General idea of the title
Given n n n open intervals of N shapes such as (ai,bi) on a number axis, let C(m) represent a list of all interval numbers containing real numbers m+0.5.
A list is legal if there is an m so that it can be represented as C(m).
Given K, you need to output a non-empty legal list with the largest dictionary order K.
1 < n < 105, 0 < AI < Bi < 109, given K guarantees solution.
Topic analysis
Notice that there are only O(n) legitimate non-empty lists of different nature. Consider listing them all and then using nth_element to find the largest K.
So we need to solve two problems: how to store so many lists? How to quickly compare the dictionary order size of two lists?
Only a persistent segment tree is needed to solve the above problem. We create a persistent weight line segment tree, scan the line, insert deletion at the corresponding location every time we encounter the boundary, and then store a new list only by storing the corresponding version of the root node. But there may be some essentially identical storage. So we need to judge the list hash, which can be maintained using the segment tree.
As for the size comparison, we can use the hash value on the segment tree to quickly find the first different position of the two lists, and then make a blind judgement.
Time complexity O(nlogn).
code implementation
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cctype>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int read()
int x=0,f=1;
char ch=getchar();
while (!isdigit(ch)) f=ch=='-'?-1:f,ch=getchar();
while (isdigit(ch)) x=x*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar();
return x*f;
int buf[30];
void write(int x)
if (x<0) putchar('-'),x=-x;
for (;x;x/=10) buf[++buf[0]]=x%10;
if (!buf[0]) buf[++buf[0]]=0;
for (;buf[0];putchar('0'+buf[buf[0]--]));
const int MOD=998244353;
const int P1=67;
const int P2=23;
const int N=100050;
const int M=N<<1;
const int LGN=17;
const int S=M*LGN;
typedef pair<int,int> P;
#define mkp(a,b) make_pair(a,b)
#define ft first
#define sd second
P operator+(P x,P y){return mkp((x.ft+y.ft)%MOD,(;}
P operator-(P x,P y){return mkp((x.ft-y.ft+MOD)%MOD,(;}
P operator*(P x,P y){return mkp(1ll*x.ft*y.ft%MOD,1ll**;}
map<P,bool> exist;
struct data
int x,id;
bool tp;
data (int x_=0,int id_=0,bool tp_=0){x=x_,id=id_,tp=tp_;}
bool operator<(data const d)const{return x<d.x;}
int n,m,cnt,idx,K;
bool fir;
struct segment_tree
int son[S][2];
int size[S];
P hash[S];
int tot;
void update(int x){hash[x]=hash[son[x][0]]+hash[son[x][1]];}
void insert(int &rt,int rt0,int x,int l,int r)
if (l==r)
int mid=l+r>>1;
if (x<=mid) insert(son[rt][0],son[rt0][0],x,l,mid);
else insert(son[rt][1],son[rt0][1],x,mid+1,r);
void erase(int &rt,int rt0,int x,int l,int r)
if (size[rt0]==1)
int mid=l+r>>1;
if (x<=mid) erase(son[rt][0],son[rt0][0],x,l,mid);
else erase(son[rt][1],son[rt0][1],x,mid+1,r);
bool cmp(int rt1,int rem1,int rt2,int rem2)
if (!rem2||hash[rt1]==hash[rt2]) return 0;
if (!rem1) return 1;
if (!rt1) return 0;
if (!rt2) return 1;
if (hash[son[rt1][0]]==hash[son[rt2][0]]) return cmp(son[rt1][1],rem1-size[son[rt1][0]],son[rt2][1],rem2-size[son[rt2][0]]);
else return cmp(son[rt1][0],rem1,son[rt2][0],rem2);
void display(int rt,int l,int r)
if (!rt) return;
if (l==r)
if (!fir) putchar(' ');
int mid=l+r>>1;
struct sequence
int rt,total;
sequence (int rt_=0,int total_=0){rt=rt_,total=total_;}
bool operator<(sequence const s)const{return t.cmp(rt,t.size[rt],s.rt,t.size[s.rt]);}
void solve()
int ptr=1,root=0,rt;
for (;ptr<=m;)
if (ptr-1&&!exist[t.hash[root]]&&t.size[root]) seq[++cnt]=sequence(root,srt[ptr].x-srt[ptr-1].x),exist[t.hash[root]]=1;
for (int cur=ptr;ptr<=m&&srt[cur].x==srt[ptr].x;root=rt,++ptr)
if (srt[ptr].tp) t.erase(rt,root,srt[ptr].id,1,n);
else t.insert(rt,root,srt[ptr].id,1,n);
int main()
for (int i=1,l,r;i<=n;++i) l=read(),r=read(),srt[++m]=data(l,i,0),srt[++m]=data(r,i,1),POW[i]=POW[i-1]*mkp(P1,P2);
return 0;