Implementing distributed locks with Go + Redis

Why do I need distributed locks User orders Lock uid to prevent repeated orders. Inventory deduction Lock inventory to prevent oversold. Balance deduction Lock the account to prevent concurrent operations. When sharing the same resource in a distributed system, distributed locks are often needed to ensure the consistency of ...

Posted by herrin on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 03:26:53 +0100

v74.01 Hongmeng kernel source code analysis (console article) | a concept that makes many people vague | 100 blogs analyze OpenHarmony source code

Analysis of 100 blogs This article is: (console article) | a concept that makes many people vague Relevant articles of the file system are: v62.02 Hongmeng kernel source code analysis (file concept) | why do you say everything is a file v63.04 Hongmeng kernel source code analysis (file system) | using library management to say file sys ...

Posted by dotty on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 05:17:31 +0100