Unix Shell exemplification - AWK exercise

Posted by jesus_hairdo on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 09:13:50 +0200

Unix Shell exemplar refines Chapter 6 - AWK utility has six exercises, from simple to complex, currently done the first three questions, the latter three questions feel very laborious to do, about loops, arrays, functions, do not know how to do.

AWK Exercise 1: Exercise 1 mainly focuses on the operation of regular expressions with patterns. Some topics can be answered with the contents explained later in the book.

[kevin.tao@cws76 Ex_6.001-6.054]$ cat lab3.data 
Mike Harrington:(510) 548-1278:250:100:175
Christian Dobbins:(408) 538-2358:155:90:201
Susan Dalsass:(206) 654-6279:250:60:50 
Archie McNichol:(206) 548-1348:250:100:175 
Jody Savage:(206) 548-1278:15:188:150 
Guy Quigley:(916) 343-6410:250:100:175 
Dan Savage:(406) 298-7744:450:300:275 
Nancy McNeil:(206) 548-1278:250:80:75 
John Goldenrod:(916) 348-4278:250:100:175 
Chet Main:(510) 548-5258:50:95:135 
Tom Savage:(408) 926-3456:250:168:200 
Elizabeth Stachelin:(916) 440-1763:175:75:300 

The database contains names, phone numbers, and campaign contributions over the last three months.

1.Print all phone numbers
awk -F '[: ]' '{print $3,$4 }' lab3.data      #Set field separators to colons and spaces

2.Printing Dan Telephone number
awk -F '[: ]' '/^Dan/{print $3 $4 }' lab3.data            #Patterns Matching Dan with Corresponding Actions

3.Printing Susan Name and telephone number
awk -F '[: ]' '/^Susan/{print $1,$2, $3 $4 }' lab3.data

4.Print all surnames with D First surname
awk -F '[: ]' '$2~/^D/{print $2}' lab3.data                #$x ~/ XXX / This is a common way

5.Print all with C or E Name at the beginning
awk '/^[CE]/{print $1}' lab3.data

6.Print all names that contain only four characters
awk '/^....\>/{print $1}' lab3.data                 #Although the result is correct, it is not rigorous.                                       
awk -F '[: ]' '$1~/^[a-zA-Z]{4}$/{print $1}' lab3.data      
awk -F '[: ]' '{if(length($1)==4){print $1}}' lab3.data      

7.Print the names of all people with area code 916
awk -F '[: ]' '$3=="(916)"{print $1}' lab3.data 
awk -F '[: ]' '$3~/916/{print $1}' lab3.data

8.Printing Mike The amount of the grant, with each value beginning with a dollar symbol, such as“ $250$100$175"
awk -F '[: ]' '/^Mike/{print "$"$5"$"$6"$"$7}' lab3.data 
awk -F '[: ]' '$1~/Mike$/{print "$"$5"$"$6"$"$7}' lab3.data

9.Print all surnames followed by a comma and name
awk -F '[: ]' '{print $2","$1}' lab3.data

10.Write a program called facts The script, and complete the following work:
a.Print all surnames as Savage Person's full name and telephone number
b.Printing Chet Amount of funding
c.Print out all the people who funded $250 in the first month

//The script content:
#Print the full name and phone number of all people with Savage name
$2~/Savage$/{print $1,$2,$3,$4}
#Print out the amount of Chet's grant
$1~/Chet$/{print $5,$6,$7}
#Print out all the people who funded $250 in the first month
$5~/250$/{print $1,$2}
#Change the value of FS when executing scripts

AWK Exercise 2: The main modes of practice are comparative expressions, relational operators, etc.

[kevin.tao@cws76 Ex_6.055-6.089]$ cat lab4.data 
Mike Harrington:(510) 548-1278:250:100:175
Christian Dobbins:(408) 538-2358:155:90:201
Susan Dalsass:(206) 654-6279:250:60:50 
Archie McNichol:(206) 548-1348:250:100:175 
Jody Savage:(206) 548-1278:15:188:150 
Guy Quigley:(916) 343-6410:250:100:175 
Dan Savage:(406) 298-7744:450:300:275 
Nancy McNeil:(206) 548-1278:250:80:75 
John Goldenrod:(916) 348-4278:250:100:175 
Chet Main:(510) 548-5258:50:95:135 
Tom Savage:(408) 926-3456:250:168:200 
Elizabeth Stachelin:(916) 440-1763:175:75:300

The database contains names, phone numbers, and campaign contributions over the last three months.

1.Print the names and phone numbers of people who donated more than $100 in the second month
awk -F '[: ]' '$6>100{print $1,$2,$3 $4}' lab4.data

2.Print the names and phone numbers of people who donated less than $85 in the last month
awk -F '[: ]' '$7<85{print $1,$2,$3 $4}' lab4.data 

3.Print the first month contribution at 75-150 People between Dollars
awk -F '[: ]' '$5>75 && $5<150{print $1,$2}' lab4.data 

4.Print out those who donate no more than $800 in three months
awk -F '[: ]' '($5+$6+47)<800{print $1,$2}' lab4.data 
awk -F '[: ]' '{if(($5+$6+$7)<800){print $1,$2}}' lab4.data 

5.Print the names and phone numbers of people who contribute more than $200 a month on average
awk -F '[: ]' '($5+$6+$7)/3>200{print $1,$2,$3 $4}' lab4.data 
awk -F '[: ]' '{if(($5+$6+$7)/3>200){print $1,$2,$3 $4}}' lab4.data

6.Print the surnames of people who are not in District 916
awk -F '[: ]' '!($3=="(916)"){print $2}' lab4.data 

7.Print each record and add a record number before the record.
awk '{print NR,$0}' lab4.data

8.Print out everyone's name and total donations
awk -F '[: ]' '{print $1,$2,$5+$6+$7}' lab4.data

9.hold Chet Contributions for the second month plus 10
awk -F '[: ]' '/^\<Chet\>/{print $6+10}' lab4.data 
awk -F '[: ]' '/^\<Chet\>/{$6=$6+10;print}' lab4.data 

10.hold Nancy McNeil Change the name to Louise McInnes
awk -F '[: ]' '$1=="Nancy" && $2=="McNeil"{$1="Louise";$2="McInnes";print $1,$2 }' lab4.data

AWK Exercise 3: Main Exercise Variables, Format Control, BEGIN END, etc.

[kevin.tao@cws76 Ex_6.090-6.126]$ cat lab5.data 
Mike Harrington:(510) 548-1278:250:100:175
Christian Dobbins:(408) 538-2358:155:90:201
Susan Dalsass:(206) 654-6279:250:60:50 
Archie McNichol:(206) 548-1348:250:100:175 
Jody Savage:(206) 548-1278:15:188:150 
Guy Quigley:(916) 343-6410:250:100:175 
Dan Savage:(406) 298-7744:450:300:275 
Nancy McNeil:(206) 548-1278:250:80:75 
John Goldenrod:(916) 348-4278:250:100:175 
Chet Main:(510) 548-5258:50:95:135 
Tom Savage:(408) 926-3456:250:168:200 
Elizabeth Stachelin:(916) 440-1763:175:75:300 

The above database includes name, telephone number and the amount of campaign donations received in the last three months.
Write a nawk script that produces the following output:

[kevin.tao@cws76 Ex_6.090-6.126]$ awk -f nawk.sc lab5.data 
NAME                   PHONE                Jan|     Feb |     Mar  |     Total Donated
Mike Harrington      (510) 548-1278    250.00  100.00  175.00   525.00
Christian Dobbins   (408) 538-2358    155.00   90.00  201.00   446.00
Susan Dalsass        (206) 654-6279    250.00   60.00   50.00   360.00
Archie McNichol      (206) 548-1348    250.00  100.00  175.00   525.00
Jody Savage            (206) 548-1278     15.00  188.00  150.00   353.00
Guy Quigley             (916) 343-6410    250.00  100.00  175.00   525.00
Dan Savage             (406) 298-7744    450.00  300.00  275.00  1025.00
Nancy McNeil          (206) 548-1278    250.00   80.00   75.00   405.00
John Goldenrod       (916) 348-4278    250.00  100.00  175.00   525.00
Chet Main                 (510) 548-5258     50.00   95.00  135.00   280.00
Tom Savage             (408) 926-3456    250.00  168.00  200.00   618.00
Elizabeth Stachelin  (916) 440-1763    175.00   75.00  300.00   550.00
The campaign received a total of 6137.00 for this quarter.           #Total contributions from all
The average donation for the 12 contribuors was $511.42.         #How much is the average contribution per person?
The highest contribution was $450.00.                                            #Maximum monthly contribution 
The lowest contribution was $15.00.                                               #Minimum monthly contribution

The fields in the book are aligned. The format of the script output is not very neat. The script content is as follows:

[kevin.tao@cws76 Ex_6.090-6.126]$ cat nawk.sc 
BEGIN { FS=":"
    printf "%40s\n","***CAMPAIGN 1998 CONTRIBUTIONS***"
    print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    printf "%-22s %-16s %7s| %7s | %7s | %8s","NAME","PHONE", "Jan", "Feb","Mar","Total Donated\n"
    print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

highest=(highest > $3)? highest : $3
highest=(highest > $4)? highest : $4
highest=(highest > $5)? highest : $5
lowest=(lowest==0 || lowest > $3)? $3 : lowest
lowest=(lowest < $4)? lowest : $4
lowest=(lowest < $5)? lowest : $5
printf "%-22s %-16s %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %8.2f\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,total

    printf "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
    printf "\t\t\tSUMMARY\n"
    printf "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
    printf "The campaign received a total of %7.2f for this quarter.\n",sum
    printf "The average donation for the 12 contribuors was $%.2f.\n",sum/lc       #Or sum/NR, sum/12
    printf "The highest contribution was $%.2f.\n",highest
    printf "The lowest contribution was $%.2f.\n",lowest
#The total variable is used to record the total contributions of each person for three months, the sum variable is used to record the total contributions of all people, the LC variable is used to record the number of contributions (sum/lc and sum/NR are equal to sum/12), and the highest and lowest variables are used to process the maximum and minimum values.

Summary: It feels awk is very difficult to learn, there are many contents, and the exercises behind the book can not be done. Array, function, loop and other functions are needed. It feels awk script is more difficult to write than bash script.

Topics: Linux Database Unix shell less