JS code: DOM(document object model)

DOM(document object model): 1. Direct accessible dom element objects: 1.document.documentElement 2.document.head 3.document.title 4.document.body html, body, title and head Tags <body> <h1>linux is very much!</h1> <h1>js is very much!</h1> <h1>html5 is very ...

Posted by beckjoh on Sun, 21 Jul 2019 11:08:18 +0200

web Front-end - Exploring HTML5 (3) FileReader

brief introduction In HTML5, the file selection tag file adds the following two attributes: - multiple: Setting the current element allows multiple files to be selected. - accept: Sets the MIME type or suffix name that the current selector can choose. <input type="file" multiple name="" id="myfilePhoto" value="" accept="image/jpg, ima ...

Posted by maplist on Tue, 16 Jul 2019 21:43:54 +0200

Basic grammar and semantics of HTML

DOCTYPE DOCTYPE(Document Type) This declaration is at the front of the document, before the HTML tag, which tells the browser which HTML or XHTML specification the document uses. DTD(Document Type Definition) The declaration starts with <! DOCTYPE > and is case-insensitive. There is nothing in front of it. If there is anything else (excep ...

Posted by dawieharmse on Mon, 15 Jul 2019 20:04:50 +0200

JS-compatible instant preview effect of local map upload in different browsers

A long time ago, I met such a demand in my work. At that time, it was also a long time entanglement, but also google did not meet the appropriate demo. Today, I specially studied this problem, so I made a simple demo to realize the real-time preview effect of uploading pictures locally. Its standard browsers (firefox,chrome, IE10 and other bro ...

Posted by georgee.b on Sat, 13 Jul 2019 00:54:28 +0200

Interesting HTML5 Web Storage

HTML5 web storage, a better local storage than cookie s. What is HTML5 Web Storage? HTML5 enables users to store browsing data locally. Earlier, cookie s were used for local storage. But Web storage needs to be more secure and fast. These data will not be saved on the server, but they are only used for users to request website data. It can also ...

Posted by FlyingIsFun1217 on Tue, 02 Jul 2019 21:08:56 +0200

Interesting HTML5 Web SQL database

The Web SQL database API is not part of the HTML5 specification, but it is an independent specification that introduces a set of APIs that operate client database using SQL. Core approach The following are the three core approaches defined in the specification: openDatabase: This method creates a database object using an existing database or a ...

Posted by Kalland on Tue, 02 Jul 2019 20:41:27 +0200

Spring Mvc+Angular JS implements cross-domain solution through CORS

Original: http://www.cnblogs.com/tanghaiyang/p/4375601.html Theme Spring MVC Angular JS What is the cross-domain request problem? The reason for this problem is that modern browsers default to prevent cross-domain ajax requests for security reasons, which is a necessary function in modern browsers, but often inconvenient to development. But ...

Posted by eroticheretic on Wed, 19 Jun 2019 22:33:18 +0200

Use of canvas canvas

Canvas canvas **The last one used a canvas to make a changing bubble. This one describes how the canvas works 1.The canvas element of HTML5 uses JavaScript to draw images on a Web page, and the canvas is a rectangular area that controls each pixel of the canvas. 2. Canvas default size is 300*150 Do not use css to set width and height, will ...

Posted by tanita on Wed, 29 May 2019 18:11:06 +0200

Bootstrap Learning Document for Girlfriend (2)

Bootstrap Labels and Styles Bootstrap resets the style of some tags, that is, it sets the style with Bootstrap style for some tags, such as h tags, p tags and so on, which includes HTML5 tags. The sample code is as follows: You can annotate Bootstrap's css style file and refresh the browser to see the default style of the label in both cases. ...

Posted by acroporas on Wed, 29 May 2019 12:17:14 +0200

Bootstrap Learning Document for Girlfriend (3)

Bootstrap Note that many of the following components require js, so you need to introduce Bootstrap's JS files and jquery file in the sample code, I just did not write, pay attention to add oh. Font Icon Bootstrap also has free icons for us to use. These icons are very simple to use. Just like using fonts, changing the size of icons means c ...

Posted by decessus on Wed, 29 May 2019 11:19:59 +0200