WPF-MVVMLight framework learning -- using MVVMLight

Posted by roel_v on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 03:10:06 +0100

This is just my study notes. Please refer to the original author for your study.

Refer to learning video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av40886206/

Refer to learning blog: https://www.cnblogs.com/wzh2010/p/6285990.html


1. Use MVVMLight in the project

[1.1] search for MVVMLight in Nuget


[1.2] after adding, there will be more files

After completion, there will be an additional ViewModel folder containing the following two files:



In addition, app Add ViewModelLocator as a resource to the global application in XAML In resources:


[1.3] If an error is reported, it is caused by naming and referencing the namespace. The solution:





As shown in the figure:
1. View is responsible for front-end display and data and command interaction with ViewModel.
2. ViewModel is responsible for the logical structure organization of the front-end view business level and feeds it back to the front-end.
3. Model is mainly responsible for the structure processing of data entities and interacting with ViewModel.

First, create a directory with a complete three-tier structure, as shown in the figure, including three-tier folders of Model, View and ViewModel:



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using GalaSoft.MvvmLight;//Add reference

namespace WPF_MVVMLight.Models
   public class StudentModel: ObservableObject//Add and inherit this ObservableObject class (observable class)
       private int id;

       public int Id
           get =>id;
               id = value;

       private string name;

       public string Name
           get => name;
               name = value;
               RaisePropertyChanged(() => Name);



Very simply, it only contains an entity object. Note that it inherits a parent class: ObservableObject. The function of this parent class is to ensure that it can detect whether the attribute is changed.
It implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to notify UI changes by triggering PropertyChanged events;
Therefore, when defining an entity object, we only need to call RaisePropertyChanged(PropertyName) to notify the property change.
Therefore, each attribute defined in the entity is added with the call of RaisePropertyChanged(PropertyName) to realize the interactive update of the UI.

[2.2] ViewMedol: interact with View

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using GalaSoft.MvvmLight;
using WPF_MVVMLight.Models;

namespace WPF_MVVMLight.ViewModel
    public class StudentViewModel : ViewModelBase
        public StudentViewModel()
            if (IsInDesignMode) //If it is design mode
                StudentModel=new StudentModel(){Id=1,Name = "Zhang San"};
            else//Operation mode
                //Simulate fetching data from database
                StudentModel = new StudentModel() { Id = 2, Name = "Li Si" };
        public Models.StudentModel StudentModel { get; set; }


It is also very simple. It inherits the parent class of ViewBaseModel,
ViewBaseModel inherits both ObservableObject class and ICleanup interface. Therefore, it also has the ability of INotifyPropertyChanged interface,
The purpose of notifying the View can be achieved by triggering the PropertyChanged event;
The StudentModel property is instantiated in the constructor.

[2.3] VIew: display and interactive ViewModel



Label Content is bound to StudentModel Id and Name properties, so the label should display the Id and Name properties of the StudentModel object


At this time, the ViewModel has nothing to do with the View, so we write the following code in the View constructor:


3. Constructor




So every time the App initializes, it initializes the ViewModelLocator class.

In fact, it is a very basic view model injector. The ViewModel used is uniformly registered in the constructor and a single instance is generated.
Then use the property to expose it. Whenever we access the property, we will return the corresponding ViewModel instance.

[3.2] register StudentViewModel instance


[3.3] in View: delete the code of the new object




Topics: WPF mvvm