Vue: front end engineering and webpack

Posted by cuboidgraphix on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 11:44:42 +0100

1, Concept of front end Engineering

webpack: a specific solution for front-end engineering

Front end Engineering: in the development of enterprise level front-end projects, standardize and standardize the tools, technologies, processes and experience required for front-end development. Front end engineering solutions

Current mainstream front-end engineering solutions:

webpack ( 🔗: webpack Chinese document ) (mainly use this)

parcel ( 🔗: parcel Chinese website )

2, Basic use of webpack

Main functions: it provides friendly front-end modular development support, as well as powerful functions such as code compression confusion (reducing volume), handling browser-side JavaScript compatibility (converting high-level code into low-level code without compatibility problems, with solutions corresponding to different versions), performance optimization and so on.

Advantages: let programmers focus on the realization of specific functions, and improve the front-end development efficiency and project maintainability.

*At present, front-end projects such as Vue and react are basically developed based on webpack.

2.1 case - initialization interlaced discoloration case

(1) Create a new project blank directory, run npm init -y, and initialize the package management configuration file package.json

(2) New src source directory

(3) Create a new src/index.html home page and src/index.js script file

(4) Initialize the basic structure of the page.index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <li>This is the first one li</li>
    <li>This is the second li</li>
    <li>This is the third li</li>
    <li>This is the fourth li</li>
    <li>This is the fifth li</li>
    <li>This is the sixth li</li>
    <li>This is the seventh li</li>
    <li>This is the eighth li</li>
    <li>This is the ninth li</li>

(5) Run npm install jquery -S to install jQuery. (equivalent to npm install jquery --save, npm i jquery -S, save means to write the configuration of the guided package to package.json, and it will be written without -- save)

(6) jQuery is imported through ES6 modularization to achieve fission interlaced color change effect

import $ from 'jquery'


And in index index.html js.

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <script src="./index.js"></script>

(7) Right click to open in the browser

Operation result: the expected effect is not achieved and an error is reported. The reason is that the syntax is too advanced. webpack solution is required



(1) html template will be generated when html file in vscode is input

(2) Multiple shortcuts to < li > in html: UL > Li {this is the $li}*9, generating 9 li

(3) Right click vscode and there is no option to open in the browser. The solution is as follows: install the plug-in

2.2 installation of webpack

Run NPM install on the terminal webpack@5.42.1 webpack- cli@4.7.2 -D

The effect of - D here is the same as that of - S above. Both of them write information into package json. It'S just that the writing position is different

-D is put under devdependences [used in development phase and not needed after going online], and - S is put under dependencies [needed after development and going online].

-The full write of D is -- save dev

"dependencies": {
    "jQuery": "^1.7.4",
    "jquery": "^3.6.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "webpack": "^5.42.1",
    "webpack-cli": "^4.7.2"

Knowledge point: how to judge whether a package is - S or - D?

Enter npmjs com. Search for registration, such as webpack. View how to install. As follows, webpack adopts - D mode

2.3 configuring webpack in the project

(1) in the project root directory, create the webpack configuration file of webpack.config.js. The initialization configuration is as follows:

module.exports = {
    mode:'development'   //Mode refers to the creation mode. The optional values are development and production

(2) Under the script node in package.json, add a dev script

"scripts": {
	"dev":"webpack"            //Scripts under the script node can be executed through npm run, such as npm run dev.
        Note: here must be webpack,But not necessarily dev

Topics: Front-end Vue Vue.js Webpack