New JDK1.8 Feature-Lambda Expression

Lambda expression Lambda expressions, also known as closures, are the most important new feature driving the release of Java 8. Lambda allows functions to be passed as parameters to a method. Using Lambda expressions can make your code more concise and compact. grammar The syntax format of the lambda expression is as follows: (parameters) -& ...

Posted by philweb on Mon, 11 Nov 2019 04:43:40 +0100

[code reconstruction and optimization] 1. Use Lambda to optimize the code and the beauty of Lambda expression

I. optimize threads //JDK 1.7 and earlier Thread thread = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Raw thread"); } } ); //Lambda created after JDK 1.8 Thread thread2 = new Thread(() -> { System.out.println("Lambda Create thread"); }); 2. Opti ...

Posted by nightkarnation on Sat, 09 Nov 2019 17:52:14 +0100

Comparing lambda expression with traditional interface function

In some articles written before this number, the author used lambda expression syntax, some readers reported that the code could not be understood.I thought java 13 was already out. The most important feature of lambda expressions in java 8 should be well understood. In fact, there are still a large number of programmers who do not use java 8, ...

Posted by dandare on Fri, 08 Nov 2019 01:53:05 +0100

Image Segmentation Source Parsing Based on Graph

The code to calculate the edge is as follows: def create_edge(img, width, x, y, x1, y1, diff): vertex_id = lambda x, y: y * width + x w = diff(img, x, y, x1, y1) return (vertex_id(x, y), vertex_id(x1, y1), w) def build_graph(img, width, height, diff, neighborhood_8=False): # The list contains the IDS and d ...

Posted by Tbull on Thu, 07 Nov 2019 20:26:03 +0100

Enable cross domain request (CORS) in ASP.NET Core

This article describes how to enable CORS in ASP.NET Core applications. Browser security prevents web pages from sending requests to other domains rather than serving them. This restriction is known as the same origin policy. The same source policy prevents malicious sites from reading sensitive data from another site. Sometimes, you may want ...

Posted by jmgrhm on Sun, 03 Nov 2019 18:48:21 +0100

[LeetCode] 76. Minimum covering substring

Title Link: Title Description: Give you a string S and a string t, please find out in the string S: the smallest string containing all the letters of T. Example: Input: S = adobecodebanc, t = ABC Output: "BANC" Train of thought: sliding window We only need to ensure that the ...

Posted by Saeven on Sat, 02 Nov 2019 08:13:15 +0100

Multithreading basics review

Basic knowledge review of multithreading 1) difference between process and thread Process: After the program runs, a QQ, wechat, etc. is a process. Threading: A thread is the smallest unit in a process. To put it simply, a thread is a different execution path in a program. Procedure: QQ is a program, a program on hard disk. 2) dif ...

Posted by omidh on Wed, 30 Oct 2019 11:22:32 +0100

The realization of vernacular series simple mvc web API framework

This article is a very simple mvc api framework, which is only used as the parsing method of the entry api, and this is not mvc framework, because there is no view layer, after all, most of them are front-end and back-end separation, of course, the view layer can also be provided, because only view is returned as text. GitHub address: https:// ...

Posted by tvance929 on Tue, 22 Oct 2019 13:46:16 +0200

Data cleaning, merging, transformation and reconstruction

Data cleaning Data cleaning is a key step in data analysis, which directly affects the subsequent processing work. Does the data need to be modified? Is there anything to change? How should the data be adjusted for the next analysis and mining? It is an iterative process, and the actual project may need to perform these cleaning operations mo ...

Posted by mooshuligan on Thu, 17 Oct 2019 13:14:30 +0200

Java 8 Lambda Expressions Detailed Manual and Example

If you haven't applied or even know anything about the new features of Java 8, you really need to pay attention to the public number "New View of Programs" and learn about the new features of Java 8 in a series. Lambda expressions have been commonly used in the new framework. If you don't know anything about Lambda, you really need to ...

Posted by ego0 on Sun, 13 Oct 2019 05:40:59 +0200