Halcon Blob case study of solder ball inspection -- ball.hdev

Posted by HektoR on Wed, 17 Nov 2021 07:23:12 +0100


Case study of ball.hdev

1, Results

1.1 reading the original drawing

1.2 welding ball inspection

2, Halcon code

* ball.hdev: Inspection of Ball Bonding
//Turns on or off the automatic output of icon output objects to the graphics window during program execution.
dev_update_window ('off') 
//Close the active graphics window.
dev_close_window ()
//Open a new graphics window.
dev_open_window (0, 0, 728, 512, 'black', WindowID)
//Read an image with different file formats.
read_image (Bond, 'die/die_03')
//Displays image objects in the current graphics window.
dev_display (Bond)

set_display_font (WindowID, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
disp_continue_message (WindowID, 'black', 'true')
stop ()    //Stop program execution.
//Threshold -- uses the global threshold to segment the image
threshold (Bond, Bright, 100, 255)
//Transform the shape of the region
shape_trans (Bright, Die, 'rectangle2')
//Set one or more output colors.
dev_set_color ('green')
//Defines the lineweight of the area contour output
dev_set_line_width (3)
//Define the region fill mode
dev_set_draw ('margin')
//Displays image objects in the current graphics window.
dev_display (Die)
disp_continue_message (WindowID, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
//Reduce the domain of an image.
reduce_domain (Bond, Die, DieGrey)
//Threshold -- uses the global threshold to segment the image
threshold (DieGrey, Wires, 0, 50)
//Fills a hole in an area with a given shape feature.
fill_up_shape (Wires, WiresFilled, 'area', 1, 100)
//Displays image objects in the current graphics window.
dev_display (Bond)
Define the region fill mode
dev_set_draw ('fill')
// Set one or more output colors.
dev_set_color ('red')
//Displays image objects in the current graphics window.
dev_display (WiresFilled)
disp_continue_message (WindowID, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
//Open an area with circular structural elements
opening_circle (WiresFilled, Balls, 15.5)
dev_set_color ('green')
dev_display (Balls)
disp_continue_message (WindowID, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
// Compute connected components of a region.
connection (Balls, SingleBalls)
//Choose regions with the aid of shape features
select_shape (SingleBalls, IntermediateBalls, 'circularity', 'and', 0.85, 1.0)
//Sort regions according to their relative positions
sort_region (IntermediateBalls, FinalBalls, 'first_point', 'true', 'column')
dev_display (Bond)
dev_set_colored (12)
dev_display (FinalBalls)
disp_continue_message (WindowID, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
//Minimum bounding circle of a region
smallest_circle (FinalBalls, Row, Column, Radius)
NumBalls := |Radius|
Diameter := 2 * Radius
meanDiameter := sum(Diameter) / NumBalls
mimDiameter := min(Diameter)
dev_display (Bond)
disp_circle (WindowID, Row, Column, Radius)
dev_set_color ('white')
for i := 1 to NumBalls by 1
    if (fmod(i,2) == 1)
        disp_message (WindowID, 'D: ' + Diameter[i - 1], 'image', Row[i - 1] - 2.7 * Radius[i - 1], max([Column[i - 1] - 60,0]), 'white', 'false')
        disp_message (WindowID, 'D: ' + Diameter[i - 1], 'image', Row[i - 1] + 1.2 * Radius[i - 1], max([Column[i - 1] - 60,0]), 'white', 'false')
* dump_window (WindowID, 'tiff_rgb', './ball')
dev_set_color ('green')
dev_update_window ('on')
disp_continue_message (WindowID, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
dev_close_window ()

3, Main function analysis

1.threshold (Operator)

threshold — Segment an image using global threshold.


threshold (Bond, Bright, 100, 255)

threshold (DieGrey, Wires, 0, 50)


threshold(Image : Region : MinGray, MaxGray : )
	Image (input_object)     //Input image.
	Region (output_object)   //Segmented region.
	MinGray/MaxGray (input_control)  //Lower / lower limit of gray value
		Default value: 128.0/255.0
		Suggested values: 0.0, 10.0, 30.0, 64.0, 128.0, 200.0, 220.0, 255.0
		Restriction: MaxGray >= MinGray

Threshold selects pixels from the input image whose gray value g meets the following conditions:

All points of the image that meet the conditions are returned as a region. If multiple gray value intervals (tuples of MinGray and MaxGray) are passed, a separate area is returned for each interval.

correlation function

auto_threshold (Operator)

//auto_threshold - segment the image using the threshold determined from the histogram.
auto_threshold(Image : Regions : Sigma : )

binary_threshold (Operator)

//binary_threshold -- segment the image using a binary threshold
binary_threshold(Image : Region : Method, LightDark : UsedThreshold)

char_threshold (Operator)

//char_threshold - performs threshold segmentation to extract characters.
char_threshold(Image, HistoRegion : Characters : Sigma, Percent : Threshold)

dual_threshold (Operator)

//dual_threshold — Threshold operator for signed images
dual_threshold(Image : RegionCrossings : MinSize, MinGray, Threshold : )

dyn_threshold (Operator)

//dyn_threshold - segment the image using a local threshold
dyn_threshold(OrigImage, ThresholdImage : RegionDynThresh : Offset, LightDark : )

fast_threshold (Operator)

//fast_threshold - fast thresholding of images using global thresholds
fast_threshold(Image : Region : MinGray, MaxGray, MinSize : )

hysteresis_threshold (Operator)

//hysteresis_threshold - performs a hysteresis threshold operation on the image.
hysteresis_threshold(Image : RegionHysteresis : Low, High, MaxLength : )

local_threshold (Operator)

//local_threshold - segment the image using a local threshold.
local_threshold(Image : Region : Method, LightDark, GenParamName, GenParamValue : )

threshold_sub_pix (Operator)

//threshold_sub_pix - extract horizontal intersections from images with sub-pixel accuracy.
threshold_sub_pix(Image : Border : Threshold : )

var_threshold (Operator)

//var_threshold - threshold the image through local mean and standard deviation analysis.
var_threshold(Image : Region : MaskWidth, MaskHeight, StdDevScale, AbsThreshold, LightDark : )

watersheds_threshold (Operator)

//watersheds_threshold — Extract watershed basins from an image using a threshold
watersheds_threshold(Image : Basins : Threshold : )

The above threshold function operators will be analyzed in detail later, and this paper will only understand

2.shape_trans (Operator)

shape_trans -- transform the shape of the region


threshold (Bond, Bright, 100, 255)
shape_trans (Bright, Die, 'rectangle2')


shape_trans(Region : RegionTrans : Type : )
	Region (input_object)        //Regions to be transformed.
	RegionTrans (output_object)  //Transformed regions.
	Type (input_control)  
		Type of transformation.
		Default value: 'convex'
		List of values: 'convex', 'ellipse', 'inner_center', 'inner_circle',
		 'inner_rectangle1', 'outer_circle', 'rectangle1', 'rectangle2'

shape_trans converts the shape of the input area according to the parameter type:

  1. 'convex' -Convex hull.
  2. 'ellipse' - an ellipse with the same moment and area as the input area
  3. ‘outer_circle '- smallest closed circle
  4. ‘inner_circle '- the largest circle suitable for this area.
  5. 'rectangle 1 '- the smallest closed rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis
  6. 'rectangle 2 '- smallest closed rectangle
  7. ‘inner_ Rectangle 1 '- the largest axis parallel rectangle suitable for this area
  8. ‘inner_center '- the point on the skeleton of the input area with the smallest distance from the center of gravity of the input area

3.reduce_domain (Operator)

reduce_domain — Reduce the domain of an image


It is equivalent to intercepting the main part to be studied

reduce_domain (Bond, Die, DieGrey)
threshold (DieGrey, Wires, 0, 50)


reduce_domain(Image, Region : ImageReduced : : )
	Image (input_object)          //Input image.
	Region (input_object)         //New definition domain.
	ImageReduced (output_object)  //Image with reduced definition domain.
operator reduce_domain Reduces the domain of a given image to a specified area. 
The new domain is evaluated as the intersection of the old domain and the region. 
Therefore, the new domain can be a subset of the region. The size of the matrix has not changed.

4.fill_up_shape (Operator)

fill_up_shape - fills a hole in an area with a given shape feature.


fill_up_shape (Wires, WiresFilled, 'area', 1, 100)
dev_display (Bond)
dev_set_draw ('fill')
dev_set_color ('red')
dev_display (WiresFilled)


fill_up_shape(Region : RegionFillUp : Feature, Min, Max : )
	Region (input_object)         //Input region(s).
	RegionFillUp (output_object)  //Output region(s) with filled holes.
	Feature (input_control)       //Shape features used.
		Default value: 'area'
		List of values: 'anisometry', 'area', 'compactness', 'convexity', 
		'inner_circle', 'outer_circle', 'phi', 'ra', 'rb'
	Min (input_control)         //Minimum eigenvalue
		Default value: 1.0
		Suggested values: 0.0, 1.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
		Typical range of values: 0.0 ≤ Min
	Max (input_control)        //Maximum eigenvalue
		Default value: 100.0
		Suggested values: 10.0, 50.0, 100.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 10000.0, 100000.0
		Typical range of values: 0.0 ≤ Max

fill_up_shape fills those holes in the input area with a given shape Feature. The parameter Feature determines the shape Feature to use, while Min and Max determine the extent to which the shape Feature must be located in order to fill the hole

5.opening_circle (Operator)

opens_circle - opens an area with circular structural elements.


opening_circle (WiresFilled, Balls, 15.5)
dev_set_color ('green')
dev_display (Balls)


opening_circle(Region : RegionOpening : Radius : )
	Region (input_object)           //Regions to be opened.
	RegionOpening (output_object)   //Opened regions
	Radius (input_control)          //Radius of circular structural elements
		Default value: 3.5
		Suggested values: 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 7.5, 9.5, 12.5, 15.5, 
		19.5, 25.5, 33.5, 45.5, 60.5, 110.5
		Typical range of values: 0.5 ≤ Radius ≤ 511.5 (lin)
		Minimum increment: 1.0
		Recommended increment: 1.0

opens_circle is defined as an erosion, followed by a Minkowsi addition with circular structural elements (see example). The opening is used to eliminate small areas (smaller than circular structural elements) and smooth the boundary of the area.

6.connection (Operator)

connection — Compute connected components of a region.


connection(Region : ConnectedRegions : : )
	Region (input_object)      //Input region.
	ConnectedRegions (output_object)  //Connected components

Connection determines the connected component of a given input Region in the Region. The neighborhood used for this can be set_system('neighborhood ', < 4 / 8 >) setting. The default is 8-neighborhood, which is useful for determining the connected component of the foreground. The maximum number of connected components returned by connection can be set_system('max_connection ',) setting. The default value of 0 causes all connected components to be returned. The inverse operator of the connection is union1.


select_shape - select a region with shape features


connection (Balls, SingleBalls)
select_shape (SingleBalls, IntermediateBalls, 'circularity', 'and', 0.85, 1.0)


select_shape(Regions : SelectedRegions : Features, Operation, Min, Max : )
	Regions (input_object)           //Regions to be examined.
	SelectedRegions (output_object)  //Qualified area
	Features (input_control)         //Shape features to check
	Default value: 'area'
	List of values: 'anisometry', 'area', 'area_holes', 'bulkiness', 'circularity',
	 'column', 'column1', 'column2', 'compactness', 'connect_num', 'contlength',
	  'convexity', 'dist_deviation', 'dist_mean', 'euler_number', 'height', 
	 'holes_num', 'inner_height', 'inner_radius', 'inner_width', 'max_diameter',
	  'moments_i1', 'moments_i2', 'moments_i3', 'moments_i4', 'moments_ia',
	  'moments_ib', 'moments_m02', 'moments_m02_invar', 'moments_m03',
	  'moments_m03_invar', 'moments_m11', 'moments_m11_invar', 'moments_m12',
	  'moments_m12_invar', 'moments_m20', 'moments_m20_invar', 'moments_m21',
	  'moments_m21_invar', 'moments_m30', 'moments_m30_invar', 'moments_phi1',
	  'moments_phi2', 'moments_psi1', 'moments_psi2', 'moments_psi3', 
	  'moments_psi4', 'num_sides', 'orientation', 'outer_radius', 'phi', 
	  'ra', 'rb', 'rect2_len1', 'rect2_len2', 'rect2_phi', 'rectangularity',
	  'roundness', 'row', 'row1', 'row2', 'struct_factor', 'width'
	Operation (input_control)   //Linkage type of the individual features.
			Default value: 'and'
			List of values: 'and', 'or'
	Min (input_control)      //Lower limits of the features or 'min'.
			Default value: 150.0
			Typical range of values: 0.0 ≤ Min ≤ 99999.0
			Minimum increment: 0.001
			Recommended increment: 1.0
	Max (input_control)    //Upper limits of the features or 'max'.
			Default value: 99999.0
			Typical range of values: 0.0 ≤ Max ≤ 99999.0
			Minimum increment: 0.001
			Recommended increment: 1.0
			Restriction: Max >= Min

Operator select_shape selects an area based on the shape. For each input region from Regions, the indicated Features are calculated. If each (Operation = 'and') or at least one (Operation = 'or') calculated feature is within the default limit (Min,Max), the area will adapt to the output (repeat)

Topics: Computer Vision image processing Halcon