vue export Excel format vue JSON Excel file Saver xlsx

Posted by ozace on Thu, 07 Nov 2019 16:35:41 +0100

vue export Excel format vue JSON Excel file Saver xlsx

Recently, the company is writing a project. It needs to export the json data in vue to Excel format. There are two ways to realize this: searching the data on the Internet

The second method is recommended by individuals. Although the first method is convenient, the second method is controllable

The first: Vue JSON Excel

 Install dependency package NPM install Vue JSON Excel

In main.js:

import JsonExcel from 'vue-json-excel'
Vue.component('downloadExcel', JsonExcel)

In the project

  <div id="app">
    <download-excel class="export-excel-wrapper" :data="json_data" :fields="json_fields" name="Click to download">
  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        json_fields: {
          "Complete name": "name", //Normal field
          Telephone: "", //Supports nested properties
          "Telephone 2": {
            field: "phone.landline",
            //Custom callback function
            callback: value => {
              return `Landline Phone - ${value}`;
        json_data: [{
            name: "Tony Peña",
            city: "New York",
            country: "United States",
            birthdate: "1978-03-15",
            phone: {
              mobile: "1-541-754-3010",
              landline: "(541) 754-3010"
            name: "Thessaloniki",
            city: "Athens",
            country: "Greece",
            birthdate: "1987-11-23",
            phone: {
              mobile: "+1 855 275 5071",
              landline: "(2741) 2621-244"
        json_meta: [
            " key ": " charset ",
            " value ": " utf- 8 "

The second implementation method:

Step 1: install the dependency package:

npm install -S file-saver xlsx
npm install -D script-loader

yarn installation package

yarn add file-saver
yarn add xlsx
yarn add script-loader --dev

#The second part imports two files Blob.js and Export2Excel.js, creates excel file in src directory, and puts two files Blob.js and Export2Excel.js in it,
Blob.js and Export2Excel.js: file extraction code: kk8a
Blob.js and Export2Excel.js download address

Import in main.js:

import Blob from './excel/Blob'
import Export2Excel from './excel/Export2Excel.js'

In the project:

  <div class="hello">
           <button class="tap"  @click="export2Excel">Export table</button>

export default {
 data () {
    return {
      tableData: [
        {'index':'999',"nickName": "Old days", "name": "98491231841251"},
        {'index':'1',"nickName": "noble", "name": "Zhang"},
        {'index':'2',"nickName": "sea aaa dust", "name": "Xiaolan"}
  methods: {
    export2Excel() {
      require.ensure([], () => {
        const { export_json_to_excel } = require('../excel/Export2Excel');
        const tHeader = ['Serial number', 'Nickname?', 'Full name'];  // Set the title of the first row of Excel table
        const filterVal = ['index', 'nickName', 'name'];  // index, nickName and name are properties of objects in tableData
        const list = this.tableData;  //Save tableData in data to list
        const data = this.formatJson(filterVal, list);
        export_json_to_excel(tHeader, data, 'Export filename');  //Export Excel file name

    formatJson(filterVal, jsonData) {
      return => => v[j]))
```![Insert picture description here](,type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk,shadow_10,text_aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZG4ubmV0L3FxXzQ0Nzk1ODEw,size_16,color_FFFFFF,t_70)

Topics: Excel Vue JSON npm