YUM command management and use of source package

Posted by southeastweb on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 13:02:20 +0200

YUM command management

1, YUM common commands

  • yum list software name lists rpm -q for each package (both installed and uninstalled)
  • View all warehouses using yum repolist
  • info query software information rpm -qi
  • Reinstall reinstall rpm -ivh
  • remove uninstall rpm -e
  • provides search
  • clean all clear cache
  • makecache create cache

1.1 installation package instructions

To install the software, you only need to give the software name

[root@ltt ~]$yum install traceroute

After analyzing dependencies during installation, you can install directly without interaction

[root@ltt ~]$yum install php  -y

Install the local rpm package. If there are dependencies, it will automatically download the required dependencies from the software warehouse (not from the software warehouse defined by repo)

[root@ltt ~]$yum   localinstall /mnt/Packages/bind-9.11.4-26.P2.el7.x86_64.rpm 

Install rpm package on Network

[root@ltt ~]$yum   install  Add online installation path

1.2 update package instructions

Compare the installed linux software with the software in the yum warehouse. What needs to be upgraded

[root@ltt ~]$yum check-update

Update software

[root@ltt ~]$yum update acl -y

1.3 delete package instruction

Install a samba software first

[root@ltt ~]$yum install -y samba

Deleting the software will not delete the dependency, but we should not use the delete software operation as far as possible.

[root@ltt ~]$yum remove samba  -y

1.4 warehouse instructions

Lists the warehouses available from the yum source

[root@ltt ~]$yum  repolist   View all warehouses

Query which package this file or command belongs to

[root@ltt ~]$yum provides docker    // Provides docker is a package that needs to be installed
[root@ltt ~]$yum provides /etc/my.cnf
[root@ltt ~]$yum provides cd

1.5 cache related commands

Cache yum source software warehouse, xml metadata file

[root@ltt ~]$yum makecache

Cache the package and modify the yum global configuration file

keepcache=1   // Start cache

View cached xml files

[root@ltt ~]$ls /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/

Another way to cache rpm packets

1. Install the plug-in. Only download the software package but not install it

[root@ltt ~]$yum install -y yum-plugin-downloadonly

2. Download the software to the specified directory

[root@ltt ~]$yum install -y yum-plugin-downloadonly  --downloaddir=/tmp

Clear all yum caches

[root@ltt ~]$yum clean all

Clear cached packages only

[root@ltt ~]$yum clean packages

1.6 package group management instruction

Lists all installed and available software groups

[root@ltt ~]$yum group list

Install an entire set of software

[root@ltt ~]$yum groups install Development  tools \Compatibility libraries\

Delete group using yum or up2date

[root@ltt ~]$ yum groups remove -y  Base

1.7 history command

View history execute yum command

[root@ltt ~]$yum history

Query history execution yum named ID details

[root@ltt ~]$yum history  info N

Undo historically executed yum commands

[root@ltt ~]$yum history  undo N

1.8 global configuration file

[root@ltt ~]$vim /etc/yum.conf 
keepcache=1   //When the cache is enabled, the download package will be cached for each installation, and yum clean will be cleared.                      

2, Build enterprise intranet online update

1. Configure the server:

1. The server builds the corresponding yum database directly

Alibaba cloud Network Library

base Library:

wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-7.repo

epel Library:

wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-7.repo

ngxin Library

// Create nginx file
[root@ltt yum.repos.d]$vim /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo
// Configure nginx.repo
name=nginx  repo

Set up ftp

1. Install vsftp

yum  install -y vsftpd

2. Close selinux
Temporarily Closed

setenforce 0

Permanent shutdown

vim /etc/selinux/config

3. Turn off the firewall
Temporarily Closed

systemctl stop firewalld

Permanent shutdown

systemctl disable firewalld

4. Start ftp service

systemctl  start vsftpd
systemctl  enable vsftpd

5. Create the directory corresponding to the yum warehouse

mkdir  /var/ftp/{base,update,nginx}

2. Build base, update and nginx library resources respectively

1.base Library

rpm Package from CD
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
cp -rf /mnt/* /var/ftp/base

2.update library

rpm Package source: alicloud
yum update -y --downloadonly
find /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7  -name "*.rpm"  -exec cp {}  /var/ftp/update \;
createrepo  /var/ftp/update

3.ngxin Library:
The rpm package comes from the official website of ngxin

yum  clean  all
yum install nginx  -y --downloadonly
find /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7  -name "*.rpm"  -exec cp {}  /var/ftp/nginx \;

Install createrpo and create reopdat createrepo / var / ftp / nginx

3. Install createrepo and create reopdata


yum -y install createrepo

Generate warehouse information

createrepo  /var/ftp/update

Successfully created view information:

[root@ltt ftp]$createrepo  /var/ftp/update
Spawning worker 0 with 107 pkgs
Workers Finished
Saving Primary metadata
Saving file lists metadata
Saving other metadata
Generating sqlite DBs
Sqlite DBs complete

One more directory: repodata
Entering the directory, there will be a repomd.xml file

4. Client configuration:

1. Close selinux and firewall and configure the same as the server
2. Configure yum library file

rm -f /etc/yum.repo.d/*.repo
base library
cat  > /etc/yum.repos.d/base.repo<<EOF
name=base  repo

update library:

cat  > /etc/yum.repos.d/update.repo<<EOF
name=base  repo

nginx Library:

cat  > /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo<<EOF
name=base  repo

3, Source installation package management

1. Basic overview of source package

The compiler in linux system is used to compile the source package. Usually, the source package is developed in C language, which is also because C language is the most standard program language on linux

The C language compiler on Linux is called gcc, which can be used to turn C language into executable binary files

If gcc is not installed on your machine, there is no way to compile the source code. You can use yum install -y gcc to complete the installation

2. How to obtain the source code package

nginx official website downloads are generally tar packages

[root@ltt ~]$wget https://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.21.3.tar.gz

How to install the source package

Compilation environment gcc, make

Dependent environment pcre, openssl

Prepare the corresponding software, such as nginx-1.21.3.tar.gz

3. Decompression

tar xf nginx-1.21.3.tar.gz

4. Configure. / configure

1. Installation path

2. Function module: detect dependencies

3. Generate makefile cd nginx-1.21.3

4. Compile make

Compile the source code into binary according to the contents on the makefile

5. Install make install

. / configure --prefix=/sort/nginx-1.21.3 dependent packages during compilation are generally:

  • yum -y install gcc
  • yum -y install make
  • yum -y install pcre-devel
  • yum -y install zlib-devel

installation is complete

echo $?

A return of 0 indicates that the installation was successful

When executing make, as long as there is no error when executing the script above, there will be no error here

Finally, execute make install to complete the installation

Check whether the installation is successful: cd /sort/nginx-1.21.3

If the four directories conf html logs sbin appear, the installation is successful

Topics: Linux CentOS server