YonBIP development: modal box pops up on the interface to display data

Posted by y2yang on Fri, 07 Jan 2022 09:46:10 +0100


Add a reference contract button in the interface, and click reference contract to open the modal box. The modal box is divided into three parts: search, header and table body. Click search to load the data returned from the back-end interface to the header, and click the header line to load the table body data from the back-end interface, which is displayed below the header.

Implementation mode

Add button in the interface

Find the node to be developed in the application building service / building platform / application building / page modeling, click the node to enter the page template, and drag a button from the component / button control to the button bar:

Click the newly added button, modify the button name, and get the button code [button21wh]

Add the function of clicking the button in the front scaffold

Add the js file corresponding to the interface in the front-end scaffold

Open the Add button interface and find the following prompt in the console:

Create corresponding files in the project according to this prompt:

Write the following js code in the created js:

cb.define(process.env.__DOMAINKEY__, [], function () {
    let GT239AT4_59d8c469_VM_Extend = {
        doAction: function (name, viewModel) {
            if (this[name])
        init: function (viewModel) {
            console.log('GT239AT4_59d8c469_VM - 11111111111111111');
            console.log('************* - 11111111111111111 - *************************');

    try {
        module.exports = GT239AT4_59d8c469_VM_Extend;
    } catch (error) {
    return GT239AT4_59d8c469_VM_Extend;

Gt239at4_ 59d8c469_ VM_ Replace extend with tms_sale_87721978List_VM_Extend. In this way, we can write our own code in the init method.

Create a pop-up window on the front scaffold

Introduce your own react framework

To create a pop-up window, you first need to reference a react framework, such as tinper and antd. Bloggers are used to using tinper. Tinper is introduced here.

  • Install ynpm first
    npm install ynpm-tool -g 
  • You are using ynpm to install component libraries and components.
    ynpm install @tinper/next-ui --save
  • Since tinper relies on corejs, corejs needs to be introduced.
    Check to see if core JS is installed
    npm ls core-js
    BIP202111 version requires core JS @ ^ 2, but cannot use core JS @ ^ 3
    To install core JS:
    ynpm i --save core-js@2.6.10
    To import tinper, you also need to create SRC \ declaration d. TS file and write:
    declare module '@tinper/next-ui';

Write pop-up modal box assembly

This component needs to be written to src\client\web\components\modal \:

 * @title Sales contract reference
 * @description Click the sales contract on the BIP sales order to read the NC sales contract data through the interface and display it on the sales order in the form of modal box. The sales contract is displayed as the primary sub table. Click search to query the qualified sales contract header information, and click the header to automatically query the table body.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Button, Checkbox, Table, Modal, Pagination, Input, Form, DatePicker, Message, Select, Rate, Radio } from '@tinper/next-ui';
// import '@tinper/next-ui/dist/tinper-next.css';

import { HeadColumns, BodyColumns } from './constant'

import './index.less'

const moment = require('moment');

const { multiSelect } = Table;
const { YearPicker, MonthPicker, WeekPicker, RangePicker } = DatePicker;
const { Option } = Select;

let MultiSelectTable = multiSelect(Table, Checkbox);

class RefSalesCont extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            showModal: true,
            headData: [],
            bodyData: [],
            current: 1,
            pageSize: 10,
            total: 0
        this.form = React.createRef();

    close = () => {
            showModal: false

    open = () => {
            showModal: true

    getHeadSelectedData = data => {
        console.log('getHeadSelectedData', data);

    getBodySelectedData = data => {
        console.log('getBodySelectedData', data);

     * Header line click event
    headRowClick = (record, index, event) => {
        console.log('headRowClick', record, index, event)
        let _this = this;
        // Query the table body information corresponding to the current header
        let proxy = cb.rest.DynamicProxy.create({
            ensure: {
                url: `/saleContract/searchDetail/${ record.pk_ct_sale }`,
                method: 'GET',
                mask: true,
        proxy.ensure(null, function (err, result) {
            if (err) {
                console.log('Query contract details request encountered an error:', err);
                Message.create({ content: 'The request to query contract details encountered an error. Please check the error information output from the console.', color: 'danger', duration:null });
            if (result) {
                if (result.status === 200) {
                        bodyData: result.data
                    // Message. Create ({content: 'success in querying sales contract details', color:' success'});
                } else {
                    Message.create({ content: `Error in querying sales contract details: ${result.message}`, color: 'danger', duration:null });


     * Event triggered when a table body line is clicked
     bodyRowClick = (record, index, event) => {
        console.log('bodyRowClick', record, index, event)


    clear = () => {
        let { data } = this.state;
        data.forEach(item => item._checked = false)
            data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))

     * Select the sales contract and click OK
    sure = (event) => {
        let selectData = this.getHeadSelectedData();
        console.log('selectData', selectData);

        this.props.viewModel.execute("contractSure", {


     * Select paging
    changePage(eventKey, pageSize) {
            headData: [],
            current: eventKey,

     * Query sales contract
    handleSearch = event => {
        let _this = this;
            .then((...val) => {
                let params = {
                    // 'pageInfo': {
                    //     'currPage': _this.state.current,
                    //     'pageSize': _this.state.pageSize
                    // },
                    'queryInfo': {
                        // 'contrDateBegin': moment(val[0].contrDate[0]).format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
                        // 'contrDateEnd': moment(val[0].contrDate[1]).format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
                        'contrDateBegin': '2010-01-01',
                        'contrDateEnd': '2021-12-31',
                        'custName': val[0].custName,
                        'contrName': val[0].contrName
                let proxy = cb.rest.DynamicProxy.create({
                    ensure: {
                        url: '/saleContract/searchList',
                        method: 'POST',
                        mask: true,
                proxy.ensure(params, function (err, result) {
                    if (err) {
                        console.log('Query contract request encountered an error:', err);
                        Message.create({ content: 'There is an error in querying the contract request. Please check the error information output from the console.', color: 'danger', duration:null });
                    if (result) {
                        if (result.status === 200) {
                                headData: result.data.contrData,
                                // total: result.data.pageInfo.totalPages
                            // Message. Create ({content: 'success in querying sales contract information', color: 'success'});
                        } else {
                            Message.create({ content: `Error encountered in querying sales contract information: ${result.message}`, color: 'danger', duration:null });

            .catch(errInfo => {

     * Search criteria change
     * @param {*} changedFields 
     * @param {*} allFields 
    onFieldsChange = (changedFields, allFields) => {
        console.log(changedFields, allFields);

    render() {
        const layout = {
            labelCol: { span: 8 },
            wrapperCol: { span: 30 },
        let multiObj = {
            type: "checkbox"
        return (
                    ref={ref => this.modal = ref}
                    bodyStyle={{ padding: '16px 0' }}
                    // resizable={true}
                    // centered
                    <Modal.Header closeButton>
                        <Modal.Title>sales contract</Modal.Title>


                        {/* Contract search form */}
                            // layout={'inline'}
                            {/* <Form.Item
                                // rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Please select a city '}]}
                                <Select placeholder='Please select a city '>
                                    <Option value='china'>China < / option >
                                    <Option value='usa'>UK < / option >
                            </Form.Item> */}

                                label='contract date'
                                // validateStatus='error'
                                // hasFeedback
                                // rules={[
                                //     {
                                //         required: true,
                                //         type: 'array',
                                //         message: 'please enter the contract date'
                                //     }
                                // ]}
                                {/* <DatePicker /> */}
                                {/* <RangePicker format='YYYY-MM-DD' /> */}
                                    placeholder={'start ~ end'}
                                    dateInputPlaceholder={['start', 'end']}
                                    // onChange={(d, dataString) => {
                                    //     console.log('change')
                                    //     console.log(d);
                                    //     console.log(dataString);
                                    // }}
                                    // onPanelChange={(v) => { console.log('onPanelChange', v) }}
                                    // onStartInputBlur={(e,startValue,array) => {
                                    //     console. Log ('defocus event in the left input box of rangepicker panel ', startValue,array)
                                    // }}
                                    // onEndInputBlur={(e,endValue,array) => {
                                    //     console. Log ('defocus event in the right input box of rangepicker panel ', endValue,array)
                                    // }}
                                // required
                                label='Customer name'
                                // validateStatus='error'
                                // hasFeedback
                                // rules={[
                                //     {
                                //         required: true,
                                //         message: 'please enter customer name'
                                //     }
                                // ]}
                                <Input placeholder='Please enter customer name' />
                                // required
                                label='Contract name'
                                // validateStatus='error'
                                // hasFeedback
                                // rules={[
                                //     {
                                //         required: true,
                                //         message: 'please enter the contract name'
                                //     }
                                // ]}
                                <Input placeholder='Please enter the contract name' />
                            <Form.Item label=' '>
                                <Button colors='primary' className='login' onClick={this.handleSearch}>
                                    Search contract
                        {/* Form showing Contract */}
                        <div className='headBox'>
                                autoCheckedByClickRows={true} //Whether to trigger the check action by clicking the line
                                scroll={{ y: 280 }}

                        {/* Paging component */}
                        {/* <Pagination
                            showSizeChanger={false}// Show page number selection box
                            showQuickJumper={false}// Show skip page selection
                            pageSizeOptions={["10", "20", "30", "50", "100"]}
                            onPageSizeChange={(activePage, dataNumValue) =>
                                console.log('onPageSizeChange', activePage, dataNumValue)
                            confirmBtn={(e1, e2) =>
                                console.log('confirmBtn', e1, e2)
                        /> */}

                        {/* Table body details */}
                            autoCheckedByClickRows={true} //Whether to trigger the check action by clicking the line
                            scroll={{ y: 240 }}

                        <Button onClick={this.close} colors="secondary" style={{ marginRight: 8 }}>cancel</Button>
                        <Button onClick={this.sure} colors='primary'>confirm</Button>

export default Form.createForm()(RefSalesCont);
.searchForm {
    margin-bottom: 1em;

.headBox {
    // background-color: aquamarine;
    width: 100%;
    height: 30em;
export const HeadColumns = [
    { title: "Sales organization", dataIndex: "sale_org", key: "sale_org", width: 150, className: "rowClassName" },
    { title: "Contract code", dataIndex: "contr_code", key: "contr_code", width: 150 },
    { title: "Contract name", dataIndex: "contr_name", key: "contr_name", width: 150 },
    { title: "Contract signing date", dataIndex: "subscribedate", key: "subscribedate", width: 150 },
    { title: "Plan effective date", dataIndex: "valdate", key: "valdate", width: 150 },
    { title: "Planned end date", dataIndex: "invallidate", key: "invallidate", width: 150 },
    { title: "customer", dataIndex: "customer", key: "customer", width: 150 },
    { title: "personnel", dataIndex: "person", key: "person", width: 150 },
    { title: "department", dataIndex: "department", key: "department", width: 150 },
    { title: "Total quantity", dataIndex: "total_num", key: "total_num", width: 150 },
    { title: "Total price and tax", dataIndex: "total_money", key: "total_money", width: 150 }

export const BodyColumns = [
    { title: "Material code", dataIndex: "materialcode", key: "materialcode", width: 150, className: "rowClassName" },
    { title: "Material name", dataIndex: "materialname", key: "materialname", width: 150 },
    { title: "Specifications", dataIndex: "materialspec", key: "materialspec", width: 150 },
    { title: "model", dataIndex: "materialtype", key: "materialtype", width: 150 },
    { title: "Company", dataIndex: "castunit", key: "castunit", width: 150 },
    { title: "quantity", dataIndex: "nastnum", key: "nastnum", width: 150 },
    { title: "Unit price excluding tax", dataIndex: "nqtorigprice", key: "nqtorigprice", width: 150 },
    { title: "Unit price including tax", dataIndex: "nqtorigtaxprice", key: "nqtorigtaxprice", width: 150 },
    { title: "Amount excluding tax", dataIndex: "norigmny", key: "norigmny", width: 150 },
    { title: "Total price and tax", dataIndex: "norigtaxmny", key: "norigtaxmny", width: 150 },
    { title: "remarks", dataIndex: "vmemo", key: "vmemo", width: 150 }

Invoke the pop-up in the js file corresponding to the page.

cb.define(process.env.__DOMAINKEY__, [], function () {
    let tms_sale_87721978List_VM_Extend = {
        doAction: function (name, viewModel) {
            if (this[name])
        init: function (viewModel) {
            console.log('************* - tms_sale_87721978List_VM_Extend - *************************');
            // Click the reference contract button to pop up the mode box
            viewModel.get('button21wh').on('click', function (data) {
                console.log('************* - enter ref button - *************************');
                    type: 'modal',
                    payload: {
                        key: 'RefSalesCont',
                        data: {
                            viewModel: viewModel,
                            showModal: true

            // Callback event of OK button in pop-up mode box
            viewModel.on('contractSure', function(data){
                console.log('After entering the sales order page, the data transferred from the sales contract page is:', data)

    try {
        module.exports = tms_sale_87721978List_VM_Extend;
    } catch (error) {
    return tms_sale_87721978List_VM_Extend;

Topics: Javascript Front-end React