Dart Language Learning Records

Variable declaration Once a VAR variable in var Dart is assigned, the type is determined and cannot be changed object art The root class of all objects, that is, all types are subclasses of Object (including Function and Null) dynamic declares variables that can be assigned to any object. dynamic is the same as Object in that they declare var ...

Posted by widox on Fri, 12 Jul 2019 19:44:53 +0200

VR simulates human action

First of all, Thanksgiving God's sharing, there is no way ahead, the latter want to enjoy the cool is difficult. Drawing on the address of the Great God: http://www.gad.qq.com/article/detail/27127 I. Preparation 1. Equipment HTC Vive tracker (Tracker X3, Controller X2): A set of HTC Vive devices has two handles and a tracker, then ...

Posted by benjy on Fri, 07 Jun 2019 03:16:44 +0200