Video E-commerce Website - Generate token saved in client local Storage

Posted by warmwind on Thu, 11 Jul 2019 00:52:10 +0200

We've already seen that data can be saved on the client (browser) through the local Storage.

Review token

RESTful api in the framework for quick insight (middle): token authentication
RESTful api in the framework for quick insight (below): token settings

We have an interface on the back end:


In fact, it generates a token from clients.

Here, client_appid corresponds to the user name and client_appkey corresponds to the password.
This will generate an access-token after the back-end authentication, and we need to save this access-token on the client side.

Note: Our front-end is usually deployed on another server, which will be cross-domain. The back-end should deal with cross-domain problems. In PHP, we can write the following code:

//Specify to allow access to other domain names
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,POST");
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Requested-With,content-type,if-modified-since');

Front-end routine

Note that since VueX has already been used in our project, I must create a module in Store (the concept in vuex).

We have created a new UsersModule.js to handle the business of user login. Be careful not to forget to introduce user-index. JS in the entry file. If our "member backstage" also needs user-related data, it should also be introduced.
Modify in users-index.js:

//Introducing modules
import ResModule from './../Store/modules/ResModules';
import UsersModule from "./../Store/modules/UsersModule";
const vuex_config = new Vuex.Store({
    modules: {


import Vue from "vue";

export default {
            get UserName(){
                return localStorage.getItem("currentUser_name");
            get UserToken(){
                return localStorage.getItem("currentUser_token");
            // Here, add the username and token Preserve
            // Send out get Request permission authentication(Real Development Suggestions post Ways)
            let url = "http://localhost/yiiserver/web/index.php/token?client_appid="+user_name+"&client_appkey="+user_pass;

                    if (res!=null && res.body!=undefined && "access-token" in res.body){
                        var token = res.body["access-token"];
                        if (token != ""){
                            // back-end API Verification passed
                            // Call above mutations Method defined in
                        alert("User name password error");
                    alert("The request failed to enter here.")

Action section: We wrote a userLogin() method to send http requests to the back-end server, and the successful data calls are saved to the client in the setUser() method defined in the mutations section.
Note: The userLogin() method in actions is called on the user login page, that is, in userslogin.vue.
So go to userlogin.vue and modify the following code:


                // This validation is the method provided by the element-ui framework
                this.$refs["users"].validate(function (flag) {
                        alert("Users logged in successfully.*/

                        alert("User name and password must be filled in");

Let's test whether it has been successfully saved to the client's local Storage:

2. If our members are backstage
You also need to get user login information, such as user name. To display on the navigation bar.

First, it should be in member-index.js, the entry file of the member background module.

//Introducing Module
import ResModule from './../Store/modules/ResModules';
import UsersMoule from "./../Store/modules/UsersModule";
const vuex_config = new Vuex.Store({
    modules: {

Then we can do this in navbar.vue, for example:

<a href="##">{{this.$store.state.users.currentUser.UserName}}</a>

In this way, access the properties in users.

Topics: Vue PHP