Server is implanted into Trojan horse, CPU soars 200%

Author: my name is Liu Banxian The online server uses a certain cloud, running the Tomcat, MySQL, MongoDB, ActiveMQ and other programs happily and perfectly. Suddenly a bad news came from the front: the website can't be accessed! I am in charge of this project. I immediately opened the server at ...

Posted by WeAnswer.IT on Fri, 12 Jun 2020 05:43:47 +0200

Redis Learning Notes: Java uses Jedis to connect Redis instances (the difference between using String and hash types to store objects)

Foreword: When we need to operate on redis, we need to start the redis-server service first, then start the redis-cli client to connect to the redis server to operate on it, or we can connect redis directly with the visual operation tool to operate on it.But what should we do if we need java programs to ...

Posted by boonika on Thu, 11 Jun 2020 18:11:27 +0200

Detailed explanation of the flash framework of python

Flask itself is equivalent to a kernel. Almost all other functions need to be extended, which needs to be implemented by third-party extensions. For example, you can use flask extensions to add ORM, form verification tools, file upload, authentication, etc. There is no default database for flask. You ...

Posted by Muggin on Thu, 11 Jun 2020 06:29:20 +0200

Go Daily library twirp

brief introduction twirp Is a RPC framework based on Google Protobuf.Trp automatically produces server and client code by defining the service in the.proto file.Let's focus more on business logic.Huh?Isn't this gRPC?Unlike gRPC, which implements its own set of HTTP servers and network transport layers, twirp uses the standard library net/http.I ...

Posted by om.bitsian on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 19:04:20 +0200

Intelligent Transportation Development New Planning under New Capital Construction: Intelligent Tunnel Monitoring Visualization System

Preface With the development of the contemporary economy, the transportation environment is getting more and more tense, together with the transportation needs in mountainous areas, the development of tunnel traffic construction is in the ascendant.Tunnel traffic planning is becoming more and more complete, but there are some inadequacies in mo ...

Posted by geo3d on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 18:45:20 +0200

JSON type of new MySQL 5.7 features

With the wide application of NOSQL database, the extensible storage mode also has a good support in relational database. A new data type, JSON, has been added in MySQL 5.7   JSON data type meaning In fact, without the support of JSON data type, we can save the data in this format by varchar type or text type, but why do we need to specifica ...

Posted by poppy on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 08:47:33 +0200

When the back end throws 100000 pieces of data to you at one time, as a front-end engineer, what should you do?

Some time ago, a friend asked me about a problem their company encountered. He said that the back-end didn't realize paging function for some reason, so he returned 20000 pieces of data at a time, and let the front-end display them in the user interface with select component. After listening, I immediately understood his confusion. If the 20000 ...

Posted by rhodry_korb on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 04:35:32 +0200

Spring Boot Admin manages monitoring data

The spring boot actuator monitors information about the application.The only disadvantage is that the monitoring information returned is data in JSON format. Another is that under the micro-service architecture, there are many instances of services, it seems impossible to see the monitoring information one by one, and so much address informatio ...

Posted by mdnghtblue on Tue, 09 Jun 2020 18:56:02 +0200

How to use alicloud oss to upload large files in pieces

How to use alicloud oss to upload large files in pieces It's very easy to upload large files, but there are various problems in doing it. I just made one. Now record the process demand The company's new project needs to do a large file upload function, which saves some engineering project models and ...

Posted by ariliquin on Tue, 09 Jun 2020 05:43:46 +0200

Chinese processing of parameter verification error information

As we explained in the previous section, gin can use the ShouldBind method to bind parameters to a structure, but we don't cover how parameter checking works. In this section, we describe how parameter checking and checking fail and then convert to Chinese to return to the front end. 1. Data Validation Let's start with a simple example: Create ...

Posted by tsukushi on Mon, 08 Jun 2020 18:55:59 +0200