Tell you some basic Python methods you don't know about

When in if perhaps while Statement, or as the operand of the following Boolean operation, an object will be checked to determine whether a value is true By default, an object, if its class defines an object that returns False __bool__() Function, or a function that returns 0 __len__() Function, then it will be judged as false. In other cases, ...

Posted by Henks on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 00:57:28 +0100

Tanabata Festival is coming soon. Those with objects and those without objects must be magical. Make a fireworks show in Python

Today is Wednesday, and there are three days left for Tanabata Festival. I'm afraid it's too late to buy gifts for my girlfriend! Then what shall I do? Then prepare a fireworks video for her. But not everyone can set off fireworks in the whole city except local tyrants. I can only think about an ordinary one. Although the dream is far away, I ...

Posted by bigbob on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 08:01:29 +0100

Today, Tsinghua senior told you that the library in python had better be converted from pdf to docx. This library is very easy to use

environment windows 10 64 bitanaconda with python 3.7pdf2docx 0.5.2 preface Converting PDF files into word files is a very common operation. I believe that most people's free solution is to use some online conversion services, but there will be a problem of data leakage. This article introduces an open source free local conversion tool, pdf2d ...

Posted by parijat_php on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 12:33:55 +0100