[WEB] common basic knowledge of CSS

Posted by mhoward on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 18:08:31 +0100

CSS definition and precautions



Cascading Style Sheets

matters needing attention

  • Each CSS style consists of two parts: selector and declaration

  • The declaration consists of two parts: attribute and attribute value

  • The declaration must be placed in curly braces {} (internal style and external style), and the attribute and attribute value are connected with: `

  • For each statement; end

  • When an attribute has multiple attribute values, each attribute value is separated by a space

  • Spaces and line breaks do not affect the effect

        attribute:Attribute value;
        attribute:Attribute value;

CSS introduction method

Inline style

<div style="width:200px;height:200px">content</div>

The inline style is written in the style attribute in the html tag

Internal style


The internal style is written in the head tag and wrapped with the style tag

One of the external styles

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">

The external style is to use the link tag in the head tag to link the external CSS file

External style II


        @import url(mystyle.css);

Importing css files using @ import

Comparison between link and import

Link is an html tag and import is provided by CSS. When the page is loaded, link will be loaded together with the page, and import will be loaded after the page is loaded. This will cause the page to have no style at the beginning of loading, which will cause the page to flicker BUG. At the same time, the compatibility of import is not as good as link

Priority value of style

According to the principle of proximity, in line style > internal style > external style

However, when using the important keyword, the priority value is the highest

CSS selector

-Key points-

tag chooser


Use html tags directly

Class selector

    <div class="box"></div>
  • Define the attribute class in the html tag and name it with = (assuming className)
  • If there are multiple classnames in html, you can connect them with spaces
  • Use in style className reference
  • When there are duplicate attributes in multiple classes and the weights are the same, the final result takes the attribute value of the attribute of the last class
  • The same class can act on multiple html tags

id selector

    <div id="box"></div>
  • Define the attribute id in the html tag and name it with = (assuming idName)
  • An html tag can only have one id
  • Using #idName references in style
  • The same id can act on multiple html tags, but it is strongly not recommended, because most of the functions of id are used for JaveScript calls and need to be unique

Wildcard selector


Use * to refer to all tag elements, which are generally used for initialization. Remove the self-contained styles of all tags, which is helpful to customize CSS styles

Group selector


Group selector is just a way of writing. It is a way of splicing all kinds of selectors. It is not a real selector

When some label styles are the same, the common styles of these labels can be extracted and spliced with their respective selectors (label selector, class selector or id selector, etc.) to act together

Level selector

        <p class="p1">
                <p class="p2"></p>
        <p class="p3">ha-ha</p>
  • html is hierarchical
  • All tags inside div are descendants of Div. similarly, h3 and class="p2" are descendants of div and p tag of class="p1"
  • class="p1" and class="p3" are brothers
  • class="p1" and class="p3" are the descendants of div

Descendant Selectors

        div .className #idName {/ * select the tag with class as className and internal id as idName in div tag*/
        div p{ /*Select all the p tags under the div tag without limiting the number of levels*/
        <p class="className">
                <p id="idName"></p>
  • When there is a hierarchical relationship between html tags, we generally call the inner tag the descendant of the outer tag
  • Offspring can be separated by multiple generations, not next to each other, unlike offspring selectors
  • Tag selector, class selector and id selector can be mixed
  • When there are labels that are difficult to distinguish but specific labels have to be specified, the descendant selector can be used when acting on the style, and spaces can be used to connect according to the hierarchical relationship


When the descendant selector is running, it is now looking for qualified external objects internally

For example, in the example, first find the tag whose id is idName, and then find the tag whose class is className externally, and then find the div tag on the outside that meets these conditions

Progeny selector

        div>p{ /*Select the first level p label under the div label, and the class is p1
        Labels for and p3*/
        <p class="p1">
                <p class="p2"></p>
        <p class="p3">ha-ha</p>
  • Choose a son (first level)
  • Splice with > sign

First brother selector

        .p0+p{ /*Select the tag of class=p0, and its brothers will follow it
        First element of face*/
        <p class="p0">Roar</p>
        <p class="p1">
                <p class="p2"></p>
        <p class="p3">ha-ha</p>
        <p class="p4">Hee hee</p>
  • The choice is to follow their first brother tag, not including themselves
  • If the first label immediately following you is not the specified label, the style is invalid. For example, the first brother of class="p0" in the example is span, which is not the specified p label, so the style is invalid

All sibling selectors

        .p0~p{ /*Select the tag with class=p0, and all its siblings are the elements with p tag*/
        <p class="p0">Roar</p>
        <p class="p1">
                <p class="p2"></p>
        <p class="p3">ha-ha</p>
        <p class="p4">Hee hee</p>
  • The selected is all the sibling elements behind you, and the specified label does not contain you
  • In the example, all the siblings of class="p0" are selected as p-labeled elements, not including themselves and span tags

attribute selectors

            width: 100%;
            height: 50px;
        [class]{ /*It means that only those with class attribute are allowed */
            background-color: red;
        [class][id]{/*Represents a with both class and id attributes */
            background-color: darkcyan;
        div[class]{ /*Represents a div with a class attribute */
            background-color: rosybrown;
        div [class]{ /*Indicates that the descendant of the div tag has the class attribute */
            background-color: yellow;
        div[class="box2"]{ /*Exactly matched, div with only one class and box2 class
            ,Equivalent to div.box2*/
            background-color: darkorange;
        div[class~="box2"] {/*As long as you have a div with class box2*/
            background-color: darkorchid;
        [class^=b] { /*className Label elements starting with b*/
            background-color: black;
        [class$=b] { /*className Tag element ending with b*/
            background-color: black;
        [class*=b] { /*className Label element containing b in*/
            background-color: black;
    <p class="p1"></p>
    <div class="box1">
        <div class="box2">
            <div class=box3></div>
        <div id="box6"></div>
        <div class="box2 box4 box5"></div>
  • Brackets [] indicate
  • Multiple splices, multiple restrictions
  • If there is no space, then there is no space on it
  • For tags, all attributes are applicable, such as class, id, name, and so on

Pseudo class selector

State pseudo class

        a:link{ /* Initial state */
        a:visited{ /* After visit */
            color: red;
        a:hover{ /* Mouse over or over */
        a:active{ /* Click activate */
    <a href="http://www.baidu. Com "> Baidu</a>
  • Writing style: pseudo class
  • It is commonly used for < a > tags, but it can also be used for other tags without limitation
  • If these four pseudo classes are used, there can be multiple pseudo classes missing a certain live class, but the order cannot be changed
  • Generally, after setting the < a > tag's own attributes, only the pseudo class: hover is usually used

Structural pseudo class

            padding: 0;
            margin: 0;
            width: 940px;
            height: 100px;
            margin:0 auto;

        .box div{
            width: 300px;
            height: 100px;
            background: red; 
            margin-right: 20px;
            border: 1px solid black;
            box-sizing: border-box;
        .box div div{
            width: 50px;
            height: 50px;
            background-color: blueviolet;
        .box div:last-child{ /*Select the last element in the descendant element whose className is box and whose level is div tag*/
            margin-right: 0;
            background-color: aqua;
        <div class="box">
            <div class="box2">
                <div class="box3"></div>
  • A way to style through the structure of html element tags
  • Used to select a label and does not apply to the parent class
  • Search layer by layer. For example, div with class=box2 in the first level will be used as pseudo class, and div with class=box3 in the internal level will be used as pseudo class

Common pseudo class elements

: first child first element

: last child last element

: nth child (n) nth element

: nth child (even) all even elements

: nth child (odd) all odd elements

: only child element with only one child element

: empty no descendant elements and no content (including spaces and line breaks)

Root: select the root directory, which refers to HTML

Pseudo element selector


        p::after {
            content:"- say";
    <p>I am a duck</p>
    <p>I live in Duckburg.</p>
  • Insert content after the content of the selected element
  • Use the content attribute to specify the content to insert


        p::before {
            content:"- say";
    <p>I am a duck</p>
    <p>I live in Duckburg.</p>
  • Insert content before the content of the selected element
  • Use the content attribute to specify the content to insert


        p:first-letter { 
    <h1>Welcome to My Homepage</h1>
    <p>My name is Donald.</p>
    <p>I live in Duckburg.</p>
    <p>My best friend is Mickey.</p>
  • Select the initial letter of the element label and style it


        p:first-line { 
    <h1>Welcome to My Homepage</h1>
    <p>My name is Donald.</p>
    <p>I live in Duckburg.</p>
    <p>My best friend is Mickey.</p>
  • Select and style the first row of the element label

UI element pseudo class selector

E: When enabled is available

E:disabled when disabled

E: When checked is selected

E: The part that is selected or highlighted

E:fouse when getting focus

  • To put it bluntly, when a tag is in what state, what do we want it to do
  • Commonly used in form
  • Generally, appearance:none is used to remove the default style. For example, when type=checkbox, it will be affected by the default style and the custom style will be overwritten

Negative selector

        :not(p) { /*Other than p tag*/
            background-color: #ff0000;
    <h1>Welcome to My Homepage</h1>
    <p>My name is Donald.</p>
    <p>I live in Duckburg.</p>
    <p>My best friend is Mickey.</p>
  • Writing method: not(s), s refers to the attribute / class / id / element label to be denied, etc

Weight of selector

Generally, the weight of the selector is represented by four digit 0

Element selector 0 1

Class selector 0 0 1 0

id selector 0 1 0 0

Inline style 1 0

Sum of offspring selector weights

!important 1 0 0 0 0

  • In case of style conflict, the one with high weight covers the one with low weight
  • When the weight is the same, the principle of proximity shall be followed


Text properties

Font size text size

Default 16px

Font family font

Multiple fonts are separated by commas

Color font color

Font weight bold

bolder | blod | normal | lighter

100 (thin) | 400 | 700 (BOLD)

Font style tilt

italic | normal

Text align align text horizontally

left | right | center | justify

Line height

The text is vertically centered, and the row height is set to the height of the wrapper, which is used for single line

Letter spacing character spacing

Words and characters, letters and letters

Word spacing

For word letters

Text indent first line indent

It is generally set as em unit, which is used as the multiple relationship of font size. In this way, this attribute does not need to be changed when changing font size

Text decoration

none is generally used to remove the underline of < a > labels

underline | overline | line through

Text transform English case conversion

capitalize | lowercase | uppercase

Text shadow text shadow

Horizontal vertical blur shadow color

Shadows can have multiple directions, with different directions separated by commas

           text-shadow: 0px -10px 1px red, 0px 10px 1px yellow;
           /* text-shadow: 0px 10px 1px yellow; */


font text attribute compound writing method

font-style font-weight font-size/line-height font-family

The order cannot be changed. Font size and font family must be specified, and other attributes can be omitted. These two attributes cannot be omitted

List properties

List style type list style

disc | circle | square | none

List style image sets the picture as a list style

List style image: URL (path)

List style position

outside | inside

Rarely used

List style compound writing

type image position in random order

Common none, clear all styles

Background properties

Background color

Background image: URL () background image

Background repeat tiling effect

Repeat (default) | repeat-x | repeat-y | none repeat

Background position

It is generally used when setting background image: url()

Four values can be set, top left and bottom right

You can use pixels | percentage | English words

Commonly used x-axis: left center right | y-axis: top center bottom

It is necessary to set the width and height, otherwise it will be invalid

Background size background size

Pixel | percentage | cover (equal scale enlargement or reduction, covering the whole element, but cutting the picture) | contain (equal scale enlargement, covering the elements with the whole picture as the boundary, but there may be elements that will not be covered)

Background attachment fixed background image

scroll | fixed (fixed in the browser window, separated from the parent class relative to the browser window)

After setting the background image, the parent class changes the position through positioning and other methods. At this time, the background image is not displayed. Because the position of the parent class changes, the position of the outer frame carrying the image changes. The image is in the original position and is not carried as the parent class, so it is similar to hiding

          height: 300px;
          width: 300px;
          background-color: yellow;
          background-image: url(img/0.jpg);
          background-repeat: no-repeat;
          background-attachment: fixed;
          margin:0 auto;

For example, margin:0 auto changes the position of the parent container, and the picture is not displayed

background compound writing

Background size can only be written separately and cannot be used in compound writing

Other attributes are in random order and missing at will


        p { 
            background-color: #ff0000;
    <h1>Welcome to My Homepage</h1>
    <p>My name is Donald.</p>
    <p>I live in Duckburg.</p>
    <p>My best friend is Mickey.</p>

float:left | right |none

  • Enables elements that are exclusive to one line to be displayed on one line
  • Floating will break away from the document flow
  • After floating, the text in the element will have the effect of text wrapping

Clear float

  • Define the same height for the parent class of the floating element
  • Use clear for the siblings of the parent class of the floating element
  • Add an empty brother to the floating element and use clear
  • Use overflow:hidden for the parent class of a floating element
  • Universal clear float
  • <style>
              content: "";
              clear: both;
              display: block;
              width: 0;
              height: 0;
              visibility: hidden;

clear:none | left | right | both

Box model

The width and height of the box consists of three parts

Box width and height = content width and height + inner margin + border width


The distance between the padding content and the border. Negative values are not supported


When one value, the four sides are the same

Two values, up / down / left / right

Three values, up / left / right / down

Four values, up / right / down / left (clockwise)


Border border

Border width

Same on all sides | up and down / left and right | up / left and right / down | up, right, down and left

Border style border style

solid | double | dashed | dotted

Border color border color

Border radius border fillet

It supports the independent setting of four directions, first vertical and then horizontal

border-top-left-radius | border-top-right-radius | border-bottom-left-radius | border-bottom-right-radius

Support multi value writing

At one value, the four angular radians are the same

When there are two values, top left and bottom right | top right and bottom left

For three values, top left | top right | bottom left | bottom right

Four values, top left | top right | bottom right | bottom left (clockwise)

It supports setting the length horizontally and vertically to produce radians

Only border radius is supported

Writing method: horizontal / vertical

Set different values for multiple angles

h1 h2 h3 h4/v1 v2 v3 v4

Turn the box into a circle

  1. height=width, i.e. square
  2. border-radius:50%;

Compound border:width style color

If border is set to null, it is 0, not none


The distance between the margin box and other elements can be negative

margin:0 auto centers the screen horizontally


When one value, the four sides are the same

Two values, up / down / left / right

Three values, up / left / right / down

Four values, up / right / down / left (clockwise)

Outer distance characteristic

Brother box

In the vertical direction, if one sets the lower margin and the other sets the upper margin, the larger margin between the two boxes shall prevail. If it is horizontal, it is the combination of the two margins

Parent and child classes

When setting margin top for a subclass, the effect will be generated on the parent class


  • Abandon the margin top of the subclass and adopt the margin top of the parent class
  • Set the border of the parent class
  • Floating can be generated for both subclasses and superclasses
  • Use overflow:hidden for parent class

img tag properties

< img > is an inline block element. Both the initialization margin and padding are set to 0, which has no effect on this label. When it is matched with other labels, it will produce spacing. Use display: block to convert it into a block element.


Under normal circumstances, if you add padding or border after setting the width and height of the box, you need to recalculate the width and height of the content, otherwise the total width and height of the box will change

Center box: by default, the width and height need to be recalculated

Border box: allows padding and border to be included in the existing width and height without recalculation

Inherit: inherit the parent class

Box shadow


h-shadow: must be the shadow position in the horizontal direction

v-shadow: the shadow position must be vertical

Blur: optional, blur distance

spread: optional, shadow size

Color: optional, shadow color

inset: optional, Inner Shadow

Overflow attribute

How does overflow solve the content of overflow boundary

visible: by default, overflow content will be displayed outside the element

hidden: overflow content hiding

Scroll: the overflow content produces a scroll bar

auto: if there is overflow, a scroll bar will be generated, and if there is no overflow, it will be displayed normally

free space

White space specifies how text is displayed

normal: default

nowarp: the text does not break into lines. You know that you encounter < br >

Pre: pre format, display spaces, enter, no line breaks

Pre warp: pre format, display spaces, enter, and wrap

Pre line: displays enter, no spaces, and line breaks

Display ellipsis for extra text

            width: 200px;
            height: 200px;
            white-space: nowrap;
            overflow: hidden;
            text-overflow: ellipsis;
  • Width must be set
  • Must be white space: nowrap
  • Must overflow:hidden
  • Text overflow: ellipsis | clip

Element type conversion


Block: block element
Inline: inline element
Inline block: inline block element
none: hide



Generally, the principle of "the son is independent of the father" is used, that is, the absolute positioning of the child and the relative positioning of the parent

static: default

Absolute: absolute positioning

Detach from document flow

When there is no parent element or the parent element is not located, the reference is the first screen of the browser

There is a parent element and a location (generally relative), and the reference is the parent element

Will turn inline elements into block elements
Relative: relative positioning
Relative to their original position changes, the original position remains occupied

Do not break away from document flow
Fixed: fixed positioning
Browser's current window

Detach from document flow
Sticky: sticky positioning
Ceiling effect, but the compatibility is not good, so it is not recommended

Use top | right | bottom | left to generate the position


When position is set, the last written is on the top layer by default

Change the hierarchical relationship and use z-index. The higher the value, the higher the value

Without position, z-index is meaningless

Use position to set the triangle

            width: 0;
            height: 0;
            display: inline-block;
            border:5px solid transparent;
            border-top:5px solid black;
            position: relative;

Horizontal vertical center

      /*Son Jue father phase*/
      .box div{ 
  • For browsers, you do not need to set relative positioning
  • The absolute parent phase of a child is the position in the parent class relative to the child class

Positioning on floating difference

  • Floating is semi detached from the document flow, which will produce a text wrapping effect
  • Absolute positioning is completely separated from the document flow

Inline element chunk element

  1. display:block
  2. position:absolute
  3. float



0: transparent, 1: opaque

Hide scroll bar

    ::-webkit-scrollbar {
            display: none;

Anchor point

Use the < a > tag to jump to different areas of the page

        <a href="#a">A page</a>
        <a href="#b">B page</a>
        <a href="#c">C page</a>
        <a href="#d">D page</a>

<div id="a"> 
    a page
<div id="b">
    b page
<div id="c">
    c page
<div id="d">
    d page
  • Associate the href attribute of the < a > tag through the id of a region

Width adaptation

Applicable block elements

            width: auto; /*Not writing or auto is adaptive*/
            height: 100px;
            padding-left: 100px;

Highly adaptive

  • If the parent class height is not set, it is supported by the content
  • Min height is usually set to ensure the rationality and aesthetics of the basic layout

Hide attributes

  1. display: none does not occupy the space to hide
  2. visibility:hidden

Font introduction

            font-family: fontName;
            font-family: fontName;
            font-size: 50px;
            text-shadow: 5px 0px 0px green;
  • Customize foneName and font path
  • Use font family to reference custom fontName

Window adaptation

Commonly used in mobile terminal

            padding: 0;
            height: 100%;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            height: 50%;
            height: 50%;
    <div class="box">
        <div class="child1"></div>
        <div class="child2"></div>
  1. html,body { height: 100%; }
  2. Element {width: 100%; height: 100%;}

Dynamic calculation function - calc()

width:calc(100% - 20px);

Support + - * /, follow operation priority

Elastic box

Applicable to mobile terminal layout

Set display:flex for parent class

            width: 500px;
            height: 500px;
            border:2px solid black;
            margin:100px auto;
            display: flex;/* Elastic box */
        .box span{
            width: 100px;
            height: 100px;
            border:1px dashed red;
    <div class="box">
  • Child elements are arranged horizontally by default
  • Inline elements become block level elements
  • When there is only one element, margin:auto is automatically centered

Elastic box shaft

By default, the horizontal right is the main axis and the vertical down is the side axis

Change elastic box spindle


Row landscape | row reverse landscape

Column vertical | column reverse vertical reverse

Container and item definitions

The elastic box is called a container, and the internal elements are called items

Elastic container

Spindle alignment


Flex start: close to the start position of the spindle

Flex end: position near the end of the spindle

center: spindle centered

After the elastic distance between the two ends of the main axis of the item, align it evenly with the end of the main axis

Space around: the distance between the start and end of the main axis is divided equally. The elastic items are evenly distributed on the line, with half of the space left on both sides, and the margins on both sides are half of the margins of the two items

Side axis alignment


Flex start: close to the cross start position of the side axis

Flex end: near the end of the side shaft

Center: near center

basekine: aligns to the text centerline (baseline) in the project

stretch: the default value. When height is not set, the side axis is filled and stretched by default, and the limit of min / max width / height attribute will be followed

Elastic box folding

By default, too many items will squeeze each other

flex-warp:warp; Generate line break

Row spacing


Flex start: position starting from the side axis

Flex end: from the end position of the side shaft

center: the side axis is centered

Space between: the two ends are aligned, the first and last items of the side shaft are close to the edge of the container, and then the distance is bisected

Space around: the two ends of the side shaft also divide the distance equally between the edges of the container. Half of the space is reserved on both sides, and the margins on both sides are half of the margins of the two projects

Elastic project

Alignment on side axis


Flex start: close to the cross start position of the side axis

Flex end: near the end of the side shaft

Center: near center

basekine: aligns to the text centerline (baseline) in the project

stretch: the default value. When height is not set, the side axis is filled and stretched by default, and the limit of min / max width / height attribute will be followed

Adjust project order


Default 0

Use integer values to define the arrangement order, and the ones with small values are in the front. Can be negative

Remaining space


Numerical type

  • When there are multiple items, such as box1, box2, box3
    • Box1, box2 set width or height, box3 set flex any value, box1 and 2 are affected by width and height, and box3 takes up the remaining space
    • When width or height are both set, but flex is set at the same time, width or height will be invalid, and all spaces will be allocated proportionally according to their respective flex values

Squeeze space


Numerical type

Shrinkage extrusion occurs only when the total width of the item exceeds the width of the container

1 is the default value, and the extruded items meet the container space

0 means no extrusion is allowed, and the scroll bar is displayed if it exceeds the width of the container

For other values, recalculate the width according to the flex shrink value

For example, the width of the container is 400px, and the three sub items are 250px, 150px and 100px respectively. The total width is 250+150+100=500px. The container cannot be put down, and the extra space needs to be absorbed by each sub item according to its own flex shrink. Flex shrink of sub item 1: 1 (not set to 1 by default), flex shrink of sub item 2: 2, flex shrink of sub item 3: 2.

The space to be absorbed by sub item 1 is (250*1)/(250*1+150*2+100*2) * 100 = 33.33px, and the real space of sub item 1 is 250-33.33 = 216.67px. Similarly, the space absorbed by sub item 2 is (150*2)/(250*1+150*2+100*2) * 100=40px, and the real space of sub item 2 is 150-40 = 110px. The space absorbed by sub item 3 is (100*2)/(250*1+150*2+100*2) * 100 = 26.67px, and the real space is 100-26.67=73.33px.

The last multiplied by 100 is the default value

Mobile terminal layout

There are three ways of mobile terminal layout

  1. percentage
  2. Elastic box
  3. rem layout

Mobile terminal mandatory label

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no">


The viewport on the mobile device is the area on the screen of the device that can be used to display our web pages. Specifically, it is the area on the browser (or WebView in an app) that can be used to display web pages. However, the viewport is not limited to the size of the viewable area of the browser. It may be larger than the viewable area of the browser, It may also be smaller than the viewable area of the browser. By default, generally speaking, the viewport on the mobile device is larger than the viewing area of the browser. This is because considering that the resolution of the mobile device is relatively small compared with that of the desktop computer, in order to normally display those websites designed for the desktop browser on the mobile device, Browsers on mobile devices will set their default viewport to 980px or 1024px (or other values, which are determined by the device itself), but the consequence is that the browser will appear a horizontal scroll bar, because the width of the browser's viewing area is smaller than that of the default viewport.


Set the width of the layout viewport to a positive integer or the string "width device"


Set the initial scaling value of the page as a number, with decimals


Whether the user is allowed to zoom. The value is "no" or "yes". No means not allowed, and yes means allowed

resolving power

  1. The mobile pixel in developer mode is CSS pixel, which is the px unit commonly used
  2. The resolution of the mobile phone is the physical resolution, which is the real pixel of the device
  3. It is not necessary to write code on the design side of P1x, but on the mobile side

Device pixel ratio

Device pixel ratio (dpr) = physical pixels / CSS pixels

Talking about css pixel and physical pixel

In css, we generally use PX as the unit. In desktop browsers, a pixel of css often corresponds to a physical pixel of the computer screen, which may lead to an illusion that the pixel in css is the physical pixel of the device. But the actual situation is not the case. The pixels in css are just an abstract unit. The physical pixels of devices represented by 1px in css are different in different devices or environments. We don't have to worry about this in web pages designed for desktop browsers, but on mobile devices, we must understand this. In previous mobile devices, the density of screen pixels was relatively low, such as the iPhone 3, which has a resolution of 320x480. On the iPhone 3, a css pixel is indeed equal to a physical pixel of the screen. Later, with the development of technology, the screen pixel density of mobile devices became higher and higher. Starting from iPhone 4, Apple launched the so-called Retina screen. The resolution doubled to 640x960, but the screen size did not change, which means that on the screen of the same size, the pixels doubled. At this time, a css pixel is equal to two physical pixels. The same is true for other brands of mobile devices. For example, Android devices can be divided into different levels such as ldpi, mdpi, hdpi and xhdpi according to the screen pixel density, and the resolution is also varied. How many screen physical pixels are equivalent to a css pixel on Android devices also varies according to different devices, and there is no final conclusion.

Another factor that can also cause PX changes in css is user scaling. For example, when the user doubles the page size, the physical pixels represented by 1px in css will also double; Conversely, if you double the size of the page, the physical pixels represented by 1px in css will also be doubled. Through devicePixelRatio, we can know how many physical pixels a css pixel on the device represents. For example, on the iphone of Retina screen, the value of devicePixelRatio is 2, that is, one css pixel is equivalent to two physical pixels. However, it should be noted that there are some compatibility problems with devicepixel ratio in different browsers, so we can't fully trust it yet

Common unit

px and em and rem

px pixel

Relative to the font size of the parent element, em always looks for the parent element to define its own value

Relative to the font size of the root element html, rem is commonly used in mobile terminal layout

vw and vh

vh view-height

100vh = height of viewport

vw view-width

100vw = width of viewport

Difference between 100vw and 100%

100vw == 100% without scroll bar

With scroll bar

100vw contains the window size of the scroll bar, and 100% does not contain the size of the scroll bar

Multi column layout

Most are used for waterfall flows

            column-count: 5;
            /* Set the number of display columns */
        .box img {
            width: 100%;
        .box div{
            border:3px solid green;
            margin-bottom: 10px;
            break-inside: avoid;
            /* No folding inside the box */
        .box div p {
            line-height: 30px;
            text-align: center;
            font-size: 14px;
    <div class="box">
            <img src="images/1.jpg" alt="">
            <img src="images/2.jpg" alt="">
            <img src="images/3.jpg" alt="">

Column count displays the number of columns

Parent class

Column gap column spacing

Parent class

Column rule column border

Parent class

width style color

There is a space line between columns

Column span span span

Acts on child elements, not parent classes

All (across all columns)

Break inside sets the interrupt (line break) effect inside the box

To child element, not parent

avoid forbidden terminal (line folding)

.list {
 -webkit-column-break-inside: avoid; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
           page-break-inside: avoid; /* Firefox */
                break-inside: avoid; /* IE 10+, Chrome, Safari, Opera */

Grid layout


Turns the element into a block level element

Divide the container into rows and columns and generate cells

Gridlines: gridlines are divided across rows and columns

  • Remember the number of grid lines

During layout, the number of rows and columns to be divided and the correct width shall be calculated reasonably to avoid the situation that the width of rows or columns exceeds the container

Container properties

Width of rows and columns

Grid template rows row width

Grid template columns column width

            width: 600px;
            height: 600px;
            border:5px solid gray;
            display: grid;

            /* 1 Fixed value */
            grid-template-rows: 200px 200px  200px;
            grid-template-columns: 200px 200px  200px;

            /* 2 percentage */
            grid-template-rows: 33.3% 33.3% 33.4% ;
            grid-template-columns: 33.3% 33.3% 33.4% ;

            /* 3 repeat */
            grid-template-rows: repeat(3,33.33%);
            grid-template-columns: repeat(3,33.33%);

            /* 4. repeate autofill */
            grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fill,200px);
            grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill,20%);
            /* 5. fr fragment */
            grid-template-rows: 1fr 2fr  1fr;
            grid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr  1fr;
            /* 6. minmax */
            grid-template-rows: minmax(100px,200px)  200px 100px;
            grid-template-columns: 200px  200px 200px;

            /* 7 auto */
            grid-template-rows: 100px  200px auto;
            grid-template-columns: 100px  200px auto;
    <div class="box">

repeat function

Repetition width


It is often used in conjunction with the repeat function to automatically divide cells (rows or columns) according to the following width

fr fragment

Divide the cells according to the quantity proportion of fr

minmax value

It's useless. Take one of your two values according to the width behind, and you will definitely take one of them, which may cause the total width to exceed the width of the container

auto automatically fills up the remaining space

Row / column spacing

Gap row spacing

Grid column gap column spacing

Grid gap compound writing method

To set the row / column spacing, resize the cells so that the total width does not exceed the container

merge cell

Grid template area division area

Grid area designated area

        .box {
            width: 600px;
            height: 600px;
            /* background:red; */
            display: grid;
            border: 5px solid gray;

            grid-template-columns: 200px 200px 200px;
            grid-template-rows: 200px 200px 200px;

            grid-template-areas: 'a e e'
                                 'a e e'
                                 'g h i' 
        .box div{
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            border: 1px solid red;
        .box div:nth-child(1){
        .box div:nth-child(2){

    <div class="box">
  1. Specify the number and width of cells through grid template rows and grid template columns
  2. Divide the area through grid template area

    The cells are represented by English letters. The same letters will produce the merging effect. Do not use the same letters across other cells. Ensure that the same letters are adjacent

  3. Specify the area by using grid area for the project

    In the project, the alphabetic area is specified according to the order, and it should not be specified indiscriminately as far as possible. For example, in the example, the area g specified by div1 will cause confusion in development


Arrangement direction of items in container



By default, items are arranged and folded from left to right in the container


Arrange items from top to bottom, and fold from top to bottom

Alignment of cells in containers

When the width set by the cell cannot completely occupy the container

            width: 600px;
            height: 600px;
            border:5px solid gray;
            display: grid;
            grid-template-rows: repeat(3,100px);
            grid-template-columns: repeat(3,100px);
            justify-content: space-around;
            align-content: center;
    <div class="box">

Justify content horizontal alignment

Align content vertical alignment

Place content compound writing, align | justify

  • place-content:space-evenly center


Row / column spacing


Arrange each element evenly and allocate the same space around each element


Arrange each element evenly. The first element is placed at the starting point and the last element is placed at the end point


Center in container


Arrange from the beginning of the line in the container


Start at the end of the container

Alignment of items in cells

            width: 600px;
            height: 600px;
            /* background:red; */
            border:5px solid gray;
            display: grid;
            grid-template-rows: repeat(3,100px);
            grid-template-columns: repeat(3,100px);
            place-content: center center;
            justify-items: center;

        .box div{
            border:1px solid green;
            width: 50px;
            height: 50px;

    <div class="box">

Justify items horizontal alignment within cells

Align items vertical alignment

Place items, align justify

  • place-items:start center


By default, when the width and height of the project are not set, it will be filled automatically


Center in cell


First place in cell


At the end of the cell

Project properties

merge cell

Merge cells through gridlines

that 's ok

Grid row start start grid line number

Grid row end termination grid line number

Grid row compound writing, start / end



Gird column start start grid line number

Grid column end stop grid line number

Grid column compound writing, start / end


Responsive layout

It is suitable for display pages, but not for e-commerce pages, which is inefficient

     @media screen and (max-width:1000px) and (min-width:500px){

@media query

Type device type

all equipment | screen display, mobile terminal

Logical keyword

And and | only limit | not exclude

Some common attributes that limit

Min height minimum height

Max height maximum height

Min width min width

Max width maximum width

Orientation screen orientation

portrait vertical screen and landscape horizontal screen

Common breakpoints

320px (primary) | 480px (secondary) | 640px (secondary) | 720px (primary) | 768px (secondary) | 1024px (primary)

rem layout

            /*Benchmark font size*/
            font-size: 100px;
        //Font size calculation px
        document.documentElement.style.fontSize=document.documentElement.clientWidth/750 * 100 +'px'

        //Font size calculation vw 
        document.documentElement.style.fontSize=100/750 * 100 +'vw'
  1. Set html root directory benchmark font size
  2. There are two ways to set script code
    • Get px dynamically

    Font size = css layout width / physical resolution of the current equipment (width of design draft) * benchmark font size + 'px'

    • Get vw dynamically

    Font size = 100 / physical resolution (width of design draft) * benchmark font size + 'vw'

Gradient function

Linear gradient

background/background-image:linear-gradient(direction, color-stop1, color-stop2, ...)

Direction: the angle or direction of the gradient

0deg stands for bottom-up


  • To bottom from top to bottom (default) | to top from bottom to top | to left from right to left | to right from left to right
  • to top right from lower left corner to upper right corner | to top left from lower right corner to upper left corner | to bottom right from upper left corner to lower right corner | to bottom left from upper right corner to lower left corner

Color: the ending color of the gradient. It supports multi-color gradient and percentage. The general writing method is color percent, which is connected with spaces

            width: 500px;
            height: 500px;
            border:10px solid gray;
            background:linear-gradient(red 10%,yellow 10% ,yellow 30%,green 30%);

Percentage means that the position to percent is solid color, so the same percentage in the example is that there is no transition effect between the two colors

Radial Gradient

background/background-image:radial-gradient(shape size at position,color-stop1,color-stop2, ...)

Position: the starting position of the gradient, which can be a percentage. It can be written in English as center by default

The browser support prefix needs to be considered


Writing rules horizontal percentage vertical percentage

English Writing

center | top | bottom

Shape: radial gradient shape, but affected by the shape of the outer box, if it is a circle, the outer box needs to be square

  • Ellipse (default): Specifies the radial gradient of the ellipse
  • Circle: Specifies the radial gradient of the circle

size: defines the ending principle of the gradient

  • Farthest corner (default): Specifies that the radius length of the radial gradient is from the center of the circle to the angle farthest from the center of the circle
  • Closest side: Specifies that the radius length of the radial gradient is from the center of the circle to the edge closest to the center of the circle
  • Closest corner: Specifies that the radius length of the radial gradient is from the center of the circle to the angle closest to the center of the circle
  • Farthest side: Specifies that the radius length of the radial gradient is from the center of the circle to the edge farthest from the center of the circle

The ending color of color gradient supports multi-color gradient and percentage. The general writing method is color percent, which is connected with spaces

            width: 500px;
            height: 500px;
            border:10px solid gray;
            background-image: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side at 60% 55%, blue, green, yellow, black);

Repeat gradient


Animation transition

transition: label attribute animation duration curve delay time of the executed animation;
Multiple animations can be separated by commas

Label attribute of the executed Animation: single attribute / all (all attributes)

Time curve

  • ease corresponds to custom cubic Bezier (. 25,. 01,. 25,1). The effect is slow first, fast then slow;
  • linear corresponds to a custom cubic Bezier (0,0,1,1), and the effect is a uniform straight line;
  • Ease in corresponds to a custom cubic Bezier (. 42,0,1,1). The effect is slow first and then fast;
  • Ease out corresponds to a custom cubic Bezier (0,0,. 58,1). The effect is fast first and then slow;
  • Ease in out corresponds to a custom cubic Bezier (. 42,0,. 58,1). The effect is slow first, fast then slow.

Set a single transition

Transition property: the label property of the animation to be executed

Transition duration: animation duration

Transition timing function: time curve

Transition delay: delay time

Animation properties


Multiple animations are supported. Each animation is connected with a space. Generally, the displacement must be done first and then other animations

Transition animation can be implemented in conjunction with transition, otherwise the animation will jump

Coordinate system

10. The Z axis is clockwise and the Y axis is counterclockwise

2D/3D platform


flat: default 2D platform; can be omitted

preserve-3d: 3D platform

3D depth of field


It is generally set to 800px or 900px scene depth

Change center position


z: Use px for 3d attribute

x: left | center | right | px | %

y: top | center | bottom | px | %

Essential attributes of 3D effect



Displacement animation

  1. 2D displacement


    • translateX(px)
    • translateY(px)
  2. 3D displacement


  3. Compound writing

            width: 200px;
            height: 200px;
            transition:all 2s;/*Transition animation*/
            transform: translateX(50px);/*Initially move a certain displacement*/
            transform: translate(100px,100px);/*Produce the final effect of animation*/


  1. 2D zoom

    Scale (multiple)

    • scaleX()
    • scaleY()
  2. 3D zoom

    Scalez (multiple)

  3. Compound writing


  1. 2D rotation


    • rotateZ() default
  2. 3D rotation



  3. Compound writing


    x. The value of Y and Z is 0-1, and the final rotation effect is obtained by multiplying the value of deg



  • The lower right corner of skewX() is pulled to the right
  • Draw from the lower right corner of "skew"

Keyframe animation

Animation: animation name duration curve repetitions

Number of repetitions

number | infinite

Please refer to animation transition for time curve

Declaration animation

  1. from and to

                 width: 200px;
                 height: 200px;
                 animation: whchange 2s linear infinite;
                 /* infinite Infinite times */
             /* Declaration animation */
             @keyframes whchange {
                     width: 200px;
                     height: 200px;
                     width: 400px;
                     height: 600px;


     @keyframes animation name{
             Attribute initial value
             Property termination value
  2. percentage

                 width: 200px;
                 height: 200px;
                 animation: whchange 2s linear infinite;
                 /* infinite Infinite times */
             /* Declaration animation */
             @keyframes whchange {
                 transform: translateX(0);
                 transform: translateX(-640px);
                 transform: translateX(-640px);
                 transform: translateX(-1280px);
                 transform: translateX(-1280px);
                 transform: translateX(-1920px);
                 transform: translateX(-1920px);
                 transform: translateX(-2560px);
                 transform: translateX(-2560px);


     @keyframes animation name{

Keyframe animation single attribute

Animation name: animation name

Animation duration: duration

Animation timing function: time curve

Animation delay: delay time

Animation iteration count: the number of animation repetitions

Animation b-play-state: animation state

running | paused

Animation direction: animation running state

normal | reverse | alternate positive and negative | alternate reverse

Animation fill mode: animation stop state

none default | forwards last frame

frame-by-frame animation

animation: run 5s steps(1,end);

Steps (steps, frame status)

The greater the number of steps, the more moderate the transition

Frame state

  1. end

    Keep the current frame until the end of the animation

    The current frame is the frame being played. The first frame is 0%. When the animation reaches 100% at the end, it means that the animation has ended. Therefore, 100% will be played at a speed that cannot be captured by the naked eye and return to 0%, so the last frame cannot be seen at this value

    You can add forwards to keep the last frame

  2. start

    Keep the next frame until the end of the animation

    Keeping the next frame will cause 0% to pass at a fast speed and the first frame will not be seen

    You can cycle the first frame 0% after 100%, so you can see it all

Note: steps and time curve are mutually exclusive

Topics: Front-end html css