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Use qq login to complete the realName authentication, click to create application
Create site app
Fill in relevant information
It is very important to fill in the callback field. If you fill in the wrong code, you will see 100010
[QQ login] login common error code
Front end
This is the qq login of the current website access,
Attention points
1. It seems that the interface involving * * appkey * * can't be submitted through the client. I guess it's because it's not safe for Tencent's * * appkey * * to be called in the front end, so it has to be called in the background. 2. When obtaining * * access UU token * *, the front end can use * * window.location.href * * = 'Tencent gets the url address of access UU token'. Tencent will return * * access UU token * * to html, but it's not easy to get it. Of course, it can also use regular matching, but I don't think it's right to get it. My current practice puts the * * access UU token * * to the server to get it Fetch and return to the client.
// qq login complete code import {token,qquserinfo} from '@servers/qq'; import {qqlogin} from '@servers/login/login.js'; import jsonp from 'jsonp'; const app_cinfig = { appid: ******, appkey: '*********************', redirecturi: '', state: '******', url : '', scope:'******', client_id:'', openid:'', } let home = '/index.html' let code = window.globalSelf.utils.getQueryString('code'); // code is empty, indicating the first time in if(!code){ let url = app_cinfig.url + '/authorize?response_type=code&client_id='+app_cinfig.appid+'&redirect_uri='+app_cinfig.redirecturi+'&state='+app_cinfig.state+'&scope='+app_cinfig.scope; window.location.href = url // QQ will carry the code back to the domain name, like this }else{ token({code}) .then((res)=>{ // jsonp is an open source library on git, which is very convenient for cross domain requests jsonp(app_cinfig.url + '/me?access_token='+res, { name: 'callback' }, function (err, data) { if (err) throw err; let {client_id,openid} = data; app_cinfig.client_id = client_id; app_cinfig.openid = openid; qquserinfo({token:res,openid}) .then((res)=>{ let data = JSON.parse(res); console.log(data) //Print out qq personal information }) }); }) .catch(()=>{ window.location.href = home }) }
The server does not encounter any major problems when obtaining the data. It normally requests the network, and everything is normal
//Background qq login public function __construct(Request $request = null) { $this->url = config('qq.url'); $this->appid = config('qq.appid'); $this->redirecturi = config('qq.redirecturi'); $this->appkey = config('qq.appkey'); $this->state = config('qq.state'); parent::__construct($request); } // Initiate url access protected function url_get($url){ return file_get_contents($url, false); } // Get access_token public function token(){ $code = input('code'); $url = $this->url.'/token?grant_type=authorization_code&client_id='.$this->appid.'&client_secret='.$this->appkey.'&code='.$code.'&state='.$this->state.'&redirect_uri='.$this->redirecturi; $res = $this->url_get($url); $data = (explode('=', (explode('&',$res))[0]))[1]; // &Split string into array return keyShow($data); } // Get qq user information public function qquserinfo(){ $token = input('token'); $openid = input('openid'); $url = ''.$token.'&oauth_consumer_key='.$this->appid.'&openid='.$openid; $data = $this->url_get($url); return keyShow($data); }