Visual Studio 2015 + PCL1.8.1 environment configuration

Posted by Bisa on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 04:07:17 +0100


1. Download resource package

2. Install PCL

3. Install openni2 two

4. Environment configuration

5. Configure pcl1 in vs2015 environment eight point one

1.6 testing

1.7 description

1.8 References:

1. Download resource package

vs2015 is installed by default

vs2015 Community Edition download address: Installation strategy

The following are required:

All in one installation package download address: http: / / pointclouds org/downloads/windows. html

PDB package corresponding to all in one package. Download address: HTTPS: / / GitHub com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/releases

Github can't go up. Look here

Installation package download address: Point Cloud Library 1.8.1 has been released – Summary?Blog

2. Install PCL

Select the downloaded PCL-1.8.1-AllInOne-msvc2015-win64_3. Install the package. Right click to run as administrator;


Select the second one and Add PCL to the system PATH for all users;

Select the installation location;


Default to next step;


Select the components to be installed. Select all by default and install;


A prompt for installing OPENNI2 will pop up during the waiting process

Next, install OPENNI2

3. Install openni2 two

During installation, prompt to install openni2 2. Change the installation path and set the installation path to the 3rdParty folder in the PCL installation path

My is D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1rdParty \, and then Install;


Pop up prompt: select installation




Warning: path too long Don't worry, just click OK;


Complete the installation;

Note: after installation, enter the OPENNI2 installation folder to see if the following files exist. If they exist [all files except the suffix Wie.msi], proceed to the next step. If they do not exist or are incomplete, you need to uninstall OPENNI and reinstall


4. Environment configuration

After successful installation, enter advanced system settings and view environment variables;


These four environmental variables appear;


Double click Path to edit the environment variable,

Create the following environment variables:;


Next, unzip the downloaded pcl-1.8.1-pdb-msvc2015-win64 file and save all of it Copy the pdb file to the bin folder of the PCL installation path. My name is D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\bin


5. Configure pcl1 in vs2015 environment eight point one

Open vs2015, create a new project, select new Win32 console application, and name it PCL_env_set.cpp name optional


Then find view - Other windows - property manager and open the property manager;


Right click on the release|x64 folder to add a new project attribute table, named PCLRelease64;

Similarly, add a new project attribute table under Debug|x64, named PCLDebug64;


PCLRelease64 configuration:

Double click PCLRelease64 to pop up the property page, and select the VC + + directory on the left

On the right, add the following path in the include directory and Library Directory [the path should match your installation location]


Include directory

 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\include\pcl-1.8
 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\Boost\include\boost-1_64
 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\Eigen\eigen3
 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\FLANN\include
 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\Qhull\include
 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\VTK\include\vtk-8.0
 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\OpenNI2\include

Library Directory

 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\lib
 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\VTK\lib
 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\Boost\lib
 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\FLANN\lib
 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\Qhull\lib
 D:\Program Files\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\OpenNI2\Lib 

Add additional dependencies

Reference here PCL: installation and configuration of pcl12_ windows10_vs2022_XJTU_JP blog - CSDN blog_ pcl windows compilation

Double click PCLRelease64 to find the linker input additional dependency library on the left;


Open the 3rdParty\VTK\lib folder under the PCL installation directory, enter the following commands in cmd, and the output result is the dependency to be added (I install PCL on disk D and modify the command according to my installation path)

 cd Installation path
 dir *0.lib /B

After input, the following results will be output and put into additional dependencies;


In the same way, use the following command under PCL 1.8.1\lib, and the results obtained will also be added to the additional dependencies

 dir *release.lib /B

Results obtained:



Double click PCLRelease64 to pop up the property page, find c/c + +, preprocessor and preprocessor definition in turn, and add the following contents;


PCLDebug64 configuration:

The included directory and Library Directory of vc + + configured under Debug are the same as those under Release;

Additional dependencies

Open the 3rdParty\VTK\lib folder under the PCL installation directory and pcl1 8.1/lib folder. With reference to the method of release, enter the following commands in cmd successively, and the output result is the dependency to be added (I install PCL on disk D and modify the command according to my own installation path)

 cd route
 dir *debug.lib /B
 //PCL 1.8.1rdParty\VTK\lib
 cd route
 dir *0.lib /B

As shown in the figure, the files under the folder will be classified and extracted;


The two outputs of the command to add are:

 //Additional dependencies after two items are summarized

Preprocessor definition

Click the preprocessor in the C/C + + option in the PCLDebug64 property page to edit the preprocessor definition;


Add the following command:



SDL check

c/c + + -- all options --- SDL check, change it to "no";

Configuration completed!

1.6 testing

Copy the downloaded pcb file to the previously configured folder;


Copy the source code to the new cpp file


Crtl + F5 operation; The error code is c1010;


Click the error code and the official website gives the solution: Error C1010 | Microsoft Docs

Note that all configurations are mentioned here, not debug or release!!!




Test successful!!!


1.7 description

How to add a saved property sheet when opening a new vs project next time?

The operation is as follows:

Click View - > Other windows - > Property Manager

Right click Debug | x64, select "add existing property sheet", and select pcld64propertysheet. Under the PCL installation directory props;

Right click Release | x64, select "add existing property sheet", and select pclr64propertysheet. Under the PCL installation directory props;

Here, you need to remember the folder created during configuration. Mine is

D:\Visual Studio2015_PCL\PCL_environment\PCL_env_set.cpp\PCL_env_set.cpp

Click View - > Solution Explorer to return to the project.



Actual test:

Test source: Installation and configuration of PCL under windows system_ sangnanpo blog - CSDN blog_ windows installation PCL

Based on the above, create a new project and put the test code in In cpp, an error will be reported


After following the instructions, there is no Error reminder:

Run and try:


The solution remains:

Error C1010 | Microsoft Docs

In the Solution Explorer window, right-click the project name and select properties to open the project property pages dialog box.

In the configuration drop-down configuration, select all configurations.

Select the configure properties c/c + + * * precompiled header * * property page.

In the properties list, select the drop-down list for the precompiled header property and select do not use precompiled headers. Select OK to save the changes.


Then in the Solution Explorer window, right-click the pch source file in the Project. (in earlier projects, the file could be named stdafx.h.) Select exclude from Project to remove it from the build.

For each configuration generated, use the generate cleanup solution menu command to delete all projects in the intermediate build directory_ name . PCH file. (this step is given on the official website. I don't know what it means. It's not set. If the operation is successful, let's ignore it first)


Test successful!!!


1.8 References:

win10+vs2015+pcl1.8.1 installation configuration_ u013925378 blog - CSDN blog_ pcl vs2015

Installation and configuration of PCL under windows system_ sangnanpo blog - CSDN blog_ windows installation PCL

WIN10+VS2015+PCL1.8.1 environmental installation_ Usper CSDN blog_ vs2015 installing pcl

02VS2017 installing and configuring PCL1-8-1-Windows-PCL-development environment · YuQue (

PCL learning: use cmd to test the installation prompt. Unable to find pcl_common_debug.dll_zfjBIT column - CSDN blog

[PCL point cloud library] win10 + vs2015 + pcl1 8.1 configuration_ su_fan's blog - CSDN blog

PCL installation - win10 + vs2017 + pcl1 8.1 (I)_ xiaopi3 blog - CSDN blog

Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll'. Unable to find or open PDB file. Solution_ Let thoughts travel blog - CSDN blog

PCL: installation and configuration of pcl12_ windows10_vs2022_XJTU_JP blog - CSDN blog_ pcl windows compilation

Project after running cmake with vs_ weixin_34018169 blog - CSDN blog

Error C1010 | Microsoft Docs


Topics: C++ Visual Studio