Wechat app learning notes music player (next, previous, auto next)

Posted by monk.e.boy on Mon, 30 Mar 2020 15:54:19 +0200

Wechat applet learning notes (IX) music player (next, previous, automatic next)

In order to realize the function of automatic next song, next song and previous song, and realize the circular play of the list, it must be clear that the current play is the first song in the list. Therefore, set a data record in the program that the currently playing song is the array subscript of the first song in the list, so as to realize the above functions.

1, Auto next

Add currentIndex data to the data in musicdemo.js.

data: {
    /**The subscript of the song in the currently playing list */

In the onLoad function, add the following code

//Play next song automatically
      //Next, i.e. add 1 to the current array subscript
      var index=this.data.currentIndex;
        index=0;//After playing the last song in the list, cycle the list from the beginning
      this.data.musicCtx.src=this.data.musicList[index].musicSrc;//Start playing

At this time, it is found that when clicking the songs in the playlist, although the next song can be played automatically, the songs played are wrong, because when clicking the songs in the playlist, the value of currentIndex is not updated. Therefore, modify the musicdemo.wxml code as follows:

<view bindtap="playListItem" data-id="{{item.id}}" data-index="{{index}}">

That is to add a custom data index for the songs in the list. When clicking a song, the subscript value of the song in the currently clicked list will be obtained. Then update the value of currentIndex in js.

/**Click the song function in the playlist */
    var id=e.currentTarget.dataset.id;//Get the clicked song id
    var index=e.currentTarget.dataset.index;//Get the subscript value of the clicked song
    var playMusic;
        playMusic=item;//Get click song object
    //Set the currently playing song and the id of the playing song
      currentIndex:index//Update the value of currentIndex
    this.data.musicCtx.src = this.data.currentPlayMusic.musicSrc

2, Previous, next function

Modify the musicdemo.wxml code to bind events for the previous and Next buttons. The code is as follows:

<!--Playback control-->
    <view class="current-music-controls">
      <image src="/img/myUp.png" bindtap="playUp" />
      <image src="/img/icon-play.png" hidden="{{isPlay}}" bindtap="musicPlay" />
      <image src="/img/icon-pause.png" hidden="{{!isPlay}}" bindtap="musicPause" />
      <image src="/img/myNext.png" bindtap="playNext" />

Add the following code to musicdemo.js

/**Previous function */
    var index=this.data.currentIndex;
    var index=this.data.currentIndex;
      index=this.data.musicList.length-1;//If to the first song, return to the last song
      currentIndex:index//Update the value of currentIndex
    this.data.musicCtx.src=this.data.playMusic[index].musicSrc;//Start playing the previous song

When the modification is completed, the following errors are found in the program

At this point, modify the function to add songs to the playlist,

      mList.push(playMusic)//Add click songs to the list
    var index=this.data.currentIndex;
      currentPlayMusic: playMusic,
      currentIndex:index//Update the value of currentIndex

After modification, the above error prompt still appears. After careful inspection, it is found that the error in the playUp function is the original one. The modification is as follows:

In this statement playMusic Modified to musicList
this.data.musicCtx.src=this.data.playMusic[index].musicSrc;//Start playing the previous song

this.data.musicCtx.src=this.data.musicList[index].musicSrc;//Start playing the previous song

Add the playNext function in musicdemo.js. The code is as follows:

/**Next curve function */
    var index=this.data.currentIndex;
    this.data.musicCtx.src = this.data.musicList[index].musicSrc;//Start next

3, Question 1

Although the above functions have been realized, after clicking the previous, next, and automatic next song, the song being played displayed in the playlist is not correct, so modify the code:

/**Previous function */
    var index=this.data.currentIndex;
      index=this.data.musicList.length-1;//If to the first song, return to the last song
      currentid:this.data.musicList[index].id,//Update the id of the currently playing song
      currentIndex:index//Update the value of currentIndex
    this.data.musicCtx.src=this.data.musicList[index].musicSrc;//Start playing the previous song
  /**Next curve function */
    var index=this.data.currentIndex;
      currentid: this.data.musicList[index].id,//Update the id of the currently playing song
    this.data.musicCtx.src = this.data.musicList[index].musicSrc;//Start next

//In the above code, added
currentid: this.data.musicList[index].id,//Update the id of the currently playing song
//Update the id of the currently playing song

At the same time, this statement also needs to be added to the function of automatic next curve

//Play next song automatically
      //Next, i.e. add 1 to the current array subscript
      var index=this.data.currentIndex;
        index=0;//After playing the last song in the list, cycle the list from the beginning
        currentid: this.data.musicList[index].id,//Update the id of the currently playing song
      this.data.musicCtx.src=this.data.musicList[index].musicSrc;//Start playing

So far, the problem has been solved.

4, Question 2

When you click and drag the playback progress bar, the playback time is no longer updated. At this time, modify the progress bar and click the function code as follows:

/**Progress bar click play */
    this.data.musicCtx.seek(e.detail.value);//Jump to the corresponding position to play
      currentTime: this.data.musicCtx.currentTime,
      totalTime: this.data.musicCtx.duration,
      showMusicPlayTime: formatTime(this.data.musicCtx.currentTime),
      showMusicTotalTime: formatTime(this.data.musicCtx.duration)

Five, summary

Through the practice program of the music player, I learned a lot about the development of wechat applet. In the process of learning, I met many problems, and also understood and learned a lot of things. I have a basic understanding of the components and API of small programs.

1. layout

Although the front-end interface of the applet is similar to the development method of Html interface, its label is quite different from Html. In the process of learning, you can learn quickly through its official development documents. In CSS style, it is the same as Html development, but the layout of applet mainly uses Flex layout. In the layout, we should fully consider different screen problems, try not to use absolute measures, use relative, can adapt to a variety of different screens.

2.JS and data

You can learn Vue and JavaScript quickly. Because the idea of data binding is the same as Vue. js code such as front-end web page development is basically the same.

3. Questions about the exercise program

Learning itself is a very boring thing. This exercise program is not of great practical significance, just to add a little fun to the boring learning. Through the learning of this small Demo, we have a deeper understanding of the development of the small program, but the program also has problems. Currently, only local music can be played. If you need to play music from the network. You need to access online music such as Netease cloud music through the network API to get music. The specific functions are realized, and we will learn slowly later.

Topics: Front-end Vue network Javascript