Python data analysis - Numpy numerical calculation - 1-ndarray creation and index

1. Create (1) ndarray data type bool inti (integer whose precision is determined by the platform), int8, int16, int32, int64 (signed integer) unit8, unit16, unit32, unit64 (unsigned integer) float16, float32, float64/float (floating point number) complex64 (complex, real and imaginary parts are represented by two 32-bit floating-point num ...

Posted by exasp on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 02:26:27 +0100

Numpy tips: how to check whether a numpy array is all 0?

catalogue 0 summary 1 numpy.any() 2 numpy.count_nonzero() 3 numpy.all()   4. Multidimensional arrays can be judged by axis 0 summary          This paper briefly introduces several test methods to judge whether numpy array is all zero. 1 numpy.any()         The numpy.any() ...

Posted by qads on Sat, 16 Oct 2021 08:31:01 +0200

Introduction of python using numpy module, basic operation, processing data, including generating array

Introduction to Numpy Numpy (Numerical Python) is an open source Python scientific computing library, which is used to quickly process arrays of arbitrary dimensions. Numpy supports common array and matrix operations. For the same numerical calculation task, using numpy is much simpler than using Python directly. Numpy uses the ndarray obj ...

Posted by T_Hayden on Sun, 10 Oct 2021 11:16:53 +0200