Wechat applet upload file
1, Explain
The photographing component has the function of wechat authorized camera and will transfer the uploaded pictures to the parent page in the form of array collection in combination with the back-end interface.
Note: the component is suitable for uploading pictures separately without carrying parameters. After combining the return path of the back-end interface, call another save interface. Please use it carefully when carrying parameters and submitting pictures.
Support function
- Photo album & camera photography
- You can limit the number of pictures
- You can add or delete functions according to your needs
- Previewable
- Deletion is not currently supported
2, Principle
Due to Wx UploadFile uploads multiple pictures at one time, which can only be uploaded one by one. Therefore, the encapsulated upload file component combines with the back-end interface to upload circularly. No more nonsense.
3, Realization effect
4, Concrete implementation
Custom component uploadimageswing folder Wechat applet self-determined upload file download address , the four parts of the document are described below
<view class='content'> <view class='img-list' wx:if="{{detailPics.length>0}}"> <block wx:for="{{detailPics}}" wx:key="index"> <image bindtap="previewImage" class='img-item' src='{{baseUrl+item}}' bindlongpress="bindlongpressimg" data-id='{{index}}'></image> </block> </view> <view class='chooseimg' wx:if="{{!isShow}}" bindtap='uploadDetailImage'> <view class="weui-uploader__input-box"></view> </view> </view>
The functions in all components are attached with notes. Please read them patiently
// component/uploadImages/index.js import ipConfig from '../../../utils/ipConfig' // Here are the baseUrl and other configurations of the project, which are mainly used for splicing picture address echo Component({ /** * List of properties for the component */ properties: { count: { //The maximum number of pictures can be selected. The default number is 9. Here, the total number of pictures that can be uploaded is limited to 9 type: Number, value: 9 }, uploadUrl: { //Server path of image upload, request address of image upload interface type: String, value: '' }, isShow: { // Hide the upload button, which is mainly encountered in the details here type: Boolean }, showUrl: { //Upload image object refers to the image collection you define on the parent page, which is used to store the path of each uploaded image type: Array, value: [], observer: function (newVal) { // Monitor picture address set console.log(newVal) if (newVal == null||newVal.length===0) return; this.setData({ detailPics:JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newVal)) }) } } }, /** * Initial data of components */ data: { detailPics: [], //Uploaded result image collection isTakePhoto: false, // Do you have permission to turn on the camera timer: null, // timer // Because it is a cycle to upload pictures, there will always be failures. The following operations are to record the situation of uploading pictures each time and make corresponding responses isFault: 0, // Record the number of failed upload pictures currRequestNum: 0, // Record the number of interface calls this time currSelectPicNum: 0,// Record the number of pictures selected to upload this time currUrl: [], //Record the address collection of the uploaded pictures baseUrl:ipConfig.baseUrl // Picture address prefix }, /** * Method list of components */ methods: { // Picture preview previewImage(e) { console.log(e) let array = [] this.data.detailPics.forEach(item => { array.push(this.data.baseUrl+item) }) wx.previewImage({ current:array[e.currentTarget.dataset.id], urls: array, }) }, // My click event uploadDetailImage: function (e) { //Here is the method of selecting pictures var that = this; // Each click resets the number of selected uploaded pictures, the number of initiated requests, the number of failed uploaded pictures, and the address set of successful uploaded pictures that.setData({ currSelectPicNum: 0, currRequestNum: 0, isFault: 0, currUrl:[] }) //Authority judgment wx.getSetting({ success(res) { if (!res.authSetting['scope.camera']) { wx.authorize({ scope: 'scope.camera', success() { //Directly open the camera - the first authorization pop-up window pops up, and directly select allow if (!that.data.isTakePhoto) { that.getTakePhoto() // How to turn on the camera } }, fail(err) { // First time user refused authorization wx.showModal({ title: 'Tips', content: 'Camera on failed!!!', cancelText: 'sign out', confirmText: 'To open', success(res) { if (res.confirm) { // open wx.openSetting() // Since the user refused to authorize the development of the camera, we can only open it here in the setting and only call openSetting } else if (res.cancel) { wx.navigateBack({ delta: -1, }) } } }) } }) } else { // Already authorized // Turn on the camera directly if (!that.data.isTakePhoto) { that.getTakePhoto() } } } }) }, // How to turn on the camera getTakePhoto() { let that = this // First, we need to determine whether the current picture address set exceeds the number we require if (that.data.count == that.data.detailPics.length) { wx.showToast({ title: 'Upload at most' + that.data.count + 'Picture', mask: true, duration: 500, icon:'error' }) return false } wx.chooseImage({ count: that.data.count-that.data.detailPics.length, // The maximum number of pictures that can be selected at a time. By default 9, the number of pictures uploaded at a time is = total limit number - the length of the address set where the pictures are uploaded successfully at present, so as to ensure that the total number of uploaded pictures will not exceed the limit sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // original image and compressed image. Both are available by default sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // album selects pictures from albums and camera uses cameras. Both are available by default success: function (res) { var imgs = res?.tempFilePaths || []; // Record of the number of pictures uploaded this time that.setData({ currSelectPicNum:imgs.length }) wx.showLoading({ title: 'Uploading...', mask: true, icon:'loading' }) imgs?.forEach(item => { // Cyclic upload // Call upload method that.uploadimg({ url: ipConfig.baseUrl + that.data.uploadUrl, //Here is your picture upload interface path: item, //Here is the address array of the selected picture header: { // Request header settings 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'wx-token': wx.getStorageSync('Swrh_token'), "openId": wx.getStorageSync('Swrh_key').openId } }); }) }, }) }, //Upload multiple pictures uploadimg: function (data) { var that = this wx.uploadFile({ url: data.url, filePath: data.path, name: 'file', // The name is determined according to your own interface document header: data.header, formData: {}, success: (resp) => { var picUrl = JSON.parse(resp?.data || '{}') //The returned results may be different for different items let currUrl = picUrl?.url || '' // Record of the collection update of image address objects uploaded in this cycle and the number of requests initiated for image uploaded in this cycle that.data.currUrl.push(currUrl) that.setData({ currUrl:that.data.currUrl, currRequestNum:that.data.currRequestNum+1 }) }, fail: (res) => { // Since this cycle may also have failed times, the number of requests also includes the number of failures that.setData({ isFault: this.data.isFault + 1, currRequestNum:that.data.currRequestNum+1 }) }, complete: () => { // Methods that will be executed regardless of success or failure // Because the picture is uploaded in a cycle, in order to control one prompt, you can only prompt after all the cycles are completed if (that.data.currRequestNum === that.data.currSelectPicNum) { // It will be prompted only when the number of requests initiated this time = the number of pictures selected this time if (that.data.isFault>0) { wx.showModal({ title: 'reminder', content: 'Detected' + that.data.isFault + 'Failed to upload picture. You may need to upload it again', showCancel: false, confirmText:'I got it!' }) }else{ wx.showToast({ title: 'Picture uploaded successfully', mask:true, icon:'success' }) } let currArray = that.data.currUrl.concat(that.data.detailPics) // The image address collection successfully uploaded this time is merged with the original image console.log(that.data.detailPics) that.setData({ detailPics:currArray }) that.triggerEvent('myevent', that.data.detailPics)//The result returns the page called } } }); }, } })
As we all know, this is the configuration of components
{ "component": true, "usingComponents": {} }
.content { width: 100%; border-radius: 10rpx; } .img-list { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-bottom: 10rpx; } .img-item { width: calc((100% - 30rpx) / 3); height: 174rpx; margin: 5rpx; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 4rpx; } /* Upload button */ .chooseimg { width: 174rpx; height: 174rpx; background: #fff; border-radius: 4rpx; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .weui-uploader__input-box { width: 110rpx; height: 110rpx; font-size: 110rpx; text-align: center; line-height: 110rpx; position: relative; } .weui-uploader__input-box::after{ position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto; content: ''; width: 1rpx; height: 100%; background-color: #d9d9d9; } .weui-uploader__input-box::before{ content: ''; width: 100%; height: 1rpx; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto; position: absolute; background-color: #d9d9d9; }
5, Method of use
1. json configuration
The user-defined component is directly introduced into the json configuration file of the page used according to the path. Here, I name it uploadImages
{ "navigationStyle": "custom", "usingComponents": { "uploadImages": "/pages/components/uploadImages" } }
2. In wxml using pages
<uploadImages style="flex:1" bindmyevent="myEventListener" count='{{countPic}}' showUrl="{{formData.imgUrl}}" uploadUrl="{{uploadImgUrl}}"></uploadImages>
There is a user-defined event myevent in the uploadImages component. The parent and child components directly transmit data through the user-defined event parameters,
The file address collection of the child component is to push data to the custom component myevent through the trigger event, and receive it in the parent component through the myEventListener method.
count: limit the number of files transferred
showUrl: the file address collection variable defined in the parent component
uploadUrl: the back-end interface for transferring files
3. js
data: { formData: { imgUrl: [] }, countPic: 9, //Maximum number of uploaded pictures showImgUrl: "", //Path splicing. Generally, the file name is returned when uploading, uploadImgUrl: '/wechatApp/fireEye/imageUpload' // My request interface address }, methods: { //Listen for component events and return results myEventListener: function (e) { let currLabel = `formData.imgUrl` let currArray = e.detail this.setData({ [currLabel]: currArray }) }, }