Springboot annotation @ EnableConfigurationProperties, @ ConfigurationProperties, @ ConfigurationPropertiesScan differences

preface In the SpringBoot project, we often need to bind some configuration items with specific prefixes to a configuration class. At this time, we can use @ EnableConfigurationProperties and @ ConfigurationProperties annotations to implement. In SpringBoot 2 The @ ConfigurationPropertiesScan annotation is also added in 2.0 to help us simplify ...

Posted by amal.barman on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 15:30:49 +0100

Using pybind11 to write C + + extension configuration for Python: Build (compile and link)

Finally, we decided to choose pybind11 for the following reasons: It looks much more human than python's native C API My C + + code is not ready-made and requires a certain amount of C + + development workload, so I feel that Python is not very convenient. If the C + + interface has been given, it may be better to simply wrap it. pybind11 cla ...

Posted by epimeth on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 05:21:12 +0100