WordPress 5.3.2 manual upgrade

Posted by ariliquin on Tue, 24 Dec 2019 13:12:08 +0100

Shortly after WordPress 5.3.1 was released, we received some relatively serious problem feedback, so WordPress officially released WordPress 5.3.2 in a short time, mainly to fix the following five problems:

  1. Date / time: make sure get feed build date() correctly processes revision article objects with invalid dates.
  2. Upload: fixed the problem of file name conflict when WP unique filename() uploads files with upper case extension in case insensitive file system.
  3. Media: fix PHP warning when WP ﹣ unique ﹣ filename() target directory is unreadable.
  4. Manage background: Fixes colors in all color schemes for. active class buttons.
  5. Article, article type: in the wp_insert_post() function, when checking the article date to set the future or publish status, use the appropriate difference comparison.

Domestic automatic update will fail due to various problems:

  1. 429 Too Many Requests
  2. curl download timeout upgrade WordPress
Warning: an unexpected error occurred. There may be some problems with WordPress.org or the configuration of this server. If you continue to experience difficulties, please try the support forum. (WordPress is unable to establish a secure connection to WordPress.org, please contact your server administrator.) in /var/www/html/wp-admin/includes/update.php on line 139
 Downloading updates from https://downloads.wordpress.org/release/en/wordpress-5.3.2.zip

Download failed. : cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 300000 milliseconds with 1425003 out of 13427353 bytes received

Installation failed

The manual update steps are described below

  • backups
  • download
  • To update
  • inspect

Rollback when the data update of the original backup site fails

[root@wordpross webdata]# cp -a www/ www20191224
[root@wordpross webdata]# ls
db  www  www20191224

Download decompression set permissions

[root@wordpross ~]# wget  https://downloads.wordpress.org/release/zh_CN/wordpress-5.3.2.zip
[root@wordpross ~]# unzip wordpress-5.3.2.zip
[root@wordpross ~]# chown 33:tape wordpress -R

Delete other directory files of WP admin and WP includes under the original site

[root@wordpross www]# pwd
[root@wordpross www]# ls
index.php          wp-blog-header.php     wp-cron.php        wp-settings.php
license.txt        wp-comments-post.php   wp-includes        wp-signup.php
readme.html        wp-config.php          wp-links-opml.php  wp-trackback.php
wordfence-waf.php  wp-config.php20181119  wp-load.php        xmlrpc.php
wp-activate.php    wp-config-sample.php   wp-login.php
wp-admin           wp-content             wp-mail.php
[root@wordpross www]# rm -rf wp-admin/ 
[root@wordpross www]# rm -rf wp-includes/
[root@wordpross www]# ls
index.php          wp-blog-header.php     wp-content         wp-mail.php
license.txt        wp-comments-post.php   wp-cron.php        wp-settings.php
readme.html        wp-config.php          wp-links-opml.php  wp-signup.php
wordfence-waf.php  wp-config.php20181119  wp-load.php        wp-trackback.php
wp-activate.php    wp-config-sample.php   wp-login.php       xmlrpc.php

Enter the new version of wordpress directory, delete the WP content directory and overwrite other directories and files to the original site

[root@wordpross www]# cd /root/wordpress/
[root@wordpross wordpress]# rm -rf wp-content/ 
[root@wordpross wordpress]# ls
index.php        wp-admin              wp-cron.php        wp-login.php     wp-trackback.php
license.txt      wp-blog-header.php    wp-includes        wp-mail.php      xmlrpc.php
readme.html      wp-comments-post.php  wp-links-opml.php  wp-settings.php
wp-activate.php  wp-config-sample.php  wp-load.php        wp-signup.php
[root@wordpross wordpress]# mv * /webdata/www/
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/index.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/license.txt'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/readme.html'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/wp-activate.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/wp-blog-header.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/wp-comments-post.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/wp-config-sample.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/wp-cron.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/wp-links-opml.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/wp-load.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/wp-login.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/wp-mail.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/wp-settings.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/wp-signup.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/wp-trackback.php'? y
mv: overwrite '/webdata/www/xmlrpc.php'? y

Check site


No need to upgrade
Your WordPress database is up to date!


Topics: PHP curl Database