Node.js day 3

Posted by welshy123 on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 07:57:23 +0100


Promise object

Synchronous asynchronous in Promise

Using Promise to resolve callback hell

Promise package

Third party then FS solution callback hell

async and await keywords

async keyword

await keyword

async and await resolve callback hell

4. async and await read JSON file cases

Promise object

An object added in ES6 is mainly used to solve the problem that asynchronous codes cannot return values, so a Promise object is added

// Import fs module
import fs from 'fs';
// Create Promise object. The parameter is a function with two formal parameters;
//   resolve: pass, which is generally used to process data after success;
//   Reject: reject, which is generally used to process failed data;
const p1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // In the function, there must be asynchronous code;
    fs.readFile('./txt/a.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
        // Originally, neither our data nor err can be returned to FS through return Readfile();
        if (err == null) {
            // If there is no error, put the read information into through resolve Readfile();
        } else {
            // If there is an error, put the error in through reject Readfile();
p1.then(res => console.log(res));
// p1 stores the values thrown by resolve and reject!
// //then() can receive two parameters. The first function is processed successfully and the second function fails;

// p1.then(res => {
//     console.log(res);
// }, err => {
//     console.log(err.message);
// });
// p1.then(res => {
//     console.log(res);
// }).catch(err => {
//     console.log('File read error: '+ err.message);
// });


new  Promise()

A function must be passed in as the parameter of Promise. This function will be executed when new Promise is added

The function has two formal parameters: resolve # and reject

Function is equivalent to a container, where asynchronous code can be considered to be put

Pass the successful result of the asynchronous task to the resume function and the failed information to the reject function

p1.then(res => {
}, err => {
p1.then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
    console.log('File read error: ' + err.message);

// perhaps
    result => { /* Get successful results*/ }
	err => { /* Get failed results*/ }


The then method receives parameters of function type and only handles them successfully

The then method receives parameters of two function types, which are used to receive the value of resolve and the value of reject respectively

The then method can also receive only one parameter, indicating that it only accepts the value of resolve. The failure result can be captured by calling the catch method through chain programming

Synchronous asynchronous in Promise

Like other new objects, new Promise is a synchronization task

The result is obtained asynchronously (when the then method is triggered by a call to resolve)

Using Promise to resolve callback hell

// Import fs module
import fs from "fs";

// Create Promise object;
const p1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.readFile('./txt/a.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
        resolve(data); // Do not make judgment or consider errors;
const p2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.readFile('./txt/b.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
        resolve(data); // Do not make judgment or consider errors;
const p3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.readFile('./txt/c.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
        resolve(data); // Do not make judgment or consider errors;

// read file
const a = p1.then(res => {
    // The callback function in then() does not write the return value, but returns a blank Promise object by default. If a real Promise object is returned, it will be assigned to then();
    return p2;

const b = a.then(res => {
    // Return a Promise object and call the next then();
    return p3;

const c = b.then(res => {

Promise package

// Import fs module
import fs from 'fs';

// Encapsulate a method and return a Promise object;
function getPromise(url) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        fs.readFile(url, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
            resolve(data); // Do not make judgment or consider errors;

// call
getPromise('./txt/a.txt').then(res => {
    return getPromise('./txt/b.txt');
}).then(res => {
    return getPromise('./txt/c.txt');
}).then(res => {
// Note: now the conditions are not allowed. We can encapsulate it ourselves. In the future, if the conditions are good, let others encapsulate it, and we can call it!

Third party then FS solution callback hell

// //Ordinary fs module, readFile() returns undefined;
// //Then FS module, readFile() returns Promise object;
// import fs from 'fs';
// const a = fs.readFile('./txt/a.txt', 'utf8', () => {});
// console.log(a);
// //Download: NPM I then FS
// import thenFs from 'then-fs';
// const b = thenFs.readFile('./txt/a.txt', 'utf8');
// console.log(b);

// Import module
import thenFs from 'then-fs';

// read file
thenFs.readFile('./txt/a.txt', 'utf8').then(res => {
    return thenFs.readFile('./txt/b.txt', 'utf8');
}).then(res => {
    return thenFs.readFile('./txt/c.txt', 'utf8');
}).then(res => {
// In the future, many third-party modules will support Promise object development;

async and await keywords

Async and await were proposed in ES2017. The appearance of async and await keywords simplifies the use of Promise objects

async keyword

async is used to decorate a function

async modified functions always return a Promise object

All values in the function will be automatically wrapped in the resolved Promise

await keyword

await can only appear in asynchronous functions

await can pause code execution and let the later synchronization code execute first

await is followed by a Promise object

await returns the parameter res in the callback function in then () in the Promise object

async and await resolve callback hell

// Then FS import
import thenFs from 'then-fs';

// Define a function decorated with async
async function fn() {
    // Read file information in order
    const str1 = await thenFs.readFile('./txt/a.txt', 'utf8');
    const str2 = await thenFs.readFile('./txt/b.txt', 'utf8');
    const str3 = await thenFs.readFile('./txt/c.txt', 'utf8');

// Functions are not called or executed

4. async and await read JSON file cases

// Four methods of encapsulation: adding, deleting, modifying and checking; Request to return information;
//   Use: await + async + then FS + ES6 modularization

// 0. Import module
import fs from 'then-fs';

// 1. Query - prompt: the returned data is put into Promise object!
async function getData() {
    // Read the information / / await must appear in the async decorated function
    const str = await fs.readFile('./data.json', 'utf8');
    return JSON.parse(str);
// //Testing
// getData().then(res => {
//     console.log(res);
// });

// 2. Add - returns a Promise object;
async function addData(obj) {
    try {
        // Take out the value in Promise object;
        const arr = await getData();
        // Adding data to an array = arr[arr.length - 1].id + 1;
        // write in
        fs.writeFile('./data.json', JSON.stringify(arr));
        return 'Added successfully';
    } catch (e) {
        return 'Add failed';
// //Testing
// addData({
//     "author": "big Liu",
//     "bookname": "trisomy 2",
//     "publisher": "Hubei people's Publishing House"
// }).then(res => {
//     console.log(res);
// })

// 3. Delete - returns a Promise object;
async function delData(id) {
    try {
        // Get array
        const arr = await getData();
        // Delete the element id, which is the same as the passed id value
        //    Filter the new array. Only when the passed id value is different from the id value of the element can it be qualified to be put into the new array;
        const newArr = arr.filter(ele => id !=;
        // Write file - write new array!
        fs.writeFile('./data.json', JSON.stringify(newArr));
        return 'Deleted successfully';
    } catch (e) {
        return 'Delete failed';
// //If the test id does not exist, it will not cause an error!
// delData(6).then(res => {
//     console.log(res);
// });

// 4. Modify - return a Promise object;
async function updateData(obj) {
    try {
        // Get array
        const arr = await getData();
        // Get the index value, delete the element and add the element;
        const index = arr.findIndex(ele => ==;
        arr.splice(index, 1, obj);
        // write file
        fs.writeFile('./data.json', JSON.stringify(arr));
        // return
        return 'Modified successfully';
    } catch (e) {
        return 'Modification failed';
// //Testing
// updateData({
//     "author": "Liu Cixin",
//     "bookname": "three body 3 - death eternal life",
//     "publisher": "Hubei people's Publishing House",
//     "id": 5
// }).then(res => {
//     console.log(res);
// });

// export
export default {
    getData, addData, delData, updateData

Topics: node.js Front-end linq