User and Group Management

Posted by rdimaggio on Tue, 25 Jun 2019 20:27:08 +0200

User and Group Management

Each user has a UID, the administrator root is 0, and the average user is 1-65535.

System users: 1-499 (centos6), 1-999 (centos7)

Login users: 500 + (centos6), 1000 + (centos7)


/ etc/passwd User and Its Attribute Information

/ etc/group and its attribute information

/ etc/shadow User Password and Related Properties

/ etc/gshadow group password and its related properties


/ etc/passwd file format: 7

Username: password (x): UID: GID: GECOS (user full name or comment): home directory:shell

/ etc/shadow file format: 8

username: Encrypted password: The last password change time (from January 1, 1970 to today): The shortest password validity date is 0 days: The longest password validity date is 9999, which means never expired: Notify the user to change password a few days before the password expires: Lock the account a few days after the password expires: Account validity date

$6 sha512 ;$5 sha256 ;$1 md5 128bit

Double exclamation marks are more secure, and no unlocking of empty password users is allowed on centos7, that is, usermod-U Tom can not be executed (set Tom password to empty tom:!:)

/ etc/group file format: 4

Groupname: x: gid: members (a list of users with the current group as an additional group and a comma separator,)

/ etc/gshadow file format: 4


### As far as possible, all system-level operations do not change the configuration file directly, but by command.


Create new users

Usage: useradd [options] LOGIN
       useradd -D
       useradd -D [options]
-u Defined in/etc/login.defs
-o Coordination-u Options, not checked uid Uniqueness
-g Specifies the base group to which the user belongs, which can be a group name or gid
-c User's Annotation Information
-d Specify home directory, directory must not exist, system automatically created
-D Display or change the default useradd Configuration
-s Specify user default shell,Reference resources/etc/shells
-G Specify additional groups, which must exist
-N Do not create a group with the same name as the main group, use users Group as main group
-r Creating System Users id<500(centos6);id<1000(centos7)
Default settings:
more /etc/login.defs
more /etc/default/useradd
 Useradd-D Displays default configuration properties for adding users
 Useradd-D-s shell
 Useradd-D-b base_dir Change default base directory
 Useradd-D-g group
 Default login settings for cat/etc/login.defs
 authconfig --passalgo=sha256 --update
 File template of home directory, can modify or add files, default file. bashrc.
ll /etc/skel/*
Rm-rf/home/userb//Error deletion of new user home directory
 Cp-r/etc/skel/home/userb//regenerate the default configuration file for the home directory

useradd userb

When creating a new user, the system will modify the following four files at the same time. In order to avoid errors and asynchronism caused by manual modification of configuration files, it is recommended to add users by using the useradd command.

Ll/etc/passwd/etc/shadow/etc/group/etc/gshadow and modify the four files at the same time

date // Check the time to see if the file is the latest change

The ll/home//useradd command creates the same name home directory at the same time

Ll/var/spool/mail//Create mail files with the same name

linux system focuses on id number, not name. after deleting the user, the home directory will not be deleted synchronously. it will be displayed as id number, and then create an account with the same id number will automatically take over the home directory.


Modify user's basic information

usermod [options] LOGIN
-c Note Description Information
-d Specify a new home directory, but it will not be created immediately; to create and move home directory data to a new directory, use both-m option
-e Specify the expiration date of the account in the format of YYYY-MM-DD
-f Setting inactive deadlines
-g Designated subgroup
-G Specify additional groups to cooperate-a Use
-l Specify a login name
-L Locking Users
-s Designate NEW shell
-u Appoint uid
-U Unlock Users
usermod -L userabc  Locking Users
usermod -U userabc  Unlock
usermod -aG g1 userabc  take userabc Add to g1 In group
usermod -l userabc usera  Will user userabc Renamed usera
usermod -G "" userabc  Delete all additional groups
usermod -G userabc userabc  Ditto
getent shadow userabc  View password information for specified users

Experiments: Pay attention to early backup or snapshot

If the root id is changed to zero, that is, there is no root account with id=0 in the system, the system will not be able to start. The recovery method is as follows:

Experimental platform: centos6*, (7* Start menu is different, the same way)

Restart with init/bin/bash after pressing a on the boot menu; add parameters on the line of Linux 16 on centos7

mount -o remount,rw /

Vi/etc/passwd Change root id to 0

sync: Preservation



delete user


Create a new group

groupadd [options] GROUP
-g Appoint gid Number,Manually specified gid No. login.defs The scope limitation of the definition;
   [gid_min,gid_max]--file/etc/login.defs Defining automatic allocation gid
-r: Create system groups, id<500(centos6);id<1000(centos7)
groupadd -g 666666 group2  Manually specified gid No. is not limited by scope


Change group name, group ID and group password

groupmod [options] GROUP
-g Change Group ID
-n Change group name
-p Change group password


Delete the specified group

groupdel g1

To delete a group, it must be a non-primary group, i.e. there are no users under the primary group.


Duration of validity of account number and password modification

chage [options] LOGIN
-d The date of the last password change, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD,If set to 0, the user will be prompted to change his password the next time he logs in.
-E Account validity period expiredate
-I Password expiration time Password inactive
-l Display user's password policy
-m Minimum password validity, minimum number of days between password changes mindays
-M Maximum password validity, maximum number of days between password changes maxdays
-W Warning a few days before password expires warndays

chage -d 0 tom  Next login forcing password reset
chage -m 0 -M 42 -W 14 -I 7 tom
chage -E 2016-09-10 tom

Setting default password parameters affects password policy for subsequent new users



Default configuration for new users (centos 7.3)

#chage -l test
Last password change                                    : Jun 03, 2017
Password expires                                        : never
Password inactive                                       : never
Account expires                                         : never
Minimum number of days between password change          : 0
Maximum number of days between password change          : 99999
Number of days of warning before password expires       : 7


Change the default shell of the login system

chsh [-s shell] [-l] [-u] [-v] [username]
chsh -l  //View the shell supported by the system
cat /etc/shells  //Ditto
echo $SHELL  //View the shell currently in use
chsh -s /bin/zsh usera  //Change the user's shell
tail /etc/passwd  //View the changed user shell


Information used to change finger command display

-f Full name
-h Home phone
-o Office Address
-p Office Telephone
chfn abc  //Change user information directly in steps
finger abc  //View user information


Display user ID and group ID

id [OPTION]... [USER]
-g Display user group ID
-G Display User Additional Groups ID
-r Display reality ID
-u show user ID


Find and display user information

finger [-lmsp] [user ...] [user@host ...]
-l Information displayed by default
-s Display in a row
-p Do not display planned task information
chsh -s /bin/csh usera  change usera Default shell
getent passwd usera  View the specified user's passwd Information, not all
more /etc/passwd | grep abc  Ibid.

logname // Used to display user name


Display the group to which the user belongs

groups to display the group to which the current user belongs

groups usera View the group to which the specified user belongs


Change and view group members

groupmems [options] [action]
-g Change to the specified group (only root)
-a Specify users to join groups
-d Delete users from groups
-p Clear all members from the group
-l Display group membership list
groupmems -l -g g2  See g2 Members of the group
groupmems -a usera -g g2  to g2 Add in group usera user
groupmems -d usera -g g2  delete usera user
groupmems -p -g g2  Clearance crew members

Three ways to add users to additional groups:

usermod -aG groupname username
gpasswd -a username groupname
groupmems -a username -g groupname


Used to allow users to change their passwords

passwd [OPTION...] <accountName>
-k Settings can only be changed after passwords expire
-d Delete passwords( root Permission)
-l Locking Users
-u Unlock Users
-f Enforcement
-S List the user's password information in one line
-e: Force user to log in next time to change password
-n mindays: Specify the minimum password life
-x maxdays: Maximum useful life
-w warndays: How many days in advance to start warning
-i inactivedays: Inactive duration
--stdin: Receiving User Password from Standard Input
echo "password" | passwd --stdin username  Write scripts to change user passwords
#passwd -S abc
abc PS 2017-06-03 0 35 8 10 (Password set, SHA512 crypt.)
#passwd -S aaaa
aaaa LK 2017-06-03 0 99999 7 -1 (Password locked.)
echo centos | passwd --stdin userb  Automatically Setting User Password
echo centos | passwd --stdin test &> /dev/null  No prompt information output
getent passwd > username  Export all current system users and delete their system accounts


Change group passwords or management group members

gpasswd [option] GROUP
-a Add users to groups
-d Delete users from groups
-A Specify a group administrator to have administrative authority to add or delete users in a group
-M Designated Group Members
-r Delete group passwords
-R Restrict users to log in to a group, only members of the group can use it newgrp Join the group
newgrp usera  //Temporarily switch the primary group. If the user does not belong to this group, the group password is required.
touch newabc  //Create the file newabc
ll newabc  //View File Group
-rw-r--r--. 1 root usera 0 May 27 20:52 newabc


Bulk creation of users

The file format must follow the passwd file format, i.e. user name 1:x:UID:GID: user description: user's home directory: SHELL used

vi user  Creating the same format passwd file
newusers user  Bulk Creation of User Commands newusers
ll /home/test1  The directory is empty, that is newusers Commands do not automatically create directory files


Batch Update User Password

Vi. password Creates a user password file in username:password format and cannot have empty lines
cat passwd | chpasswd
 Or chpasswd < passwd) reads user password files
 Openssl rand-base 64 10 randomly generates a password of 10 bit length


The projection password used to open the user

After opening, the password will be recorded in the / etc/passwd file, and after closing, the password will be recorded in the / etc/shadow file. The original passwd file's password segment will be replaced by x.


Projection password used to close users


Projection password used to open groups

The system will record the password directly in the / etc/group file after opening, and the password will be recorded in the / etc/gshadow file after closing.


Projection passwords for closing groups

vi edit command changes directly and checks the grammar format automatically




Used to verify the integrity of group files

grpck /etc/group /etc/gshadow


Used to verify the integrity of the content and format of the system authentication file

pwck /etc/passwd


Deny User Login System

Vi/etc/passwd Find users who need to be banned from logging in and change their shell field to / sbin/nologin

Touch/etc/nologin Create Technology file, prohibit all users except root to login, delete the file can be restored


Switch users or execute commands as other users

su username: Non-login switching, i.e. it does not read the configuration file of the target user and does not change the current working directory

su - uername: Login mode switching, will read the target user's configuration file, and switch to the home directory, that is, complete switching

No password is required for root to switch to other users via su; password is required for non-root users to switch

Su [-] username-c CMD // / Switch user identity to execute specified commands

Su-l username // equivalent to su-username, i.e. complete switching

Root can be omitted when su - [root] switches to root

Note that after su switch, it's better to exit in time, otherwise it will cause some command execution errors.

Su-root-c'cat/etc/shadow'switch to root identity to execute the cat/etc/shadow command

Topics: shell CentOS Attribute Linux