Use of vue-routing

Use of Routes Vue-router is the official routing plug-in for Vue.js. It is deeply integrated with vue.js and is suitable for building single-page applications.The single-page application of Vue is based on Routing and components, which are used to set access paths and map paths and components.Traditional page applications use ...

Posted by xdentan on Sun, 12 May 2019 06:45:01 +0200

Vue2.0 Based on vue-cli+webpack Vuex Usage Explanation

Original text: Before that, I have shared the communication mechanism between components and between parent and child components, and our vuex is to solve the problem of component communication. What is vuex? The essence of component communication is to transfer data or componen ...

Posted by ruuyx on Fri, 10 May 2019 06:40:03 +0200