Task of Gradle learning

1, Create tasks in multiple ways 1. Create task with task name Example: // Create task with task name def Task taskCreatedByName = task taskCreatedByName // def Task taskCreatedByName = task(taskCreatedByName) taskCreatedByName.doLast { println "This is a task created by task name" } Prototype: Task task(String name) throws InvalidU ...

Posted by skehoe on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 14:29:29 +0100

Knowledge points about ellipsis in Groory language

[original: Style guide] Style guide Java developers who start exploring Groovy can never get rid of the Java way of thinking, which will gradually affect the learning of Groovy. The following features will guide you to improve development efficiency and write more authentic Groovy code. The purpose of this document is to guide such deve ...

Posted by byenary on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 17:43:55 +0100

Gradle publishes the Java class library to the Maven central repository

Gradle publishes the Java class library to the Maven central repository Less nonsense. Let's start with a few websites: SonatypeGradleGitHub This article starts from scratch and uses Gradle 7 to publish the Java class library to the Maven central repository GitHub Action Automatically push the release when it is released. Register sonat ...

Posted by m0rpheu5 on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 12:56:12 +0100

Groovy source code analysis

2021SC@SDUSC Method call implementation in Groovy Previously, we analyzed the biggest extension of groovy to Java, that is, metaprogramming. Through the introduction of several core classes in groovy metaprogramming and the analysis of source code, we clearly understand how the bottom layer of groovy implements metaprogramming. Groovy met ...

Posted by gl_itch on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 11:27:07 +0200