2021-9-7 299. Number guessing game (Hash Table + secondary traversal, bucket + primary traversal)

Note: Title: You are playing balls and cows with your friends. The rules of the game are as follows: You write a secret number and ask your friend to guess what the number is. Every time a friend guesses, you will give him a hint to tell him how many digits in the guessed number belong to the number and the exact position are guessed correctl ...

Posted by dzm on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 11:17:57 +0200

Java Foundation

array 1. Memory analysis: Array memory analysis: 2. Basic characteristics of array The length is determined. Once created, the size cannot be changed. If the boundary is exceeded, an error is reported: ArrayIndexOutofBoundsExceptionElements must be of the same typeThe elements in the array can be any data type, including basic and refer ...

Posted by stormx on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 03:22:19 +0200

Annotation, reflection, dynamic proxy

Annotation, reflection, dynamic proxy The knowledge points involved are annotation, reflection, dynamic agent, AOP, Lombok, agent mode and ` builder mode``````````` Q: Have you ever used annotations in your work? Let's briefly introduce them. A: Annotations are often used in daily development, including @ overridden, @ Deprecated provided by ...

Posted by aragon1337 on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 06:46:38 +0200

Summary of common interview questions in JavaWeb mybatis

Summary of MyBatis common interview questions 1. What is MyBatis? 1. MyBatis is a semi ORM (object relational mapping) framework. It encapsulates JDBC internally. During development, you only need to pay attention to the SQL statement itself, and you don't need to spend energy dealing with the complicated processes such as loading driver, ...

Posted by jgmiddel on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 22:49:08 +0200

Glide source code compilation and analysis (Tencent interview reference answers, Android Interview Questions Summary)

public final class RequestOptions extends BaseRequestOptions<RequestOptions> { private static RequestOptions skipMemoryCacheTrueOptions; private static RequestOptions skipMemoryCacheFalseOptions; private static RequestOptions fitCenterOptions; private static RequestOptions centerCropOptions; private static RequestOptions circleCropOption ...

Posted by jonstu on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 08:03:08 +0200

2021 autumn recruitment interview - meituan

Part I - self introduction Part II - basic knowledge of Java 1. Differences between interfaces and abstract classes abstract class Abstract modified classes are abstract classes, and modified methods are abstract methods.Abstract classes can have no abstract methods, but classes with abstract methods must be declared as abstract classes ...

Posted by PHPsites on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 04:41:49 +0200

Can't miss distributed ID generator (Leaf -), 31 Java interview questions

The leaf segment mode is an optimization to directly use the self increment ID of the database as the distributed ID to reduce the frequency of database operation. It is equivalent to obtaining self incrementing IDs from the database in batches. One number segment range is taken out from the database each time. For example, (11000] represents 1 ...

Posted by elfynmcb on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 04:14:31 +0200