Introduction to Socket communication based on UDP

Brothers of the previous one Previous address: UDP based UDP protocol takes data packets as the carrier of data transmission, that is, when data transmission, we need to package data into datagrams, in which the host address and port number are specified, and then the datagrams are sent out, using two key ...

Posted by gigantorTRON on Thu, 30 Apr 2020 23:24:21 +0200

Case: multi task udp chat

Case: multi task udp chat Explain Write a program with two threads Thread 1 is used to receive data and display Thread 2 is used to detect keyboard data and send data through udp Requirement Achieve the above requirements Summarize the characteristics of multitask program Reference code: import socket import threading def send_msg(udp_socket) ...

Posted by ViperSBT on Thu, 30 Apr 2020 22:54:03 +0200

Python -- an example of business monitoring based on domain name polling

Please indicate the source of Reprint: Most of DNS resolution is a domain name corresponding to an IP address, but through DNS polling technology, a domain name corresponding to multiple IPS can be achieved, so as to achieve the simplest and most efficient load balancing. However, the b ...

Posted by charlesg on Thu, 30 Apr 2020 20:59:38 +0200

Java learning note 53 (network programming: TCP protocol case)

A simple case client: package demo; import; import; import; import; public class TCPClient { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Socket socket = new Socket("", 7000); OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream(); ...

Posted by jwcsk8r on Thu, 30 Apr 2020 11:47:47 +0200

Java explains the basic implementation of RPC

Java explains the basic implementation of RPC RPC remote procedure call can be said to be the basis of distributed system. In this paper, we will demonstrate what happens to a normal RPC call through Java. I have seen people ask on the Internet why RPC is called remote procedure call instead of RMC remote method call. In my opinion, RPC is a re ...

Posted by Smicks on Sat, 25 Apr 2020 11:37:21 +0200

MySQL master-slave replication (operation and maintenance technology exchange group: 926402931, welcome to exchange together.)

Catalog 1. Environmental planning 2. binlog is enabled for all Mysql to ensure that the server IDs of all MySQL are different 3. The master database authorizes the master-slave replication user 4. The main database makes the database data fully available, and then pushes the backup file to the slave database 5. Restore backup files from the d ...

Posted by dwees on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 16:56:28 +0200

[Netty basic to entry] 1. Network programming IO mode BIO&NIO&AIO

IO model elaboration IO model is to use what kind of channel to send and receive data. Java supports three kinds of network programming IO modes: BIO, NIO, AIO BIO(Blocking IO) Synchronous blocking model, one client connection corresponds to one processing thread Disadvantages: 1. Read operation in IO code is blocking operation. If the c ...

Posted by digi24 on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 12:24:46 +0200

Creating WebSocket service with Go language

Thank you for your reference- Today, I introduce how to create WebSocket service with Go language. The first two parts of this article briefly introduce the WebSocket protocol and how to create WebSocket service with Go standard library. In the third part, we use the gorilla/websocket library ...

Posted by CAPTAINCAPSLOCK on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 09:03:45 +0200

mysql multiple instance mode (1) --- multiple configuration files

For the convenience of not starting from scratch, experiment directly on the existing database system, omit to install the database software (the method is similar), the following is an example of adding an instance essential information: [root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/issue CentOS release 6.5 (Final) mysql> \s ...

Posted by oughost on Fri, 03 Apr 2020 03:15:02 +0200

TCP realizes network communication between two computers in different LAN (Python Implementation)

Before, I have done the communication under the LAN. I found that I couldn't use the two computers on different LAN. I always want to realize something that can communicate in Wan! So there's this little project! Implementation ideas: Technology concept Usage method test result Code Implementation ideas: ...

Posted by plimpton on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 16:24:44 +0200