yaml file details of Kubernetes - v1.15.x

Posted by samuelxin on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 10:14:07 +0200

yaml file of Kubernetes

How K8S creates resources

K8S has two ways to create resources: the kubectl command and the yaml configuration file.

kubectl command line: The simplest one is OK, but the drawback is obvious. You don't know what's going on behind this command!
yaml Configuration File: Provides a way for you to know more about what it is. The advantages are as follows:

Integrity: The configuration file describes the complete state of a resource and clearly knows what is going on behind the creation of a resource.
Flexibility: Configuration files can create more complex structures than command lines;
Maintainability: Configuration files provide templates for creating resource objects that can be reused.
Scalability: Suitable for cross-environment, large-scale deployment.

What is yaml?

yaml is a language for writing configuration files. Yes, it's a language. If you have used json, it will not be unfamiliar to you. yaml is also known as a superset of json, which is more convenient to use than json.

Structurally, it has two optional types: Lists and Maps. List defines each item with - (dash) and Map is represented by a key:value pair.

YAML grammar rules:

 Use indentation to represent hierarchical relationships
 Tal keys are not allowed for indentation, only spaces are allowed
 The number of indented spaces is not important, as long as the elements of the same level are aligned to the left.
"#" means a comment, which is ignored by the parser from this character to the end of the line.
"---""is an optional separator

In Kubernetes, you only need to know two types of structures:

kubernetes yaml file template:

 yaml Format pod Define the complete content of the file:
apiVersion: v1       #Required, version number, such as v1
kind: Pod       #Necessary, Pod
metadata:       #Required, metadata
  name: string       #Necessary, Pod name
  namespace: string    #Necessary, the namespace to which Pod belongs
  labels:      #Custom Label
    - name: string     #Custom tag name
  annotations:       #Custom Annotation List
    - name: string
spec:         #Necessary, detailed definition of container in Pod
  containers:      #Mandatory, Container List in Pod
  - name: string     #Required, container name
    image: string    #Required, the mirror name of the container
    imagePullPolicy: [Always | Never | IfNotPresent] #The strategy of getting mirrors Alawys means downloading mirrors IfnotPresent means preferring local mirrors, otherwise downloading mirrors, Nerver means using only local mirrors.
    command: [string]    #Container startup command list, if not specified, using the startup command used when packaging
    args: [string]     #Start command parameter list for container
    workingDir: string     #Working catalogue of containers
    volumeMounts:    #Storage volume configuration mounted inside the container
    - name: string     #Referring to the name of the shared storage volume defined by pod, you need the volume name defined in the volume [] section
      mountPath: string    #The absolute mount path of the volume in the container should be less than 512 characters
      readOnly: boolean    #Is it read-only mode?
    ports:       #List of port library numbers to be exposed
    - name: string     #Port number name
      containerPort: int   #The port number that the container needs to listen on
      hostPort: int    #The port number that the container host needs to listen on is the same as Container by default.
      protocol: string     #Port protocol, support TCP and UDP, default TCP
    env:       #List of environmental variables to be set before the container runs
    - name: string     #Name of environment variable
      value: string    #Values of environmental variables
    resources:       #Resource Limitation and Request Settings
      limits:      #Setting of resource constraints
        cpu: string    #The Cpu limit, in core numbers, will be used for the docker run --cpu-shares parameter
        memory: string     #Memory limitation, in Mib/Gib units, will be used for docker run --memory parameters
      requests:      #Resource Request Settings
        cpu: string    #Cpu request, initial available number of container startup
        memory: string     #Clear memory, initial available number of container startup
    livenessProbe:     #For the settings of health checking for each container in Pod, the container will be restarted automatically after several times of non-response detection. The checking methods are exec, httpGet and tcpSocket. Only one of them can be set for a container.
      exec:      #Inspection mode in Pod container is set to exec mode
        command: [string]  #Commands or scripts that need to be developed in exec mode
      httpGet:       #To set the method of health inspection for each container in Pod as HttpGet, Path and port should be formulated.
        path: string
        port: number
        host: string
        scheme: string
        - name: string
          value: string
      tcpSocket:     #Set the health inspection mode of each container in Pod to tcpSocket mode
         port: number
       initialDelaySeconds: 0  #The first detection time after the container is started in seconds
       timeoutSeconds: 0   #Time-out of waiting response for container health check detection, unit second, default 1 second
       periodSeconds: 0    #Regular detection time settings for container monitoring and inspection, unit seconds, default 10 seconds
       successThreshold: 0
       failureThreshold: 0
    restartPolicy: [Always | Never | OnFailure]#Pod's restart strategy, Always says that once the operation is terminated in any way, kubelet will restart. OnFailure says that only Pod exits with a non-zero exit code will restart. Nerver says that the Pod will not be restarted again.
    nodeSelector: obeject  #Setting NodeSelector means dispatching the Pod to a node containing the label, specified in key: value format
    imagePullSecrets:    #The secret name used when the Pull image is mirrored, specified in key: secret key format
    - name: string
    hostNetwork:false      #Whether to use the host network mode, default to false, if set to true, means to use the host network
    volumes:       #Define a list of shared storage volumes on this pod
    - name: string     #Shared volume names (there are many types of volumes)
      emptyDir: {}     #The storage volume of type emtyDir is a temporary directory with the same life cycle as Pod. Null value
      hostPath: string     #A storage volume of type hostPath that represents the directory where Pod is mounted on the host machine
        path: string     #Pod's host directory, which will be used for mount's directory during the same period
      secret:      #Storage volumes of type secret mount clusters and defined secre objects inside containers
        scretname: string  
        - key: string
          path: string
      configMap:     #Storage volumes of type configMap mount predefined configMap objects into the container
        name: string
        - key: string

yaml instance file

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1   #Interface version
kind: Deployment                 #Interface type
  name: ptengine-demo               #Deployment name
  namespace: ptengine-prd           #namespace name
    app: ptengine-demo              #Label
  replicas: 3
    rollingUpdate:  ##Because replicas is 3, the total number of pod s is between 2 and 4.
      maxSurge: 1       #Start a pod first when rolling upgrade
      maxUnavailable: 1 #Maximum number of pod s allowed for rolling upgrades
        app: ptengine-demo  #Template name must be filled in
    sepc: #Define a container template that can contain multiple containers
        - name: ptengine-demo                                                           #Mirror Name
          image: reg.pt1.com/ptengine-prd/ptengine-demo:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT #Mirror Address
          CMD: [ "/bin/sh","-c","cat /etc/config/path/to/special-key" ]    #Start CMD
          args:                                                                #startup parameter
            - '-storage.local.retention=$(STORAGE_RETENTION)'
. . . . . . . . 
            - '-web.external-url=$(EXTERNAL_URL)'

          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent  #If it does not exist, pull it out
          livenessProbe:       #Indicates whether the container is in live state. If LivenessProbe fails, LivenessProbe will notify kubelet that the corresponding container is not healthy. Kubelet then kill s the container and performs further operations according to RestarPolicy. By default, LivenessProbe is initialized as Success before the first detection. If the container does not provide LivenessProbe, it is also considered Success.
              path: /health #If there is no heartbeat detection interface/
              port: 8080
              scheme: HTTP
            initialDelaySeconds: 60 ##How long is the start-up delay to start running detection
            timeoutSeconds: 5
            successThreshold: 1
            failureThreshold: 5
              path: /health #If there is no health detection interface/
              port: 8080
              scheme: HTTP
            initialDelaySeconds: 30 ##How long is the start-up delay to start running detection
            timeoutSeconds: 5
            successThreshold: 1
            failureThreshold: 5
          resources:              ##CPU memory limitation
              cpu: 2
              memory: 2048Mi
              cpu: 2
              memory: 2048Mi
          env:                    ##Pass pod = custom Linux OS environment variables directly through environment variables
            - name: LOCAL_KEY     #Local Key
              value: value
            - name: CONFIG_MAP_KEY  #The local policy can use configMap to configure the Key.
                  name: special-config   #Find the name in configmap as special-config
                  key: special.type      #Find the key under data in special-config with name
            - name: http
              containerPort: 8080 #Exposing ports to service
          volumeMounts:     #Mount disks defined in volumes
          - name: log-cache
            mount: /tmp/log
          - name: sdb       #Common usage, the volume is destroyed following the container, mounting a directory
            mountPath: /data/media    
          - name: nfs-client-root    #Direct mounting of hard disk methods, such as mounting the following nfs directory to / mnt/nfs
            mountPath: /mnt/nfs
          - name: example-volume-config  #In the first advanced usage, log-script and backup-script of ConfigMap are mounted to a relative path/to /... in the / etc/config directory respectively. If there is a file with the same name, they are directly overwritten.
            mountPath: /etc/config       
          - name: rbd-pvc                #In Advanced Usage 2, mount PVC (Presistent Volume Claim)

#ConfigMap is mounted directly as a file or directory using volume, where each key-value pair generates a file with key as the file name and value as the content.
  volumes:  # Define the disk to mount the volumeMounts above
  - name: log-cache
    emptyDir: {}
  - name: sdb  #Mount the directory on the host
      path: /any/path/it/will/be/replaced
  - name: example-volume-config  # For ConfigMap file content to the specified path
      name: example-volume-config  #Name in ConfigMap
      - key: log-script           #Key in ConfigMap
        path: path/to/log-script  #A relative path/to/log-script in the specified directory
      - key: backup-script        #Key in ConfigMap
        path: path/to/backup-script  #A relative path/to/backup-script in the specified directory
  - name: nfs-client-root         #NFS storage type for mounting
      server:          #NFS server address
      path: /opt/public           #Showmount-e Take a look at the path
  - name: rbd-pvc                 #Mount PVC Disk
      claimName: rbd-pvc1         #Mount the applied pvc disk

Reference documents:


Topics: Kubernetes JSON kubelet Docker