[Baidu PaddlePaddle Paddle] 11 categories of food classification items

Project description Train a simple convolutional neural network to realize the classification of food pictures. Data set introduction The data set used this time is food-11 data set, which has 11 categories in total Bread, Dairy product, Dessert, Egg, Fried food, Meat, Noodles/Pasta, Rice, Seafood, Soup, and Vegetable/Fruit. (bread, dairy p ...

Posted by nakkaya on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 16:39:54 +0100

Interpretation of UNet algorithm principle and implementation of pad

Interpretation of UNet algorithm principle and implementation of pad U-Net network is a very classic image segmentation network, which originates from medical image segmentation. It has the characteristics of few parameters, fast calculation and strong applicability. It has high adaptability to general scenes. U-Net was first proposed in 2015 ...

Posted by judgy on Mon, 14 Feb 2022 11:01:57 +0100

Testing CIFAR10 data set with AlexNet in paddy

Introduction: We built the AlexNet network using the paddy framework, and tested the classification effect of AlexNet for Cifar10 using its supreme version on AI Studio. The classification effect of basic training on the test set can not exceed 60%, which is still a certain distance from the 80% classification effect mentioned in some arti ...

Posted by buzz on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 13:17:07 +0100

Application and practice of software engineering: case-based Paddle OCR code analysis

2021SC@SDUSC catalogue 1, Previous review 1.1} PP-OCR character recognition strategy 1.2. This paper introduces the strategy 2, PP-OCR identification process 2.1 data set collection 2.2 model configuration 2.3 training preparation Define label input and super parameters Instantiate the model and configure the optimization strategy ...

Posted by ilangovanbe2005 on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 23:41:59 +0100

Implementing classic AlexNet in AI Studio with paddy

Introduction: Summarize the basic network structure of AlexNet. Because the computing power required in the implementation of this network is relatively large. Again, it was not tested. Key words: AlexNet, Paddle   §01 AlexNet 1.1 INTRODUCTION    AlexNet was designed by Hinton, the winner of the 2012 ImageNet compe ...

Posted by JasperBosch on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 18:05:47 +0100

Deep learning - PaddleOCR environment installation

Deep learning - PaddleOCR environment installation PaddleOCR environment installation Official documents: https://gitee.com/paddlepaddle/PaddleOCR/blob/develop/doc/doc_ch/installation.md Note: it is OK to install here, but the old version is installed. express setup According to the document, we need the following environment dock ...

Posted by Dirtbagz89 on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 15:54:49 +0100

Tensor operation under Paddle and simple regression problems

Introduction: _Using the basic functions in Paddle, ordinary linear and Logistic regression problems, especially the observation of the structure of network coefficients, are designed, which can then be used to modify the network. Keywords: Paddle, Linear Regression, Logistics   _01 Basic Operations _Tensor is the basic unit ...

Posted by wittanthony on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 00:22:52 +0100