webpack basic usage

Posted by Ludichrist on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 10:27:52 +0100

Webpack is a technology that many front-end workers will contact. It has no doubt about the effect of code optimization, but its complex operation is undoubtedly very troublesome for Xiaobai who is new to the front-end. Today, let's talk about the introduction and use of the basis of webpack.

Basic concepts

webpack is a static module packer for modern JavaScript applications.

When webpack processes applications, it will package a huge file into one or more bundle s to optimize the code. After all, most of the optimization process is from complex to simple.

1, Installation

First, make sure that your computer has a nodejs environment. Then, enter cmd through win+r to go to the console (the console will not be closed for the time being when it is opened, and it will be used later). Enter the following code

md mypack
//Create a folder named mypack

cd mypack
// Enter your project directory mypack directory, and you can create it yourself
npm init  
//  Initializing the project folder creates a package js
npm i webpack webpack-cli -D
//Install webpack and webpack cli

Well, we have the following documents

Then create an src folder under the root directory mypack

Then create two headers under the src folder JS and index JS JavaScript file

header.js contents are as follows

var elem = document.createElement("div");//Create a node
elem.innerHTML = "hello,webpack";//Set content
export default elem;//Export node

index.js contents are as follows

import elem from "./header.js";//Import node
document.body.appendChild(elem);//Insert to page

OK, now we have a basic webpack packer. Enter the following code on the cmd console

cd /mypack //Go to mypack folder

C:\myback>npx webpack
//After input, the root directory will generate a dist file with a main js

After that, you can create a new html page under the "dist" folder to check our results and insert it under "body"

<script src="./main.js"></script>

Open the new file again, and we can see the words "hello, webpack" on the page.

2, Utility profile

Create a new webpack under the folder mypack config. JS file (be sure to use this name, and you can't change it at will)

Then write the following code in the file

module.exports = {    // Export module in node
    entry: "./src/index.js",// Specify the entry of the file
    output: {               //Export
        filename: "main.js",// Define file name
        path: __dirname + "dist", // Define folder / /__ dirname get current directory
    mode: "production", //Product module

Execute npx webpack command in cmd console to realize packaging.

3, Restart the server using webpack dev server to update

Enter the following command on the cmd console

npm i webpack-dev-server  html-webpack-plugin  -D 

Create a public folder under the mypack folder in the root directory to store public data, and create an index. In the public folder HTML file

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />



Select package. From the three files we automatically generated at the beginning Add the following code to the script in the JSON file

"scripts": {
        "build": "webpack",
        "serve": "webpack serve",
        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"

In webpack config. JS configuration file

const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");

Then instantiate the plug-in plugins

module.exports = {    // Export module in node
    entry: "./src/index.js",// Specify the entry of the file
    output: {               //Export
        filename: "main.js",// Define file name
        path: __dirname + "dist", // Define folder / /__ dirname get current directory
    plugins: [ // Instantiate vue plug-in
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({//Specify template
            template: "./public/index.html",
    mode: "production", //Product module

Then add the local service setting devserver

module.exports = {    // Export module in node
    entry: "./src/index.js",// Specify the entry of the file
    output: {               //Export
        filename: "main.js",// Define file name
        path: __dirname + "dist", // Define folder / /__ dirname get current directory
    plugins: [ // Instantiate vue plug-in
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({//Specify template
            template: "./public/index.html",
    mode: "production", //Product module
    devServer: {
        open: true, //Open browser
        host: "localhost", //Local domain name
        port: 8080, //Port number
        hot: true, //Thermal loading

Finally, enter npm run serve on the cmd console to display the page.

4, Various loader s

The loader gives webpack the ability to handle more files in other formats

Style loader: insert the style into the style tag

css loader: insert css into style and load css

In the cmd console, enter:

npm i style-loader css-loader -D

In webpack config. Add module module to JS:

module.exports = {    // Export module in node
    entry: "./src/index.js",// Specify the entry of the file
    output: {               //Export
        filename: "main.js",// Define file name
        path: __dirname + "dist", // Define folder / /__ dirname get current directory
    plugins: [ // Instantiate vue plug-in
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({//Specify template
            template: "./public/index.html",
		// rule
			//Testing End of css file
			// Using two loader loaders
    mode: "production", //Product module
    devServer: {
        open: true, //Open browser
        host: "localhost", //Local domain name
        port: 8080, //Port number
        hot: true, //Thermal loading

Topics: Javascript Front-end Webpack