Implementing classic AlexNet in AI Studio with paddy

Posted by JasperBosch on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 18:05:47 +0100

Introduction: Summarize the basic network structure of AlexNet. Because the computing power required in the implementation of this network is relatively large. Again, it was not tested.

Key words: AlexNet, Paddle


§01 AlexNet


   AlexNet was designed by Hinton, the winner of the 2012 ImageNet competition, and his student Alex Krizhevsky, so it is called AlexNet.

   compared with LeNext, AlexNet adds more learning methods for deep CNN networks. The reason why these methods can be implemented depends on:

   (1) data, a depth model containing many features, which requires a large number of labeled data to perform better than other classical methods;
  (2) hardware (computing power). Deep learning requires high computing resources, but the early hardware computing power is very limited.

  until 2012, these two points have been greatly improved, which has led to the birth of the AlexNet model. It proves for the first time that the learned features can surpass the features of manual design, and breaks the bottleneck perplexing the research of computer vision.

1.2 network structure

  the design concepts of AlexNet and LeNet are very similar, but there are also very obvious differences:

  • First: AlexNet includes 5 layers of convolution, 2 layers of fully connected hidden layer and 1 layer of fully connected output layer;
  • Second: the Alex net model changes the sigmoid activation function to a simpler ReLU activation function;
  • Thirdly, AlexNet effectively controls the model complexity of the full connection layer by dropping out to prevent the introduction of too many parameters;
  • Fourth: AlexNet introduces a large number of image widening, such as flipping, clipping and color change, which effectively increases the number of data samples, so as to alleviate the occurrence of over fitting phenomenon.

   since the image in the ImageNet dataset is much larger than that in the MINST dataset, a larger convolution kernel is required to capture objects. Therefore:

  • The window of the first convolution kernel is 11 × eleven
  • The second convolution kernel is reduced to 5 × 5. Since then, 3 has been adopted × 3.
  • In addition, the window shape of 3 is used after the first, second and fifth convolution layers × 3. The maximum pool layer with a step of 2.
  • The last is the general full connection layer.

  use the pictures in the book to show it

▲ Figure 1.2 1 alexnet network structure

Enter image size:(batch_size,3,224,224)
First layer convolution:  (96,3,11,11) ,
  padding = 2,stride = 4     
  Output size:(batch_size,96,55,55)
  ReLU(), Local Response Normalization
  max pooling(3,stride = 2)                        
  Output size:(batch_size,96,27,27)
Second layer convolution: (256,96,5,5) 
  padding = 2,stride = 1     
  Output size:(batch_size,256,27,27)
  ReLU(), Local Response Normalization
  max pooling(3,stride = 2)                        
  Output size:(batch_size,256,13,13)
Third layer convolution: (384,256,3,3) 
  padding = 1,stride = 1     
  Output size:(batch_size,384,13,13)
Fourth layer convolution: (384,384,3,3) 
  padding = 1,stride = 1     
  Output size:(batch_size,384,13,13)
Fifth layer convolution: (256,384,3,3) 
  padding = 1,stride = 1     
  Output size:(batch_size,256,13,13)
  max pooling(3,stride = 2)                        
  Output size:(batch_size,256,6,6)
sixth/seven/Eighth floor full connection floor
  (256*6*6,4096)   ReLU()  Dropout()        
  Output size:(batch_size,4096)
  (4096,4096)      ReLU()  Dropout()          
  Output size:(batch_size,4096)
  Output size:(batch_size,1000)

  in the original paper, two GPU s are used for interaction, so there are two branches in the figure. The AlexNet architecture has 60 million parameters and 650000 neurons, including five layers of convolutional networks, some of which contain max pooling, and three layers of fully connected layers. The number of nodes in the last layer is 1000, which is classified by softmax

  but if you are more careful, you will find that 224 of the first convolution layer × 224 is a problem. It should be 227 × 227. This is also mentioned in teacher Wu Enda's video, so the correct figure should be the following one.

▲ Figure 1.2 2 alexnet network structure

1.3 code implementation

  the following code comes from: Implementing AlexNet with padding , recorded here for later analysis and utilization.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
# @Time : 2020/1/21 11:18 
# @Author : Zhao HL
# @File :
import os, sys
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import paddle
from paddle import fluid
from paddle.fluid.layers import data, conv2d, pool2d, flatten, fc, cross_entropy, accuracy, mean
from my_utils import process_show, draw_loss_acc
# region parameters
# region paths
Data_path = "./data/my_imagenet"
Data_csv_path = "./data/my_imagenet.csv"
Model_path = 'model/'
Model_file_tf = "model/alexnet_tf.ckpt"
Model_file_keras = "model/alexnet_keras.h5"
Model_file_torch = "model/alexnet_torch.pth"
Model_file_paddle = "model/alexnet_paddle.model"
# endregion
# region image parameter
Img_size = 227
Img_chs = 3
Label_size = 1
Label_class = {'n02091244': 'Ibizan hound',
               'n02114548': 'white wolf',
               'n02138441': 'meerkat',
               'n03584254': 'iPod',
               'n03075370': 'combination lock',
               'n09256479': 'coral reef',
               'n03980874': 'poncho',
               'n02174001': 'rhinoceros beetle',
               'n03770439': 'miniskirt',
               'n03773504': 'missile'}
Labels_nums = len(Label_class)
# endregion
# region net parameter
Conv1_kernel_size = 11
Conv1_chs = 96
Conv2_kernel_size = 5
Conv2_chs = 256
Conv3_kernel_size = 3
Conv3_chs = 384
Conv4_kernel_size = 3
Conv4_chs = 384
Conv5_kernel_size = 3
Conv5_chs = 256
Flatten_size = 6 * 6 * 256
Fc1_size = 4096
Fc2_size = 4096
Fc3_size = Labels_nums
# endregion
# region hpyerparameter
Learning_rate = 1e-4
Batch_size = 32
Buffer_size = 256
Infer_size = 1
Epochs = 10
Train_num = 700
Train_batch_num = Train_num // Batch_size
Val_num = 100
Val_batch_num = Val_num // Batch_size
Test_num = 200
Test_batch_num = Test_num // Batch_size
# endregion
place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if fluid.cuda_places() else fluid.CPUPlace()
# endregion
class MyDataset():
    def __init__(self, root_path, batch_size, files_list=None,):
        self.root_path = root_path
        self.files_list = files_list if files_list else os.listdir(root_path)
        self.size = len(files_list)
        self.batch_size = batch_size
    def __len__(self):
        return self.size
    def dataset_reader(self):
        files_list = self.files_list if self.files_list is not None else os.listdir(self.root_path)
        def reader():
            for file_name in files_list:
                label_str = file_name[:9]
                label = list(Label_class.keys()).index(label_str)
                img =, file_name))
                yield img, label
        return paddle.batch(paddle.reader.xmap_readers(self.transform, reader, 2, Buffer_size), batch_size=self.batch_size)
    def transform(self,sample):
        def Normalize(image, means, stds):
            for band in range(len(means)):
                image[:, :, band] = image[:, :, band] / 255.0
                image[:, :, band] = (image[:, :, band] - means[band]) / stds[band]
            image = np.transpose(image, [2, 1, 0])
            return image
        image, label = sample
        image = image.resize((Img_size, Img_size), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        image = Normalize(np.array(image).astype(np.float), [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
        return image, label
class AlexNet:
    def __init__(self, structShow=False):
        self.structShow = structShow
        self.image = data(shape=[Img_chs, Img_size, Img_size], dtype='float32', name='image')
        self.label = data(shape=[Label_size], dtype='int64', name='label')
        self.predict = self.get_alexNet()
    def get_alexNet(self):
        conv1 = conv2d(self.image, Conv1_chs, filter_size=Conv1_kernel_size, stride=4, padding=0, act='relu')
        pool1 = pool2d(conv1, 3, pool_stride=2, pool_type='max')
        conv2 = conv2d(pool1, Conv2_chs, filter_size=Conv2_kernel_size, padding=2, act='relu')
        pool2 = pool2d(conv2, 3, pool_stride=2, pool_type='max')
        conv3 = conv2d(pool2, Conv3_chs, filter_size=Conv3_kernel_size, padding=1, act='relu')
        conv4 = conv2d(conv3, Conv4_chs, filter_size=Conv4_kernel_size, padding=1, act='relu')
        conv5 = conv2d(conv4, Conv5_chs, filter_size=Conv5_kernel_size, padding=1, act='relu')
        pool3 = pool2d(conv5, 3, pool_stride=2, pool_type='max')
        flt = flatten(pool3, axis=1)
        fc1 = fc(flt, Fc1_size, act='relu')
        fc2 = fc(fc1, Fc2_size, act='relu')
        fc3 = fc(fc1, Fc3_size, act='softmax')
        if self.structShow:
            print(, conv1.shape)
            print(, pool1.shape)
            print(, conv2.shape)
            print(, pool2.shape)
            print(, conv3.shape)
            print(, conv4.shape)
            print(, conv5.shape)
            print(, pool3.shape)
            print(, flt.shape)
            print(, fc1.shape)
            print(, fc2.shape)
            print(, fc3.shape)
        return fc3
def train():
    net = AlexNet(structShow=True)
    image, label, predict = net.image, net.label, net.predict
    feeder = fluid.DataFeeder(place=place, feed_list=[image, label])
    df = pd.read_csv(Data_csv_path, header=0, index_col=0)
    train_list = df[df['split'] == 'train']['filename'].tolist()
    val_list = df[df['split'] == 'val']['filename'].tolist()
    train_reader = MyDataset(Data_path, batch_size=Batch_size, files_list=train_list).dataset_reader()
    val_reader =  MyDataset(Data_path, batch_size=Batch_size, files_list=val_list).dataset_reader()
    loss = cross_entropy(input=predict, label=label)
    loss_mean = mean(loss)
    acc = accuracy(input=predict, label=label)
    optimizer = fluid.optimizer.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=Learning_rate)
    val_program = fluid.default_main_program().clone(for_test=True)
    exe = fluid.Executor(place)
    train_losses = np.ones(Epochs)
    train_accs = np.ones(Epochs)
    val_losses = np.ones(Epochs)
    val_accs = np.ones(Epochs)
    best_loss = float("inf")
    best_loss_epoch = 0
    for epoch in range(Epochs):
        print('Epoch %d/%d:' % (epoch + 1, Epochs))
        train_sum_loss = 0
        train_sum_acc = 0
        val_sum_loss = 0
        val_sum_acc = 0
        for batch_num, data in enumerate(train_reader()):
            train_loss, train_acc =,  # Run the main program
                                            feed=feeder.feed(data),  # Feed data to the model
                                            fetch_list=[loss_mean, acc])  # fetch error and accuracy
            train_sum_loss += train_loss[0]
            train_sum_acc += train_acc[0]
            process_show(batch_num + 1, Train_num / Batch_size, train_acc, train_loss, prefix='train:')
        for batch_num, data in enumerate(val_reader()):
            val_loss, val_acc =,  # Perform training procedures
                                        feed=feeder.feed(data),  # Feed data
                                        fetch_list=[loss_mean, acc])  # fetch error and accuracy
            val_sum_loss += val_loss[0]
            val_sum_acc += val_acc[0]
            process_show(batch_num + 1, Val_num / Batch_size, val_acc, val_loss, prefix='train:')
        train_sum_loss /= (Train_num // Batch_size)
        train_sum_acc /= (Train_num // Batch_size)
        val_sum_loss /= (Val_num // Batch_size)
        val_sum_acc /= (Val_num // Batch_size)
        train_losses[epoch] = train_sum_loss
        train_accs[epoch] = train_sum_acc
        val_losses[epoch] = val_sum_loss
        val_accs[epoch] = val_sum_acc
        print('average summary:\ntrain acc %.4f, loss %.4f ; val acc %.4f, loss %.4f'
              % (train_sum_acc, train_sum_loss, val_sum_acc, val_sum_loss))
        if val_sum_loss < best_loss:
            print('val_loss improve from %.4f to %.4f, model save to %s ! \n' % (
                best_loss, val_sum_loss, Model_file_paddle))
            best_loss = val_sum_loss
            best_loss_epoch = epoch + 1
  ,  # Path to save inference model
                                          ['image'],  # inference requires the data of the feed
                                          [predict],  # The Variables that hold the inference results
                                          exe)  # The executor saves the information model
            print('val_loss do not improve from %.4f \n' % (best_loss))
    print('best loss %.4f at epoch %d \n' % (best_loss, best_loss_epoch))
    draw_loss_acc(train_losses, train_accs, 'train')
    draw_loss_acc(val_losses, val_accs, 'val')
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # dataInfo_show(r'E:\_Python\01_deeplearning\03_AlexNet\data\my_imagenet',
    #               r'E:\_Python\01_deeplearning\03_AlexNet\data\my_imagenet.csv',
    #               r'E:\_Python\01_deeplearning\03_AlexNet\data\synset_words.txt')
    # dataset_divide(r'E:\_Python\01_deeplearning\03_AlexNet\data\my_imagenet.csv')


※ general ※ conclusion ※

  summarize the basic network structure of AlexNet. Because the computing power required in the implementation of this network is relatively large. Again, it was not tested.

■ links to relevant literature:

● relevant chart links:

Topics: AI Deep Learning paddle