PDO basic operation of PHP

The difference between PDO and Mysqli For PHP 5 and above, the following methods are recommended to connect to MySQL: MySQLi extension ("i" means improved) PDO (PHP Data Objects) PDO is used in 12 different databases, MySQL is only for MySQL database. Both support preprocessing statements to ...

Posted by Zssz on Fri, 21 Feb 2020 08:49:47 +0100

Deepening PHP Object-Oriented, Patterns and Practice - Advanced Features (1)

Static methods and attributes We can access methods and attributes not only through objects, but also through classes. Such methods and attributes are "static" and must be declared with the static keyword. class StaticExample { static public $aNum=0; static public function sayHello() { self::$aNum++; p ...

Posted by crawfd on Thu, 18 Jul 2019 01:25:38 +0200

PHP Best Practices Database

PDO Extension PHP natively provides PDO extensions, meaning PHP data objects. Database Links and DSN DSN refers to the name of the data source, providing detailed information about database links. Generally, it contains the following information: Host name or IP address Port number Database name character set The DSN constructed by the above ...

Posted by tsinka on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 22:40:39 +0200

Filtration, validation, escape and password of PHP best practices

Filtration, validation and escape 1) Don't trust any data from data sources that are not directly controlled by you. Including but not limited to: $_GET $_POST $_REQUEST $_COOKIE $argv php://stdin php://input file_get_contents() Remote database Remote API Data from the client 2) Solution: filter input. To delete unsafe characters, data must b ...

Posted by werkkrew on Tue, 11 Jun 2019 21:58:17 +0200