VBS package instance

Posted by ec on Tue, 28 Jan 2020 15:57:34 +0100

Question: in order to complete the statistical work of the students' information in a class, we need to abstract the students into a certain category, and then use an array to save the students' information, and output the students' information (Chinese score, computer score, English score, name, gender, student number) according to the requirements:

Output students' average scores from high to low

All boys' names will be output

Output all girl student numbers

Get an average


Let's say there are 10 students in the class

The code is as follows:

Option explicit
'Define course category
Class course
	   Private cName  'Full name
	   Private cScore    'achievement
	'Property Get,Property Let,Property Set Read values, assign values, and object types.
	  Public property get courseName
		 courseName =cName  'Read value and return value
	  End Property
		Public property let courseName( vName)
		 cName =vName   'No return value for variable assignment
	  End Property
	'Pay attention to the process of assignment of course grade
		Public property get courseScore
		 courseScore =cScore 'Read value
	  End Property
		Public property let courseScore( vs)
		 cScore =vs     'Assignment of variables
	  End Property
End Class

'Define student class
Class student
	Private sName 'Student name
	Private sgender 'Student gender
	Private sNum  'Student ID
	Private lstCourses  'curriculum
   'Property Get,Property Let,Property Set Read values, assign values, and object types.

   Public property get averScore
			Dim avertmp,ln,aver,i 'Define variable total score, number of courses, average base
			ln = UBound(lstCourses)  'UBOUND Function returns the maximum subscript of an array. The data type is Long
			For i =0 to ln-1
				avertmp= avertmp+ lstCourses(i).courseScore
			If ln>1 Then
			  aver= ln
			End If
			averScore= avertmp/aver
   End Property

   Public property get studName
	  studName= sName    'Read value
   End Property
   Public property let studName(sv)
	  sName=sv       'assignment
   End Property

	  Public property get studNum
	  studNum= sNum   'Read value
   End Property
   Public property let studNum(sv)
	  sNum=sv     'assignment
   End Property

	Public property get studGender
	  studGender= sgender    'Read value
   End Property
   Public property let studGender(sv)
	  sgender=sv     'assignment
   End Property
   Public sub setSelcCourses(sv)   ''statement Sub The name of the procedure, its parameters, and the code that makes up its body.
	  Dim ln,i
	   ln = UBound(sv)
	  set lstCourses=nothing
	  redim lstCourses(ln)  'ReDim Statement is used at the procedure level to reallocate storage space for dynamic array variables.
	  For i=0 to ln-1
	   set lstCourses(i)= sv(i)  'Object type assignment
   End sub
End Class

'The test code test sample is only for the information processing of one student. If it is for all students in the class, please complete the corresponding code
Dim a,j,e,f,g,bb,i,c,m,nn,ss,ni,si
Dim n,x,s
Dim ac(3,10) 
Dim b(10),b2(10)
Dim d(3)
Dim n1(),s1()
ReDim n1(10),s1(10)
c = ""
nn = ""
ss = ""
e=Array(91,89,88,78,85,64,92,85,90,75)  'Chinese scores of ten students
f=Array(91,89,88,78,85,64,92,85,90,75)    'Math scores of ten students
g=Array(91,89,88,78,85,64,92,85,90,75)   ' Computer scores of ten students
n = Array("n1","n2","n3","n4","n5","n6","n7","n8","n9","n10")' Names of ten students
x = Array("male","male","fmale","male","male","fmale","fmale","male","male","male")
s = Array("1110","1111","1112","1113","1114","1115","1116","1117","1118","1119")' Student numbers of ten students
For  j =0 to 9
      set b(j)= new course  
For j =0 to 9
    b(j).courseName ="Chinese"
	b(j).courseScore = e(j)
For j =0 to 9
     set ac(0,j) = b(j)
    set b(j) = nothing 'release b(Object) 

For  j =0 to 9
      set b(j)= new course
For j =0 to 9
    b(j).courseName ="math"
	b(j).courseScore = f(j)
For j =0 to 9
     set ac(1,j) = b(j)
	set b(j) = nothing 'release b(Object) 

For  j =0 to 9
      set b(j)= new course
For j =0 to 9
    b(j).courseName ="computer"
	b(j).courseScore = g(j)
For j =0 to 9
     set ac(2,j) = b(j)
	 set b(j) = nothing 'release b(Object) 

 For j =0 to 9
      Set b2(j) = new student
ni =0
si = 0
For j =0 to 9
     b2(j).studName = n(j)
     b2(j).studNum = s(j)
     b2(j).studGender = x(j)
	  If  b2(j).studGender = "male"Then
	     n1(ni) = b2(j).studName
	     ni = ni+1
	     s1(si) =s(j)
	End If  
	Set n(j) = nothing
	Set s(j) = nothing
	Set b2(j)=nothing

 Set bb=new student
For j = 0 to 9 
	For  i = 0 to 2
		 Set d(i)= new course
		set d(i) = ac(i,j)
   b(j) =  bb.averScore 
   For i = 0 to  2
		 set d(i) = nothing 'release d(Object) 
	'b.studName& b.studNum&  b.studGender&b.averScore& vbcrlf 

For i = 1 to 9
	For j =1 to (10-i)
		If b(j)<b(j+1) Then
			m =b(j) 
			b(j) = b(j+1) 
		End If
 For i=1 to 10
    c = c&"  " &b(i)
 Dim length 'use length Represents the length of an array
length = UBound(n1) - LBound(n1) + 1
  For i=0 to length-1
    nn = nn&"   " &n1(i)
 length = UBound(s1) - LBound(s1) +1
  For i=0 to length-1
    ss = ss&"  " &s1(i)
msgbox  "Male name:" &nn& vbNewLine & "Girl student ID:"&ss& vbNewLine & "Average:"&c
For j = 0 to 9 
      Set b(j)=nothing

The above code basically realizes the function required by the problem, but in contrast, due to the long running time of too many cycles and assignments, and the output result does not consider the form of generating files, it is simply displayed in the form of a prompt box.

If you don't understand something, please refer to the w3c manual for advance understanding (this is also the experience below). If there is a better modification scheme, please leave a valuable note in the comment area. Thank you for your visit.


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