My QT Creator learning notes -- UDP and TCP in network programming

Reference: Qt Creator quick start, Third Edition, edited by Huo Yafei 1,UDP UDP(User Datagram Protocol) is a lightweight, unreliable, datagram oriented and connectionless protocol, which is used when reliability is not very important. UDP is generally divided into sender and receiver. QUdpSocket class is used to send and receive UDP datagram ...

Posted by []InTeR[] on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 08:23:40 +0100

My QT Creator learning notes - processes and threads

Reference: Qt Creator quick start, Third Edition, edited by Huo Yafei 1, Process 1.1 process related classes, interfaces, signals, etc In the current application, you can call external programs to realize some functions, which will use the process. Qt's qpprocess class is used to start and communicate with an external program (process). To ...

Posted by ghadacr on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 14:56:05 +0100