1. Create applet and select cloud development
Corresponding environment
On app Configure environment Id in JS
//app.js App({ onLaunch: function () { if (!wx.cloud) { console.error('Please use 2.2.3 Or above to use cloud capabilities') } else { wx.cloud.init({ // env Parameter Description: // The env parameter determines which cloud environment resources will be requested by default for the next cloud development call (wx.cloud.xxx) initiated by the applet // Please fill in the environment ID here. You can open the cloud console to view the environment ID // If it is not filled in, the default environment (the first created environment) will be used env: 'cloud1-0gxssm592d3c3558', traceUser: true, }) } this.globalData = {} } })
Get cloud function of openId
const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk') cloud.init({ env: cloud.DYNAMIC_CURRENT_ENV }) // Get openId cloud function entry function exports.main = async (event, context) => { // Get basic information const wxContext = cloud.getWXContext() return { openid: wxContext.OPENID, appid: wxContext.APPID, unionid: wxContext.UNIONID, } }
project. The config file defines the cloud function and the file name of the project directory, which are modified together when modifying
2. Database
New database
New data
2-1. Query
1. Query all
const db = wx.cloud.database() Page({ data: { books:[] }, onLoad (options) { db.collection('books').get().then(res=>{ this.setData({ books:res.data }) }) }, })
<!--index.wxml--> <view class="container"> <view class="title">Database learning</view> <view wx:for="{{books}}" wx:key='_id' class="book_item"> <image class="book_img" mode="widthFix" src="{{item.img}}"></image> <view class="book_info"> <view>title:{{item.name}}</view> <view>Author:{{item.author}}</view> <view>Price:{{item.price}}</view> </view> </view> </view>
The where method can specify query criteria (query data with a price of 80)
2. Query instructions: all instructions are exposed in dB On the command object
onLoad (options) { const _ = db.command db.collection('books').where({ // The gt method is used to specify a greater than condition, where gt(80) is a condition greater than 80 price: _.gt(80) }) .get().then(res=>{ this.setData({ books:res.data }) }) },
##3. Logical instructions and, or
const _ = db.command db.collection('books').where({ and Method to specify a "And" Conditions, which means that they need to be met at the same time _.gt(30) and _.lt(80) Two conditions //price: _.gt(30).and(_.lt(90)) // The or method is used to specify an or condition, which means that eq(0) or eq(90) price: _.eq(60).or(_.eq(90)) }) .get().then(res=>{ this.setData({ books:res.data }) }) },
2-2. Update
Local update
updateBook(){ db.collection('books').doc('8937eaa9611a05f604ef5b3065050162').update({ // Data passes in data that needs to be updated locally data: { // Indicates that the done field is set to true price: 120 }, success: function(res) { console.log(res,'to update') this.getBooks() } }) }
Update failed: because the data was manually added on the cloud development console, there was no update_ openid field, carried by the data created by the applet method_ openid, which can be changed
In addition to updating the field with the specified value, the database API also provides a series of update instructions for performing more complex update operations. The update instructions can be passed through dB Command get:
Example: add 10 to the price of the new data on the applet side
updateBook(){ const _ = db.command db.collection('books').doc('8937eaa9611a18ac04f2a1480028048e').update({ // Data passes in data that needs to be updated locally data: { // Means to add 10 to the price price:_.inc(10) } }).then(res=>{ console.log(res,'to update'); this.getBooks() }) },
Replace update: if you need to replace and update a record, you can use the set method on the record. Replace update means to replace the specified record with the incoming object:
updateBook(){ db.collection('books').doc('8937eaa9611a18ac04f2a1480028048e').set({ // Data incoming data to be updated data: { price:150, name:'A thought of eternity', author:'Bai Xiaochun' } }).then(res=>{ console.log(res,'to update'); this.getBooks() }) },
2-3. Add
<view>title:<input bindinput='addBookName' /></view> <view>Author:<input bindinput='addBookAuthor' /></view> <view>Price:<input bindinput='addBookPrice' /></view> <button type="primary" bindtap="addBook">newly added</button>
addBookName(e){ console.log(e.detail.value,'title'); this.setData({ bookName:e.detail.value }) }, addBookAuthor(e){ this.setData({ bookAuthor:e.detail.value }) }, addBookPrice(e){ this.setData({ bookPrice:e.detail.value }) }, addBook(){ db.collection('books').add({ // The data field represents the JSON data to be added data: { name:this.data.bookName, price:parseInt(this.data.bookPrice), author:this.data.bookAuthor, } }) .then(res => { console.log(res,'newly added') }) }
New data with_ openid, you can test and modify
<button type="primary" bindtap="updateBook">to update</button> updateBook(){ db.collection('books').doc('8937eaa9611a18ac04f2a1480028048e').update({ // Data passes in data that needs to be updated locally data: { // Indicates that the done field is set to true price: 120 } }).then(res=>{ console.log(res,'to update'); this.getBooks() }) },
2-4. Delete
Delete a record remove
Delete the data manually added on the cloud development console (no _openid)
deleteBook(){ db.collection('books').doc('14139e12611a040e056d80f5374d86d1').remove().then(res=>{ console.log(res,'delete'); this.getBooks() }) },
Replace the data created on the applet side
deleteBook(){ db.collection('books').doc('8937eaa9611a18ac04f2a1480028048e').remove().then(res=>{ console.log(res,'delete'); this.getBooks() }) },
Delete multiple records (you can select multiple records to delete through the where statement, and only the records with permission to delete will be deleted)
deleteBook(){ db.collection('books').where({ price: 150 }).remove().then(res=>{ console.log(res,'delete'); this.getBooks() }) },
Directly operate the database, only one is deleted, and the cloud function can delete multiple
Complete example
const db = wx.cloud.database() //Get reference to database const _ = db.command //Get database query and update instructions db.collection("china") //Get the reference of the collection china .where({ //Query condition instruction where gdp: _.gt(3000) //Query filter criteria, gt indicates that the field must be greater than the specified value. }) .field({ //What fields are displayed _id:false, //Default display_ id, this is hidden city: true, province: true, gdp:true }) .orderBy('gdp', 'desc') //Sort by, descending .skip(0) //How many records are skipped (commonly used for paging). 0 means that it is not skipped here .limit(10) //Limit the number of records displayed, here is 10 .get() //Get the collection data filtered according to the query criteria .then(res => { console.log(res.data) }) .catch(err => { console.error(err) })
3. Store
3-1. Upload files
Upload pictures
uploadFile(){ wx.chooseImage({ success (res) { console.log(res) const tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths; wx.cloud.uploadFile({ cloudPath: 'example.png', // Path uploaded to the cloud filePath: tempFilePaths[0], // Applet temporary file path success: res => { // Return file ID console.log(res.fileID) }, fail: console.error }) } }) }
Upload the picture and display it (obtain the temporary path according to the file ID)
uploadFile(){ wx.chooseImage({ success: (res) =>{ const tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths; wx.cloud.uploadFile({ cloudPath: 'example.png', // Path uploaded to the cloud filePath: tempFilePaths[0], // Applet temporary file path success: res => { // Return file ID wx.cloud.getTempFileURL({ fileList: [res.fileID], success: res => { // fileList is an array of objects with the following structure // [{ // fileID: 'cloud://xxx.png ', / / file ID // tempFileURL: '', / / temporary file network link // maxAge: 120 * 60 * 1000, / / expiration date // }] console.log(res.fileList[0].tempFileURL) this.setData({ imgUrl:res.fileList[0].tempFileURL }) console.log(this.data.imgUrl) }, fail: console.error }) }, fail: console.error }) } }) }``` Upload video ```javascript uploadFile(){ wx.chooseVideo({ sourceType: ['album','camera'], maxDuration: 60, camera: 'back', success:(res)=> { wx.showLoading({ title: 'Uploading', }) console.log(res.tempFilePath) wx.cloud.uploadFile({ cloudPath: 'video.mp4', // Path uploaded to the cloud filePath: res.tempFilePath, // Applet temporary file path success: res => { // Return file ID console.log(res.fileID) wx.cloud.getTempFileURL({ fileList: [res.fileID], success: res => { // fileList is an array of objects with the following structure // [{ // fileID: 'cloud://xxx.png ', / / file ID // tempFileURL: '', / / temporary file network link // maxAge: 120 * 60 * 1000, / / expiration date // }] console.log(res.fileList) this.setData({ videoSrc:res.fileList[0].tempFileURL }) wx.hideLoading() }, fail: console.error }) }, fail: console.error }) } }) }
Upload file
uploadFile(){ wx.chooseMessageFile({ count: 1, type: 'file', success: (res)=> { // tempFilePath can display pictures as src attribute of img tag const tempFilePaths = res.tempFiles console.log(tempFilePaths,'Return path') wx.cloud.uploadFile({ cloudPath: 'example.pdf', // Path uploaded to the cloud filePath: tempFilePaths[0].path, // Applet temporary file path success: res => { // Return file ID console.log(res.fileID) }, fail: console.error }) } }) },
Download pictures
downloadFile(){ wx.cloud.downloadFile({ fileID: 'cloud://cloud1-0gxssm592d3c3558.636c-cloud1-0gxssm592d3c3558-1256078064/example.png ', / / file ID success: res => { // Return temporary file path console.log(res.tempFilePath,'download') wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ filePath:res.tempFilePath, success:(res)=> { console.log(res,'preservation') } }) }, fail: console.error }) }
Download the file and open it
downloadFile(){ wx.cloud.downloadFile({ fileID: 'cloud://cloud1-0gxssm592d3c3558.636c-cloud1-0gxssm592d3c3558-1256078064/example.pdf ', / / file ID success: res => { // Return temporary file path console.log(res.tempFilePath,'download') wx.openDocument({ filePath: res.tempFilePath, success: (res)=> { console.log('The document was opened successfully') } }) }, fail: console.error }) },
Delete file
deleteFile(){ wx.cloud.deleteFile({ fileList: ['cloud://cloud1-0gxssm592d3c3558.636c-cloud1-0gxssm592d3c3558-1256078064/example.png'], success: res => { // handle success console.log(res.fileList) }, fail: console.error }) }
4. Cloud function
4-1. Create a new cloud function
Right click the cloud function root directory, and in the right-click menu, you can select Create a new node JS cloud function add
add. JS (cloud function)
// Cloud function entry file const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk') cloud.init({ env:'cloud1-0gxssm592d3c3558' }) // Cloud function entry function exports.main = async (event, context) => { return event.a + event.b }
Calling cloud function in page js
// pages/cloundfn/cloundfn.js Page({ data:{ sum:0, }, onLoad(options) { wx.cloud.callFunction({ // Cloud function name name: 'add', // Parameters passed to the cloud function data: { a: 1, b: 2, }, }) .then(res => { console.log(res.result) // 3 this.setData({ sum:res.result }) }) .catch(console.error) }, })
Right click the cloud function and click upload and deploy (cloud installation depends on node_modules, which are not uploaded)
Then you can see the uploaded cloud functions on the cloud development console
Click local test to pop up the cloud function local test pop-up box. Click the right to open the local test and install node_modules dependency. Recompile the page code to see the return value
Show returned results
4-2. Obtain applet user information through cloud function
<button type="primary" bindtap="getUserInfo">Get user information</button>
getUserInfo(){ wx.cloud.callFunction({ // Cloud function name name: 'getOpenId', }) .then(res => { console.log(res,'User information') // this.setData({ openId:res.result.OPENID, appId:res.result.APPID, }) }) .catch(console.error) }
Create a new getOpenId cloud function, right-click to upload and deploy
Local test
Debugger return
Page display
4-3. Cloud function call database
1. Cloud function to get the list of books
Get data from page js
onLoad (options) { this.getBooks() }, getBooks(){ wx.cloud.callFunction({ // Cloud function name name: 'getBooks', }) .then(res => { console.log(res,'Book information') // this.setData({ books:res.result.data }) }) .catch(console.error) },
Create a new getBooks cloud function, upload and deploy it
const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk') cloud.init({ env: cloud.DYNAMIC_CURRENT_ENV }) const db = cloud.database() exports.main = async (event, context) => { // The get method on the collection will return a Promise, so the cloud function will return the result after the database asynchronously fetches the data return db.collection('books').get() }
Local debugging
Debugger output
2. New books on cloud functions
Page js method
addBook(){ wx.cloud.callFunction({ // Cloud function name name: 'addBook', data:{ name:this.data.bookName, price:parseInt(this.data.bookPrice), author:this.data.bookAuthor, } }) .then(res => { console.log(res,'New book information') // }) .catch(console.error) }
New book cloud function
// Cloud function entry file const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk') cloud.init({ env: cloud.DYNAMIC_CURRENT_ENV }) const db = cloud.database() // Cloud function entry function exports.main = async (event, context) => { const {name,price,author} = event console.log(name,price,author,'Transmitted data') return db.collection('books').add({ // The data field represents the JSON data to be added data: { name, price, author, } }) .then(res => { console.log(res,'newly added') }) }
be careful
cloud.init({ env: cloud.DYNAMIC_CURRENT_ENV })
To be in
const db = cloud.database()
Initialize before, otherwise an error will be reported
Cloud function local debugging pop-up
3. Cloud function delete books
Create a new cloud function for deleteBooks
// Cloud function entry file const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk') cloud.init({ env: cloud.DYNAMIC_CURRENT_ENV }) const db = cloud.database() // Cloud function entry function exports.main = async (event, context) => { //Delete data with price of 150 return db.collection('books').where({ price: 150 }).remove() .then(res => { console.log(res,'delete') }) }
Page method call:
deleteBook(){ wx.cloud.callFunction({ // Cloud function name name: 'deleteBooks', }) .then(res => { console.log(res,'information') // }) .catch(console.error) },
Cloud function local debugging return
Debugger return
4. Call storage in cloud function
Suppose we want to upload a picture file (demo.jpg) contained in the cloud function Directory:
const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') cloud.init({ env: cloud.DYNAMIC_CURRENT_ENV }) exports.main = async (event, context) => { const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, 'demo.jpg')) return await cloud.uploadFile({ cloudPath: 'demo.jpg', fileContent: fileStream, }) }
In the cloud function__ The value of dirname is the directory where the cloud function code is located
5. Calling other cloud functions in cloud function "
const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk') cloud.init({ env: cloud.DYNAMIC_CURRENT_ENV }) exports.main = async (event, context) => { return await cloud.callFunction({ name: 'sum', data: { x: 1, y: 2, } }) }