Vue2.0 learning notes

Posted by digitalhuman on Sat, 09 Oct 2021 19:34:24 +0200

1. Preface

In fact, for me, the knowledge of the school is certainly not enough for finding a job after graduation, so I can only constantly expand myself and learn some new knowledge, and the technology changes very quickly. So I vue do a simple study.

2. Template and its simple syntax

    1. Brief introduction to elements

		<div id="hellovue"> 
		new Vue({
				label:'hello vue!'
  • This double bracket is enclosed by text interpolation, which is used for data binding. Use vue's data to declare the data we need. In the above example, I changed the content of < p > to "hello vue".

In short: {}} is used to output object properties and function return values

  • el can be used to specify the id of DOM, so that we can modify the known DOM, add some functions to some data
  • method is a function. You can use return to return a value. It contains the whole logic of the page and some trigger events.

      2. Introduction to template syntax

  1. v-html is used to output HTML code to update the tags
		<div id="hellovue"> 
			<p v-html="label2"></p>
		new Vue({
				label1:"Modify text only",
				label2:'<h1>Here is the tag language (title)</h1>'

        2.v-text replaces the content of the element with the statement

Note: different from the interpolation expression here, it will replace the entire element content. For example, the content I replaced is hello

<p>{{label}} vue</p>

The result is: hello vue

<p v-text='label'>vue</p>

The result is: hello

		<div id="hellovue"> 
			<p v-text="label2">123456</p>
		new Vue({
				label2:'I'm not 123456'

        3.v-cloak can solve the problem of page flickering using interpolation expression

<div v-cloak>{{ok}}</div>
<style type="tetxt/css">

          4.v-model implements two-way binding of data, which will change the elements of the other party at the same time

<div id="app">
    <p>{{ message }}</p>
    <input v-model="message">
new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    message: 'hello vue!'

Note: when you enter content in the text box, the bound message content also changes

          5.v-once refers to the instruction. The elements, components and all nodes that use the instruction will be treated as static content and skipped. (can be used to optimize update performance)

	<div id="app"> 
		<p v-once>Render data once:{{text}}</p>
		<p>Data that can be changed:{{text}}</p>
		<p ><input type="text" v-model = "text"></p> 
	new Vue({
			text:"Current content "

        6.v-on can be used to bind events or pass parameters

	<div id="onclick"> 
		<input type="button" value="Click event" v-on:click="alert"> 
	new Vue({
		alert:function() {


  Note; v-on can be abbreviated as @ click

        7.v-if   Whether to insert the p element depends on the value (true or false) of the expression V-IF (I used bool here)

	<div id="exchange"> 
		<input type="button" value="display/Do not display"  @click="exchange">
		<p v-if="bool">Display successful</p>
	new Vue({

        8. If the effect of v-show is the same as that of v-if, no code demonstration will be carried out

Difference: v-if deleting and adding DOM elements  

        v-show just changes the true and false display style of DOM elements

Obviously, for the above differences, the rendering cost of v-if switching is higher, and the initial rendering cost of v-show is higher

9.v-bind is used to change the attribute name of an element

v-bind can be abbreviated as': '

  For example: v-bind:src='url 'can be rewritten as: src='url'  

<div id="app">
    <pre><a v-bind:href="url">use Baidu Search </a></pre>
new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    url: ''

3. Summary

The above is my introduction to vue2.0

Refer to the following blogs and materials: vue beginner's Guide (easy to understand)_ liuzhaoh's blog - CSDN blog_ vue novice introduction 

Vue.js template syntax | rookie tutorial

Topics: Vue.js