Use layui switch in Jsp list page
Functional introduction:
The layui switch is used to control the state of a data. 0: Enables 1: Disables. -
Background framework:
SpringMVC+Mybatis -
Background page:
Jsp page -
Functional Display:
Code implementation:
<tbody> <c:forEach items="${resultMap.result.records }" var="r"> <tr> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="ids" lay-skin="primary"> </td> <td>${r.code }</td> <td>${r.payments }</td> <td>${r.raised }</td> <td>${r.createTime }</td> <td> <input type="checkbox" value="0" name="state" lay-skin="switch" lay-text="Enable|Prohibit" ${r.state eq '0' ? 'checked': '' }> <input type="hidden" id="kaigID" value="${ }" /> </td> </tr> </c:forEach> </tbody>
Front desk JS:
<script> layui.use('form', function() { var form = layui.form; //form form.on('switch', function(data) { console.log(data.elem.checked); //Whether the switch is on, true or false console.log(data.value); //Switch value can also be obtained by data.elem.value var id = $(data.othis).next("input").val(); if(data.elem.checked == true) { $.ajax({ type: "post", async: false, data: "id=" + id + "&state=" + 0, url: "changeState", success: function(data) { flag = data }, }); if(flag == "Ny") { layer.msg("No more than three enabled States!"); } else { layer.msg("Enabled!"); } } else { $.ajax({ type: "post", async: false, data: "id=" + id + "&state=" + 1, url: "changeState", success: function(data) { flag = data }, }); if(flag == "yes") { layer.msg("disabled!"); } } }); }) </script>
When the switch is clicked, the callback function returns an object parameter with two members:
form.on('switch(filter)', function(data){ console.log(data.elem); //Get the checkbox original DOM object console.log(data.elem.checked); //Whether the switch is on, true or false console.log(data.value); //Switch value can also be obtained by data.elem.value console.log(data.othis); //Get beautified DOM objects });
js to be introduced
<script src="layui/layui.js></script>
Functional logic:
When you click on the switch, js gets the ID of the current data, layui switches listen for events and return true/false. My function is to set the status to 0 when you return true, carry the ID and status code to the background processing using Ajax, and vice versa, set the status to 1 when you return true.