 12; //"abc12"
-*%(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), Number() will be called to change both sides into number type
var a = 1/"2"; //a 0.5;typeof(a) number
&&||! Convert to boolean value
>The implicit call Number() is converted to a number if there is a comparison between a string and a number
//Undefined, null, "ABC" is converted to NaN undefined > 0 //false undefined < 0 //false undefined == 0 //false null > 0 //false null < 0 //false null == 0 //false "abc" > 0 //false "abc" < 0 //false "abc" == 0 //false
== !=
undefined == undefined //true null == null //true NaN == NaN //false
3. Without type conversion
=== !==
NaN === NaN //false, a special case